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River Sand Characterization for Its Use in Concrete: A Revue

River Sand Characterization for Its Use in Concrete: A Revue

作     者:Muhindo Wa Muhindo Abdias Manjia Marcelline Blanche Ursula Joyce Pettang Nana Henry Fonbeyin Abanda Ngapgue François Pettang Chrispin Muhindo Wa Muhindo Abdias;Manjia Marcelline Blanche;Ursula Joyce Pettang Nana;Henry Fonbeyin Abanda;Ngapgue François;Pettang Chrispin

作者机构:Laboratory Engineering Civil and Mechanics Doctoral Research Unit for Engineering and Applications University of Yaoundé I Yaoundé Cameroon Buildings and Publics Works Section Institute of Building and Public Works Butembo Democratic Republic of Congo Department of Civil Engineering National Advanced School of Engineering University of Yaoundé 1 Yaoundé Cameroon Faculty of Technology Design and Environment Oxford Brookes University Oxford UK Department of Civil Engineering Fotso Victor University Institute of Technology University of Dschang Bandjoun Cameroon 

出 版 物:《Open Journal of Civil Engineering》 (土木工程期刊(英文))

年 卷 期:2023年第13卷第2期

页      面:353-366页

学科分类:08[工学] 081304[工学-建筑技术科学] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 080502[工学-材料学] 0813[工学-建筑学] 

主  题:Characterization River Sand Concrete Construction Material Structure 

摘      要:Despite the gradual professionalization of the construction sector as well as the abundance of sand mining sites offered by the North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo Region, ignorance of materials by local builders persists. This is the case of quarries extracting river sand used to make concrete and mortar. However, the dosages of the various constituents are most often chosen on the basis of experience without any prior characterization of this material. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the characterization of river sand for its use in concrete in DRC. The origin and global use of river sand in construction are presented in percentage terms to highlight the importance of river sand as a construction material. The physical properties of river sand, including particle size distribution, bulk density, absolute density, and cleanliness are discussed in detail. The paper examines the effect of variations in river sand properties on concrete behavior, including density and compressive strength. Overall, this paper emphasizes the need to properly characterize river sand before using it in construction to ensure durable, high-quality structures. This will avoid the problems that are observed in particular a bad behavior of the coating on the walls;cracks and crumbling of the beams, lintels, posts and even the ruin of the structures.

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