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Hawking temperature of Kerr anti-de-Sitter black hole affected by Lorentz symmetry violating

Hawking temperature of Kerr anti-de-Sitter black hole affected by Lorentz symmetry violating

作     者:刘志娥 谭霞 张洁 杨树政 Zhi-E Liu;Xia Tan;Jie Zhang;Shu-Zheng Yang

作者机构:College of Physics and Electronic EngineeringQilu Normal UniversityJinan 250200China Department of AstronomyChina West Normal UniversityNanchong 637002China 

出 版 物:《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 (理论物理通讯(英文版))

年 卷 期:2021年第73卷第4期

页      面:99-103页


学科分类:07[理学] 070205[理学-凝聚态物理] 0704[理学-天文学] 0702[理学-物理学] 

基  金:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.U2031121,11573022) Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation,China(Grant No.ZR2019MA059)。 

主  题:black hole Hawking temperature tunneling radiation Lorentz-violating fermion 

摘      要:We studied the correction of the quantum tunneling radiation of fermions with spin 1/2 in Kerr anti-de-Sitter black hole.First,the dynamic equation of spin 1/2 fermions was corrected using Lorentz’s violation theory.Second,the new expressions of the fermions quantum tunneling rate,the Hawking temperature of the black hole and the entropy of the black hole were obtained according to the corrected fermions dynamic equation.Our results show that Hawking temperature increases with the enhancement of both the coupling strength and the radial component of ether-like field,but is independent of non-radial components of ether-like field.At last,some comments are made on the results of our work.

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