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Prescription for Obesity: Eat Less and Move More. Is It Really That Simple?

Prescription for Obesity: Eat Less and Move More. Is It Really That Simple?

作     者:Karen M. Deck Beth Haney Camille F. Fitzpatrick Susanne J. Phillips Susan M. Tiso 

作者机构:Core Faculty Graduate Nursing Programs University of California Irvine Irvine CA USA 

出 版 物:《Open Journal of Nursing》 (护理学期刊(英文))

年 卷 期:2014年第4卷第9期

页      面:656-662页

学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100214[医学-肿瘤学] 10[医学] 

主  题:Obesity Management Options 

摘      要:“Obesity is a disease. This is the declaration by the American Medical Association in June, 2013. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of options for patients who meet the criteria of obesity. Primary care nurse practitioners are urged to confront obesity head on, with early, individualized intervention to reduce associated morbidity and mortality. Options for weight loss and maintenance are abundant and often confusing or unattractive to the patient. Working with patients to achieve realistic, reasonable, and patient-tailored goals for weight loss and exercise programs are paramount to achieving a healthy weight and lifestyle.

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