



文献详情 >思想政治教育融入粮食专业人才培养的价值意蕴及实践路径研究 收藏


Research on the Value and Practical Path of Ideological and Political Education Integrated into the Cultivation of Grain Specialty

作     者:王慧 

作者机构:南京财经大学党委宣传部江苏 南京 

出 版 物:《教育进展》 (Advances in Education)

年 卷 期:2024年第14卷第10期

页      面:1133-1137页

学科分类:040106[教育学-高等教育学] 0401[教育学-教育学] 04[教育学] 

主  题:思想政治教育 粮食专业人才培养 价值意蕴 实践路径 

摘      要:粮食安全乃“国之大者,各涉粮高校要坚持以立德树人为根本任务,将思想政治教育融入粮食专业人才培养中,引领更多粮食专业人才投入粮食产业强国建设。本文在分析思想政治教育融入粮食专业人才培养的价值意蕴的基础上,从加强专业思想教育、抓好课程思政教育、积极推动劳动教育三方面,给涉粮高校思想政治教育融入粮食专业人才培养提出对策,为实施“人才兴粮“科技兴粮战略,推动粮食产业发展提供参考。Grain security is “the vital importance to the nation, all grain-related colleges and universities should adhere to the fundamental task of morality education, integrate ideological and political education into the cultivation of grain Specialty, then lead more grain professionals to build China into a strong grain industry. This paper is based on the analysis of the value implications of ideological and political education integrated into the cultivation of grain professionals, we have put forward countermeasures for grain-related colleges and universities about integrating ideological and political education into the cultivation of grain specialty: strengthening professional ideological education, grasping courses for ideological and political education, and promoting labor education, in order to provide reference for the implementation of the strategies of “rejuvenating grain with talents and “rejuvenating grain with science and technology, promoting the development of the grain industry.

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