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Photocatalytic and Electrocatalytic Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide: Principles, Catalyst Design and Performance

作     者:Yan Guo Xili Tong Nianjun Yang Yan Guo;Xili Tong;Nianjun Yang

作者机构:State Key Laboratory of Coal ConversionInstitute of Coal ChemistryChinese Academy of SciencesTaiyuan 030001People’s Republic of China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049People’s Republic of China Institute of Materials EngineeringUniversity of Siegen57076 SiegenGermany Department of ChemistryHasselt University3590 DiepenbeekBelgium IMO‑IMOMECHasselt University3590 DiepenbeekBelgium 

出 版 物:《Nano-Micro Letters》 (纳微快报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第15卷第6期

页      面:24-72页


学科分类:081702[工学-化学工艺] 08[工学] 0817[工学-化学工程与技术] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 080502[工学-材料学] 0703[理学-化学] 

基  金:supported by Shanxi Province Science Foundation (20210302124446 202102070301018) the National Natural Science Joint Foundation (U1710112) Basic Research Project from the Institute of Coal Chemistry, CAS (SCJC-HN-2022-17)。 

主  题:H_(2)O_(2)generation Photocatalysts Electrocatalysts Reaction mechanisms 

摘      要:Hydrogen peroxide(H_(2)O_(2)) is a high-demand organic chemical reagent and has been widely used in various modern industrial applications. Currently,the prominent method for the preparation of H_(2)O_(2) is the anthraquinone oxidation.Unfortunately, it is not conducive to economic and sustainable development since it is a complex process and involves unfriendly environment and potential hazards. In this context, numerous approaches have been developed to synthesize H_(2)O_(2). Among them, photo/electro-catalytic ones are considered as two of the most promising manners for on-site synthesis of H_(2)O_(2). These alternatives are sustainable in that only water or O_(2) is required. Namely, water oxidation(WOR) or oxygen reduction(ORR)reactions can be further coupled with clean and sustainable energy. For photo/electro-catalytic reactions for H_(2)O_(2) generation, the design of the catalysts is extremely important and has been extensively conducted with an aim to obtain ultimate catalytic performance. This article overviews the basic principles of WOR and ORR,followed by the summary of recent progresses and achievements on the design and performance of various photo/electro-catalysts for H_(2)O_(2) generation. The related mechanisms for these approaches are highlighted from theoretical and experimental aspects. Scientific challenges and opportunities of engineering photo/electro-catalysts for H_(2)O_(2) generation are also outlined and discussed.

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