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Primary parahiatal hernias:A case report and review of the literature

作     者:Silviu Daniel Preda Stefan Patrascu Bogdan Silviu Ungureanu Daniel Cristian Vasile Bintintan Cristian M Nica Valentin Calu Victor Strambu Konstantinos Sapalidis Valeriu Marin Surlin 

作者机构:1^(st) Clinic of SurgeryClinical Emergency Hospital of CraiovaUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy of CraiovaCraiova 200642DoljRomania Gastroenterology ClinicClinical Emergency Hospital of CraiovaUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy of CraiovaCraiova 200642DoljRomania Departament of General Surgery“Coltea”Clinical HospitalCarol Davilla University of Medicine and PharmacyBucharest 030171Romania 1^(st) Clinic of Surgery of Cluj NapocaIuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj NapocaCluj Napoca 400006ClujRomania 3^(rd) Clinic of SurgeryTimisoara Emergency Clinical County Hospital“Victor Babes”University of Medicine and Pharmacy of TimisoaraTimisoara 300723Romania Clinic of Surgery“Elias”Emergency University Hospital BucharestUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy“Carol Davila”Bucharest 011461Romania Clinic of Surgery of“Dr.Carol Davila”Nephrology Clinical HospitalUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy“Carol Davila”Bucharest 010731Romania 3^(rd) Surgery ClinicUniversity General Hospital of ThessalonikiAristotle University of ThessalonikiSalonic 54636Greece 

出 版 物:《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 (世界临床病例杂志)

年 卷 期:2019年第7卷第23期

页      面:4020-4028页


学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100214[医学-肿瘤学] 10[医学] 

主  题:Parahiatal Hernia Review Literature Case report 

摘      要:BACKGROUND Parahiatal hernias(PHHs)are rare occurring disease,with a reported incidence of 0.2%-0.35%in patients undergoing surgery for hiatal hernia.We found only a handful of cases of primary PHHs in the literature.The aim of this paper is to present a case of a primary PHH and perform a systematic review of the literature.CASE SUMMARY We report the case of a 60-year-old Caucasian woman with no history of thoracoabdominal surgery or trauma,which accused epigastric pain,starting 2 years prior,pseudo-angina and bloating.Based on imagistic findings the patient was diagnosed with a PHH and an associated type I hiatal hernia.Patient underwent laparoscopic surgery and we found an opening in the diaphragm of 7 cm diameter,lateral to the left crus,through which 40%-50% of the stomach had herniated in the thorax,and a small sliding hiatal hernia with an anatomically intact hiatal orifice but slightly enlarged.We performed closure of the defect,suture hiatoplasty and a“floppyNissen fundoplication.Postoperative outcome was uneventful,with the patient discharged on the fifth postoperative day.We performed a review of the literature and identified eight articles regarding primary PHH.All data was compiled into one tabled and analyzed.CONCLUSION Primary PHHs are rare entities,with similar clinical and imagistic findings with paraesophageal hernias.Treatment usually includes laparoscopic approach with closure of the defect and the esophageal hiatus should be dissected and analyzed.Postoperative outcome is favorable in all cases reviewed and no recurrence is cited in the literature.

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