



文献详情 >城市校园 收藏



作     者:韩昊英 李蕊芳 希巴.鲍.阿卡尔 琳达.拉尼阿多 杰莱娜.佩科维奇 HAN Haoying;LI Ruifang;Hiba Bou Akar;Linda Laniado;Jelena Pejkovic

出 版 物:《世界建筑》 (World Architecture)

年 卷 期:2005年第3期

页      面:30-32页

学科分类:12[管理学] 1204[管理学-公共管理] 08[工学] 081303[工学-城市规划与设计(含:风景园林规划与设计)] 0813[工学-建筑学] 0833[工学-城乡规划学] 083302[工学-城乡规划与设计] 

主  题:城市设计 校园 新设计 零售商 现状 收入 基础 丰富 空间 架空 

摘      要:Our aim in this project is twofold. Firstly, we aspire to capture as many of the activities that are already present on the site as possible and to build upon them. Secondly, we attempt to bridge the existing gap between the low income east and the higher income west sides of the tracks by designing a campus of activities and spaces which invite the two to mix. The central notion that guides our design is to preserve whether physically or experientially what is there, and then carefully intervene to achieve the desired dynamic quality of space. The set of interventions is drawn into the urban texture by attraction points that anchor the site to its context. Rather than being a negative space of what has been built, these created attraction nodes will connect the structure to the urban fabric. The focus of our intervention is the new library, situated halfway between Wudaokou and Zhichunlu stations, which is to serve both students from the surrounding universities and residents of the site as well as the broader surrounding area.

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