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Returning to the Essence: Embracing “Teaching for Understanding”

作     者:赵梦洁 


出 版 物:《教育进展》 (Advances in Education)

年 卷 期:2024年第14卷第8期

页      面:1463-1470页

学科分类:0401[教育学-教育学] 04[教育学] 

主  题:为理解而教 理解 教学目标 

摘      要:教育是社会发展的重要基石,亦被视为推动社会文明进步的关键因素。授人以鱼不如授人以渔是教育的核心目标。可当成绩和排名至上成为教育的主流思想时,学生取得高分的背后往往伴随着“理解的缺失,教育的初心也被抛之脑后。师生们被成绩单所束缚,选择以高分为目标而忽视对知识的深刻理解。不论是填鸭式教学还是题海战术,都从侧面反映了在教育教学中“理解被轻视、被低估。不重视“理解是当前教育的一大弊端。尽管人们普遍承认“理解的重要性,却鲜有人真正将其从教育的背景中解放出来。本文将从“理解这一概念出发,探讨其内涵和意义,论述从学会“理解到应用“理解的过程,呼吁教师关注“为理解而教的重要性。Education is a crucial cornerstone for societal development and is seen as a key factor in advancing social progress and civilization. The principle of teaching someone to fish rather than giving them a fish encapsulates the core objective of education. However, when the dominant ideology in education prioritizes grades and rankings above all else, the high scores achieved by students often come at the expense of deep understanding, and the original intention of education is forgotten. Both teachers and students become constrained by report cards, choosing to focus on achieving high scores while neglecting profound comprehension of knowledge. Whether through rote memorization or endless exercises, these approaches reveal a systemic undervaluation of “understanding in education. This neglect is a significant drawback of the current educational system. Despite widespread acknowledgment of the importance of understanding, few genuinely integrate it into the forefront of education. This paper delves into the concept and significance of “understanding, discussing the process from achieving understanding to applying it, and calls on educators to recognize the importance of “teaching for understanding.

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