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State-of-the-art survey on digital twin implementations

作     者:Y.K.Liu S.K.Ong A.Y.C.Nee 

作者机构:Department of Mechanical EngineeringNational University of Singapore9 Engineering Drive 1Singapore 117575Singapore 

出 版 物:《Advances in Manufacturing》 (先进制造进展(英文版))

年 卷 期:2022年第10卷第1期

页      面:1-23页


学科分类:1201[管理学-管理科学与工程(可授管理学、工学学位)] 08[工学] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 080502[工学-材料学] 081201[工学-计算机系统结构] 0812[工学-计算机科学与技术(可授工学、理学学位)] 

主  题:Industry 4.0 Internet of thing(IoT) Cyberphysical systems Digital twin(DT) Augmented reality(AR) 

摘      要:Digital twin(DT)has garnered attention in both industry and academia.With advances in big data and internet of things(IoTs)technologies,the infrastructure for DT implementation is becoming more readily available.As an emerging technology,there are both potential and challenges.DT is a promising methodology to leverage the modern data explosion to aid engineers,managers,healthcare experts and politicians in managing production lines,patient health and smart cities by providing a comprehensive and high fidelity monitoring,prognostics and diagnostics tools.New research and surveys into the topic are published regularly,as interest in this technology is high although there is a lack of standardization to the definition of a DT.Due to the large amount of information present in a DT system and the dual cyber and physical nature of a DT,augmented reality(AR)is a suitable technology for data visualization and interaction with DTs.This paper seeks to classify different types of DT implementations that have been reported,highlights some researches that have used AR as data visualization tool in DT,and examines the more recent approaches to solve outstanding challenges in DT and the integration of DT and AR.

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