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Liquid-based high-temperature receiver technologies for next-generation concentrating solar power:A review of challenges and potential solutions

作     者:Ya-Ling HE Wenqi WANG Rui JIANG Mingjia LI Wenquan TAO Ya-Ling HE;Wenqi WANG;Rui JIANG;Mingjia LI;Wenquan TAO

作者机构:Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of the Ministry of EducationSchool of Energy and Power EngineeringXi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi’an 710049China School of Mechanical EngineeringBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing100081China 

出 版 物:《Frontiers in Energy》 (能源前沿(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第17卷第1期

页      面:16-42页


学科分类:08[工学] 080502[工学-材料学] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 

基  金:the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51721004 and 51888103) the Research Plan of Shaanxi Province(Nos.2022GXLH-01-04 and 2019JCW-09) 

主  题:next-generation concentrating solar power liquid-based solar receiver molten salt liquid metals 

摘      要:To reduce the levelized cost of energy for concentrating solar power(CSP),the outlet temperature of the solar receiver needs to be higher than 700°C in the next-generation *** of extensive engineering application experience,the liquid-based receiver is an attractive receiver technology for the next-generation *** review is focused on four of the most promising liquid-based receivers,including chloride salts,sodium,lead-bismuth,and tin *** challenges of these receivers and corresponding solutions are comprehensively reviewed and *** is concluded that combining salt purification and anti-corrosion receiver materials is promising to tackle the corrosion problems of chloride salts at high *** addition,reducing energy losses of the receiver from sources and during propagation is the most effective way to improve the receiver ***,resolving the sodium fire risk and material compatibility issues could promote the potential application of liquid-metal ***,using multiple heat transfer fluids in one system is also a promising way for the next-generation *** example,the liquid sodium is used as the heat transfer fluid while the molten chloride salt is used as the storage *** the end,suggestions for future studies are proposed to bridge the research gaps for700℃liquid-based receivers.

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