Sexuality after Childbirth: Analysis of the Experiences of Central African Women in Bangui
Sexuality after Childbirth: Analysis of the Experiences of Central African Women in Bangui作者机构:Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Community University Hospital Center Bangui Central African Republic Faculty of Health Sciences University of Bangui Bangui Central African Republic Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Sino-Central African Friendship University Hospital Center Bangui Central African Republic
出 版 物:《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 (妇产科期刊(英文))
年 卷 期:2024年第14卷第10期
页 面:1602-1610页
主 题:Sexuality Postpartum Bangui Education Nursing Staff
摘 要:Introduction: In many societies, sexuality is still a taboo subject. In the Central African Republic, this topic is rarely discussed outside the context of gynecological consultations and infertility, whereas the sexual life of couples is often disrupted by the arrival of a child, particularly by the ordeal of childbirth. The aim of the study is to analyze the sexual experience of Central African women after childbirth in order to contribute to improving the health of the population, in particular that of mother and child, and to facilitate harmony within the couple. Methodology: Descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study covering the period from July 1 to August 30, 2023, at the maternity ward of the Center University Hospitalier Communautaire. The study concerned only women who had given birth between the second week and the sixth month postpartum. The sampling was exhaustive. Results: A total of 303 women agreed to take part in our study, aged between 15 and 44, more than half of whom had completed secondary school. The eagerness of the women to take part in the study shows that they are ready to express themselves about their sexuality despite certain biases linked to the method of patient selection. Resumption of sexual relations was initiated by the partners within six weeks in the vast majority of cases. Conclusion: Resumption of sexual intercourse was delayed, often at the partner’s initiative. Further studies are needed to understand the cultural, religious and psychological dimensions of postpartum sexuality in the Central African context.