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PM_(2.5)-Metabolic Syndrome Causal Association:A Mendelian Randomization Study

作     者:Fan Ding Ning Ma Shi Zhao Qingan Wang Zhanbing Ma Yuhong Zhang Yi Zhao Yu Zhao Fan Ding;Ning Ma;Shi Zhao;Qingan Wang;Zhanbing Ma;Yuhong Zhang;Yi Zhao;Yu Zhao

作者机构:School of Public HealthNingxia Medical UniversityYinchuan 750004NingxiaChina NHC Key Laboratory of Metabolic Cardiovascular Diseases ResearchNingxia Medical UniversityYinchuan 750004NingxiaChina Ningxia Key Laboratory of Environmental Factors and Chronic Disease ControlYinchuan Ningxia 750004NingxiaChina Centre for Health Systems and Policy ResearchChinese University of Hong KongHong Kong 99907China CUHK Shenzhen Research InstituteShenzhen 518000GuangdongChina School of Basic MedicineNingxia Medical UniversityYinchuan 750001NingxiaChina 

出 版 物:《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 (生物医学与环境科学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2024年第37卷第12期

页      面:1421-1426页


学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100201[医学-内科学(含:心血管病、血液病、呼吸系病、消化系病、内分泌与代谢病、肾病、风湿病、传染病)] 10[医学] 

基  金:funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China National Natural Science Foundation of Ningxia[2023AAC02033] and the Key Research and Development Plan Project of Ningxia[2021BEG02026] 

主  题:Metabolic epidemiology obesity 

摘      要:Metabolic syndrome(MS)is a common metabolic disorder status and defined as a pathology characterized by abdominal obesity,insulin resistance,hypertension,and hyperlipidemia(atherosclerosis)status[1].Evidence suggests that the underlying etiology of MS is multifactorial and includes environmental factors,tobacco use,high alcohol consumption,dietary risks,and low physical ***,a deeper understanding of MS and its risk factors will be beneficial for mitigating health damage and improving the quality of life in high-risk ***_(2.5)is an important environmental pollutant,poses a serious threat to human health,and is associated with various health *** epidemiological studies have shown that exposure to PM_(2.5)may influence the development of diabetes[2],cardiovascular disease,obesity,and *** evidence also suggests that the components of MS are sensitive to environmental pollutants,especially PM_(2.5).However,most of them were observational studies or literature analyses based on epidemiology。

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