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Experimental Validation of Light Cable-Driven Elbow-Assisting Device L-CADEL Design

作     者:Med Amine Laribi Marco Ceccarelli Juan Sandoval Matteo Bottin Giulio Rosati Med Amine Laribi;Marco Ceccarelli;Juan Sandoval;Matteo Bottin;Giulio Rosati

作者机构:Department GMSCPprime InstituteCNRS-University of Poitiers-ENSMAUPR 334686073 PoitiersFrance Department of Industrial EngineeringUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata00133 RomeItaly Department of Industrial EngineeringUniversity of Padova35122 PaduaItaly 

出 版 物:《Journal of Bionic Engineering》 (仿生工程学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2022年第19卷第2期

页      面:416-428页


学科分类:0831[工学-生物医学工程(可授工学、理学、医学学位)] 08[工学] 080202[工学-机械电子工程] 0802[工学-机械工程] 0811[工学-控制科学与工程] 

主  题:Rehabilitation robotics Medical devices Design Simulations Cable-driven parallel robot Control 

摘      要:This paper presents a new design of CADEL,a cable-driven elbow-assisting device,with light weighting and control improvements.The new device design is appropriate to be more portable and user-oriented solution,presenting additional facilities with respect to the original design.One of potential benefits of improved portability can be envisaged in the possibility of house and hospital usage keeping social distancing while allowing rehabilitation treatments even during a pandemic spread.Specific attention has been devoted to design main mechatronic components by developing specific kinematics models.The design process includes an implementation of specific control hardware and software.The kinematic model of the new design is formulated and features are evaluated through numerical simulations and experimental tests.An evaluation from original design highlights the proposed improvements mainly in terms of comfort,portability and user-oriented operation.

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