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Nonlinear dynamics analysis of cluster-shaped conservative flows generated from a generalized thermostatted system

Nonlinear dynamics analysis of cluster-shaped conservative flows generated from a generalized thermostatted system

作     者:李月 陈增强 王增会 仓诗建 Yue Li;Zengqiang Chen;Zenghui Wang;Shijian Cang

作者机构:College of Artificial IntelligenceNankai UniversityTianjin 300350China Department of Electrical and Mining EngineeringUniversity of South AfricaFlorida 1710South Africa Department of Product DesignTianjin University of Science and TechnologyTianjin 300222China 

出 版 物:《Chinese Physics B》 (中国物理B(英文版))

年 卷 期:2022年第31卷第1期

页      面:170-178页


学科分类:07[理学] 070201[理学-理论物理] 0702[理学-物理学] 

基  金:the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.61973175 and 61873186) the South African National Research Foundation(Grant No.132797) the South African National Research Foundation Incentive(Grant No.114911) the South African Eskom Tertiary Education Support Programme. 

主  题:multiple equilibria curve axes invariant tori cluster-shaped conservative chaos 

摘      要:The thermostatted system is a conservative system different from Hamiltonian systems,and has attracted much attention because of its rich and different nonlinear dynamics.We report and analyze the multiple equilibria and curve axes of the cluster-shaped conservative flows generated from a generalized thermostatted system.It is found that the cluster-shaped structure is reflected in the geometry of the Hamiltonian,such as isosurfaces and local centers,and the shapes of cluster-shaped chaotic flows and invariant tori rely on the isosurfaces determined by initial conditions,while the numbers of clusters are subject to the local centers solved by the Hessian matrix of the Hamiltonian.Moreover,the study shows that the cluster-shaped chaotic flows and invariant tori are chained together by curve axes,which are the segments of equilibrium curves of the generalized thermostatted system.Furthermore,the interesting results are vividly demonstrated by the numerical simulations.

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