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Monster,Madman or Victim? The Judgment of Maycomb Society and the Mystery of Boo Radley from the Book To Kill A Mockingbird

Monster,Madman or Victim? The Judgment of Maycomb Society and the Mystery of Boo Radley from the Book To Kill A Mockingbird

作     者:钟茵婷 ZHONG Yin-ting


出 版 物:《海外英语》 (Overseas English)

年 卷 期:2018年第19期

页      面:185-186,190页

学科分类:0501[文学-中国语言文学] 050108[文学-比较文学与世界文学] 05[文学] 

主  题:To Kill A Mockingbird Boo Radley Maycomb Society Gossip racial inequality lawless policies 

摘      要:To Kill A Mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee. In the novel, Lee reveals the situation happened in Maycomb city and depicts Arthur(Boo) Radley, a mysterious hermit who is recognized as a madman by citizens. My paper is going to argue for Boo that he is not a madman, being locked out by his father; instead, he chooses to be a hermit due to the awfulness of the city:its prevalent gossip, its racial inequality and its lawless policies.

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