Single Point Cutting Tool Fault Diagnosis in Turning Operation Using Reduced Error Pruning Tree Classifier
作者机构:School of Mechanical Engineering(SMEC)VIT UniversityChennai600127India Department of Mechanical EngineeringSNS College of TechnologyCoimbatore641035India
出 版 物:《Structural Durability & Health Monitoring》 (结构耐久性与健康监测(英文))
年 卷 期:2022年第16卷第3期
页 面:255-270页
学科分类:08[工学] 080502[工学-材料学] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)]
主 题:Fault diagnosis tool condition monitoring REPTree decision tree statistical feature extraction
摘 要:Tool wear is inevitable in daily machining process since metal cutting process involves the chip rubbing the tool surface after it has been cut by the tool *** wear dominantly influences the deterioration of surface finish,geometric and dimensional tolerances of the ***,for complete utilization of cutting tools and reduction of machine downtime during the machining process,it becomes necessary to understand the develop-ment of tool wear and predict its status before *** this study,tool condition monitoring system was used to monitor the behavior of a single point cutting tool to predict flank wear.A uniaxial accelerometer was attached to a single point cutting tool under *** accelerometer acquires vibrational signals during turning operation on a lathe *** acquired signals were then used to extract statistical features such as standard error,variance,skewness,*** substantial features were recognized to reduce the utilization of computing *** were used to classify the signals as good and three different measures of flank wear by a decision tree *** domain features were also extracted and shown to be less effective in classification in comparison to statistical ***(Reduced Error Pruning Tree)algorithm was used in this *** decision tree algorithm achieved a maximum classification accuracy of 72.77%for all signals *** spindle speed and feed rate are considered as the variables the accuracy is about 86.25%.When spindle speed is the only variable parameter the accuracy is about 82.71%.When depth of cut,feed rate and speed of the spindle are considered as variable parameters,the accuracy of the decision tree is around 93.51%.This study demonstrates the performance of REPTree classifier in tool condition *** can be utilized for tool wear identification and thus improve surface finish,dimensional accuracy of the work piece and reduce machine *** add