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A new cave-dwelling blind loach, Triplophysa erythraea sp. nov.(Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae), from Hunan Province, China

A new cave-dwelling blind loach, Triplophysa erythraea sp. nov.(Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae), from Hunan Province, China

作     者:Tai-Fu Huang Pei-Ling Zhang Xing-Long Huang Tao Wu Xiao-Yan Gong You-Xiang Zhang Qing-Zhong Peng Zhi-Xiao Liu 

作者机构:College of Biology and Environmental Sciences Jishou University 

出 版 物:《Zoological Research》 (动物学研究(英文))

年 卷 期:2019年第40卷第4期

页      面:331-336页


学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 07[理学] 

基  金:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31560130) Learning Research&Innovative Experiment Project of Hunan Province(Xiangjiaotong No.255-601) 

主  题:Hunan Province Triplophysa characters 

摘      要:DEAR EDITOR, A new blind loach species, Triplophysa erythraea sp. nov., from a karst cave in Hunan Province, central south China, is described based on morphology and cyt b gene sequencing. It can be distinguished from other species of Triplophysa by the following combi nation of characters: eyes absent;body scaleless and colorless;caudal-fin 17;maxillary barbel Ion gest;fins tran sparent, compressed pectoral-fin reachi ng 2/3 distanee between pectoral-fin and pelvic-fin origins;pelvicfin and dorsal-fin origins relative;posterior chamber of airbladder well developed, Iong, oval, and dissociative.

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