Plateau Marsh Methane Oxidation as affected by Inorganic N
Plateau Marsh Methane Oxidation as affected by Inorganic N作者机构:LaboratoryofQuantitativeVegetationEcologyInstituteofBotanyChineseAcademyofSciencesBeijing100093(China)/E-mail:wangzp5@*** StateKeyLaboratoryofGasGeochemistryLanzhouInstituteofGeology.ChineseAcademyofSciencesLanzhou730000(China) CollegeofResourceandEnvironmentBEijingNormailUniversityBeijing100875(China)
出 版 物:《Pedosphere》 (土壤圈(英文版))
年 卷 期:2004年第14卷第2期
页 面:195-204页
学科分类:09[农学] 0903[农学-农业资源与环境] 090301[农学-土壤学]
基 金:Project supported by the Knowledge Innovation Project in Resource and Environment Fields Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX3-SW-128) the Open Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Gas Geochemistry (SJJ-01-07) and the National Key Basic Research
主 题:ammonium inhibition inorganic N methane oxidation plateau marsh
摘 要:In a series of laboratory incubations using soils of two contrasting sitesfrom a temperate marsh on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, potential methane (CH_4) oxidation rates weremeasured to study the effects of inorganic N inputs on CH_4 oxidation. For adrained site, subsurfacepeat (5--15 cm) at an initial 20 mu L CH_4 L^(-1) showed a significantly different (P 0.05) CH_4oxidation rate compared to other soil depths, with a maximal rate of 20.9 ng CH_4 gDW (dryweight)^(-1) h^(-1); the underlying mineral soil layers (15--30 and 30--50 cm) also had a strongCH_4 oxidation capacity at about an initial 2 000 mu L CH_4 L^(-1). With a waterlogged site, theCH_4 oxidation rate in an aerobic incubation was significantly greater (P 0 05) in the surfacesoil layer (0--5 cm) compared to the 15--30 and 30--50 cm depths. There was generally no or a veryweak effect from addition of NO_3^- on CH_4 oxidation. In marked contrast, NH_4^+ salts, such as(NH_4)_2SO_4, NH_4Cl and NH_4NO_3, exhibited strong inhibitions, which varied as a function of theadded salts and the initial CH_4 level Increasing NH_4^+ usually resulted in greater inhibition andincreasing initial CH_4 concentrations resulted in less NH_4^+ inhibition on CH4 oxidation innatural high-altitude, low-latitude wetlands could be as important as has been reported foragricultural and forest soils. The NH_4^+ effects on the CH_4 oxidation rate need to be furtherinvestigated in a wide range of natural wetland soil types.