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Crosstalk between ferroptosis and stress—Implications in cancer therapeutic responses

作     者:Cheng Zhang Jiao‐jiao Yu Chen Yang Shuang Shang Xiao‐xi Lv Bing Cui Fang Hua 

作者机构:CAMS Key Laboratory of Molecular Mechanism and Target Discovery of Metabolic Disorder and TumorigenesisState Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substance and Function of Natural MedicinesInstitute of Materia MedicaChinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical CollegeBeijingChina 

出 版 物:《Cancer Innovation》 (肿瘤创新(英文))

年 卷 期:2022年第1卷第1期

页      面:92-113页

学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100214[医学-肿瘤学] 10[医学] 

基  金:National Key R&D Program of China,Grant/Award Number:2017YFA0205400 National Natural Science Foundation of China,Grant/Award Numbers:81973344,81874316,82173379 CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences,Grant/Award Number:2021‐I2M‐1‐021 Peking Union Medical College Graduate Innovation Fund,Grant/Award Number:2019‐1007‐24 to CZ Central Publicinterest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund,Grant/Award Number:2018PT35004 Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist Program,Grant/Award Number:BJJWZYJH01201910023028。 

主  题:tumor therapeutic response ferroptosis stress crosstalk 

摘      要:Ferroptosis is a newly discovered form of cell death that is characterized by the accumulation of iron‐dependent lipid peroxidation.Research on ferroptosis has seen exponential growth over the past few years.Tumor cells are strongly dependent on iron for their growth,which makes them develop mechanisms to increase iron uptake and inhibit iron output,thereby completing iron accumulation.Ferroptosis can be induced or inhibited by various stresses through multiple mechanisms,making it stands at the crossroads of stresses related cancer cell fate determination.In this review,we give a brief summary of ferroptosis hallmarks and provide a systematic analysis of the current molecular mechanisms and regulatory networks of diverse stress conditions on ferroptosis.We also discuss the relationships between ferroptosis and cancer therapy responses to further understand potential targets and therapeutic strategies for cancer treatment.

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