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Enlightenment of Brownfield Development Practices in China and Abroad on Urban Development of China

Enlightenment of Brownfield Development Practices in China and Abroad on Urban Development of China

作     者:YUE Xiaoyan ZHOU Jun LI Qing 

作者机构:Institute for Urban and Environmental StudiesChinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing Union University Unit 66240 of PLA 

出 版 物:《Journal of Landscape Research》 (景观研究(英文版))

年 卷 期:2012年第4卷第9期

页      面:24-26,31页

学科分类:08[工学] 081303[工学-城市规划与设计(含:风景园林规划与设计)] 0813[工学-建筑学] 

主  题:Brownfield development Classical cases Elaboration and evaluation Urban development Enlightenment 

摘      要:This study proposed obstacles in the brownfield development and analyzed 3 classical cases of brownfield development:German Ruhr Industrial Area,the American Automobile City and 798 Art Zone in China.Based on the comprehensive elaboration and evaluation of the driving factors,patterns,rehabilitation benefits,costs and prospects of brownfield development,its enlightenment on urban development of China was summarized from 4 perspectives:inhibiting urban sprawl,improving environmental quality of brownfield,promoting urban renewal and reserving cultural heritage.

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