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Photolysis of hexamethylenediaminetetra(methylenephosphonic acid)(HDTMP)using manganese and hydrogen peroxide

作     者:Ramona Kuhn Isaac Mbir Bryant Robert Jensch Stephan Liebsch Marion Martienssen 

作者机构:Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-SenftenbergInstitute of Environmental Technology and Process EngineeringChair of Biotechnology of Water Treatment03046CottbusGermany University of Cape CoastDepartment of Environmental ScienceCape CoastGhana Zschimmer&Schwarz Mohsdorf GmbH&Co KGChemnitztalstr.109217BurgstoadtGermany 

出 版 物:《Emerging Contaminants》 (新兴污染物(英文))

年 卷 期:2020年第6卷第1期

页      面:10-19页

学科分类:081704[工学-应用化学] 07[理学] 08[工学] 0817[工学-化学工程与技术] 070303[理学-有机化学] 0703[理学-化学] 

主  题:HDTMP Hydrogen peroxide Manganese LC/MS Phosphonates Photolysis 

摘      要:Aminophosphonates such as hexamethylenediaminetreta(methylene phosphonic acid)(HDTMP)are categorised as persistent *** are commonly used as scale inhibitors in cooling water systems and desalination *** utilisation,they are often discharged into aquatic environment without *** oxidation processes(AOP)are promising pre-treatments for industrial wastewater *** investigated the photodegradation of HDTMP with or without addition of manganese(Mn2t)and/or *** to results of our former photodegradation studies,we found that HDTMP also undergoes conversion with or without additives during the ultra violet(UV)*** reaction rate was most affected by the addition of H2O2,*** HDTMP degradation was accelerated by a factor 3.85 compared with UV treatment without *** addition of Mn2t accelerated the degradation of HDTMP only by a factor 1.53 compared with the UV treatment without *** combined addition of Mn2t and H2O2 accelerated the HDTMP degradation by a factor ***,the initial cleavage is not initiated as expected at the CeN bond but at the CeP bond of the methyl carbon and the phosphorus of the methylenephosphonic acid group of *** initial cleavage was independent whether the UV treatment was performed with or without ***,we conclude that the degradation mechanism is similar independent of the four tested treatment *** identified amino(methylenephosphonic acid)AMPA,dimethylamino(methylenephosphonic acid)DAMP and iminodi(methylenephosphonic acid)IDMP as the major breakdown products by performing LC/MS *** major mineralisation products were ortho-phosphate,ammonium and carbon *** mass balances of unknown breakdown products allowed us to speculate about the molecular size of the unknown organic breakdown products.

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