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  • 67 篇 university of mi...
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  • 67 篇 albert einstein ...
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  • 67 篇 michigan state u...
  • 67 篇 tifr homi bhabha...
  • 67 篇 institut fur the...
  • 67 篇 dept.of physics ...
  • 66 篇 rudolf peierls c...
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  • 66 篇 cern european or...
  • 66 篇 department of ph...
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  • 66 篇 department of ph...
  • 66 篇 ludwig-maximilia...
  • 66 篇 cea/saclay dsm/i...
  • 65 篇 max-planck-insti...


  • 89 篇 v.i.belousov
  • 89 篇 j.beringer
  • 89 篇 e.blucher
  • 85 篇 f.krauss
  • 85 篇 g.weiglein
  • 85 篇 h.murayama
  • 85 篇 j.parsons
  • 85 篇 j.d.jackson
  • 85 篇 g.d'ambrosio
  • 85 篇 r.s.chivukula
  • 85 篇 y.kwon
  • 85 篇 m.white
  • 85 篇 m.drees
  • 85 篇 p.de jong
  • 85 篇 o.dahl
  • 85 篇 b.foster
  • 85 篇 g.rybka
  • 85 篇 a.ringwald
  • 85 篇 m.grnewald
  • 85 篇 s.raby


  • 93 篇 英文
  • 1 篇 中文
检索条件"机构=Univ Gottingen"
94 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Laserprobe oxygen isotope analysis of minerals from mantle-derived rocks in eastern China
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Chinese Science Bulletin 1999年 第8期44卷 740-744页
作者: Yiliang Li Wiechert Uwe Yongfei Zheng Xiachen Zhi Jochen Hoefs univ Sci & Technol China Dept Earth & Space Sci Hefei 230026 Peoples R China Carnegie Inst Washington Geophys Lab Washington DC 20015 USA univ gottingen Inst Geochem D-37077 Gottingen Germany
Oxygen isotope analyses were carried out by the laserprobe technique for mineral separates from mantle xenolith and megacryst in Cenozoic basalts, East China. The results not only give the δ I8O range consistent with... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Instream coliform gradients in the Holtemme, a small headwater stream in the Elbe River Basin, Northern Germany
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Frontiers of Earth Science 2017年 第3期11卷 544-553页
作者: Daniel KARTHE Pei-Ying LIN Katja WESTPHAL Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Magdeburg Germany Department of Geography Gottingen University Germany Institute of Applied Geology Central University Taiwan China
The Holtemme is a small headwater stream in North Germany's Elbe River Basin. According to German and European legislation, hygienic monitoring is not mandatory for such water bodies which are neither drinking water ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Spatio-temporal snowmelt variability across the headwaters of the Southern Rocky Mountains
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Frontiers of Earth Science 2017年 第3期11卷 505-514页
作者: S.R. FASSNACHT J.I. LOPEZ-MORENO C. MA A.N. WEBER A.K.D. PFOHL S.K. KAMPF M. KAPPAS ESS-Watershed Science Colorado State University Fort Collins CO 80523-1476 USA Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere Fort Collins CO 80523-1375 USA Geospatial Centroid at CSU Fort Collins CO 80523-1019 USA Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory Fort Collins CO 80523-1499 USA Geographisches Institut Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen 37077 Gottingen Germany Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia CSIC Campus de Aula Dei 50080 Zaragoza Spain EASC-Watershed Science Colorado State University Fort Collins CO 80523-1482 USA
Understanding the rate of snowmelt helps inform how water stored as snow will transform into streamflow. Data from 87 snow telemetry (SNOTEL) stations across the Southern Rocky Mountains were used to estimate spatio... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Scales of snow depth variability in high elevation rangeland sagebrush
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Frontiers of Earth Science 2017年 第3期11卷 469-481页
作者: Molly E. TEDESCHE Steven R. FASSNACHT Paul J. MEIMAN Watershed Science Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Colorado State University Fort Collins CO 80523-1476 USA Intemational Arctic Research Center Water & Environmental Research Center Institute of Northern Engineering University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks AK 99775 USA Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere Fort Collins CO 80523-1375 USA Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory Fort Collins CO 80523-1499 USA Abt. Kartographie GIS & Femerkundung Geographisches Institut Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen 37077 Gottingen Germany Rangeland Ecosystem Science Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship Colorado State University Fort Collins CO 80523 USA
In high elevation semi-arid rangelands, sage- brush and other shrubs can affect transport and deposition of wind-blown snow, enabling the formation of snowdrifts. Datasets from three field experiments were used to inv... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) 2005年 第8期1卷 58-58页
作者: Diehl S. Bruno R. Wilkinson G.A. L. Schweigerer 王经纬 Abt. Pádiatrie I Zentrum Kinderheilkunde J. Bereich Humanmedizin Univ. Gottingen Robert-Koch -Strasse 40 D-37075 Góttingen Germany
Vascular malformations cause discomfort and pain in children and are often as sociated with skeletal hypertrophy. Their molecular basis is poorly understood. Ephrin ligands and Eph receptor tyrosine kinases are involv... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Chinese Physics C 2014年 第9期38卷 1-4页
作者: K.A.Olive K.Agashe C.Amsler M.Antonelli J.-F.Arguin D.M.Asner H.Baer H.R.Band R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer J.J.Beatty V.I.Belousov J.Beringer G.Bernardi S.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebe E.Blucher S.Blusk G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller V.Burkert M.A.Bychkov R.N.Cahn M.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerr D.Chakraborty M.-C.Chen R.S.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de Jong G.Dissertor B.A.Dobrescu M.Doser M.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Edwards S.Eidelman J.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher B.D.Fields B.Foster A.Freitas T.K.Gaisser H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-J.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta S.Golwala M.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom M.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart S.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes M.Heffner B.Heltsley J.J.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa A.Hocker J.Holder A.Holtkamp J.Huston J.D.Jackson K.F.Johnson T.Junk M.Kado D.Karlen U.F.Katz S.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss M.Kreps B.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav J.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-J.Lin T.M.Liss L.Littenberg K.S.Lugovsky S.B.Lugovsky F.Maltoni T.Mannel A.V.Manohar W.J.Marciano A.D.Martin A.Masoni J.Matthews D.Milstead P.Molaro K.Monig F.Moortgat M.J.Mortonson H.Murayama K.Nakamura M.Narain P.Nason S.Navas M.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir L.Pape J.Parsons C.Patrignani J.A.Peacock M.Pennington S.T.Petcov Kavli IPMU A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt S.Raby J.Rademacker G.Raffel B.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald S.Roesler S.Rolli A.Romaniouk L.J.Rosenberg J L.Rosner G.Rybka C.T.Sachrajda Y.Sakai G.P.Salam S.Sarkar F.Sauli O.Schneider K.Scholberg D.Scott V.Sharma S.R.Sharpe M.Silari T.Sjostrand P.Skands J.G.Smith G.F.Smoot S.Spanier H.Spieler C.Spiering A.Stahl T.Stanev S.L.Stone T.Sumiyoshi M.J.Syphers F.Takahashi M.Tanabashi J.Terning L.Tiator M.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Tornqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia G.Venanzoni M.G.Vincter P.Vogel A.Vogt S.P.Wakely W.Walkowiak C.W.Walter D.R.Ward G.Weiglein D.H.Weinberg E.J.Weinberg M.White L.R.Wiencke C.G.Wohl L.Wolfenstein J.Womersley C.L. university of Minnesota School of Physics and Astronomy116 Church St.S.E.MinneapolisMN 55455USA university of Maryland Department of PhysicsCollege ParkMD 20742-4111USA Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics Universitat BernCH-3012 BernSwitzerland Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN CP 13via E.Fermi40I-00044 Frascati(Roma)Italy Departement de physique Universite de MontrealC.P.6128succ.centre-villeMontreal(Quebec) H3C 3J7Canada Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 902 Battelle BoulevardRichlandWA 99352USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of OklahomaNormanOK 73019USA Department of Physics University of WisconsinMadisonWI 53706USA Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory1 Cyclotron RoadBerkeleyCA 94720USA CERN European Organization for Nuclear ResearchCH-1211 Geneve 23Switzerland Department of Physics The Ohio State University191 W.Woodruff Ave.ColumbusOH 43210 COMPAS Group Institute for High Energy PhysicsRU- 142284ProtvinoRussia LPNHE IN2P3-CNRS et Universites de Paris 6 et 7F-75252 ParisFrance Max-Planck-Institute of Physics 80805 MunichGermany Department of Physics University of WashingtonSeattleWA 98195USA Ludwig-Maximilians-universitat Fakultdt für PhysikSchellingstr.4D-80799 MünchenGermany Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of ChicagoChicagoIL 60637-1433USA Department of Physics Syracuse UniversitySyracuseNY13244USA Department of Physics Columbia University538 W.120th StreetNew YorkNY10027 USA High Energy Physics Group Blackett LaboratoryImperial CollegePrince Consort RoadLondon SW7 2AZUK Jefferson Lab 12000 Jefferson Ave.Newport NewsVA 23606USA Department of Physics University of VirginiaPO Box 400714CharlottesvilleVA 22904USA Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P.O.Box 500BataviaIL 60510USA Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of ChicagoChicagoIL 60637-1433USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of SussexFalmerBrighton BN1 9QHUK Department o
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 3,283 new measurements from 899 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Astrophysics and Cosmology
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Chinese Physics C 2016年 第10期40卷 349-428页
作者: C.Patrignani K.Agashe G.Aielli C.Amsler M.Antonelli D.M.Asner H.Baer Sw.Banerjee R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer J.J.Beatty V.I.Belousov J.Beringer S.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebel E.Blucher G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller V.Burkert M.A.Bychkov R.N.Cahn M.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerri D.Chakraborty M.-C.Chen R.S.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de Jong G.Dissertori B.A.Dobrescu M.D'Onofrio M.Doser M.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Dwyer P.Eerola S.Eidelman J.Ellis J.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher B.D.Fields B.Foster A.Freitas H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-J.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta A.A.Godizov M.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom M.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart S.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes A.Hebecker B.Heltsley J.J.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa J.Hisano A.Hcker J.Holder A.Holtkamp J.Huston T.Hyodo K.Irwin J.D.Jackson K.F.Johnson M.Kado M.Karliner U.F.Katz S.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss M.Kreps B.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav J.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-J.Lin C.Lippmann T.M.Liss L.Littenberg K.S.Lugovsky S.B.Lugovsky A.Lusiani Y.Makida F.Maltoni T.Mannel A.V.Manohar W.J.Marciano A.D.Martin A.Masoni J.Matthews U.-G.Meiβner D.Milstead R.E.Mitchell P.Molaro K.Mnig F.Moortgat M.J.Mortonson H.Murayama K.Nakamura M.Narain P.Nason S.Navas M.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir K.A.Olive S.Pagan Griso J.Parsons J.A.Peacock M.Pennington S.T.Petcov V.A.Petrov A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt S.Raby J.Rademacker G.Raffelt B.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald S.Roesler S.Rolli A.Romaniouk L.J.Rosenberg J.L.Rosner G.Rybka R.A.Ryutin C.T.Sachrajda Y.Sakai G.P.Salam S.Sarkar F.Sauli O.Schneider K.Scholberg A.J.Schwartz D.Scott V.Sharma S.R.Sharpe T.Shutt M.Silari T.Sjstrand P.Skands T.Skwarnicki J.G.Smith G.F.Smoot S.Spanier H.Spieler C.Spiering A.Stahl S.L.Stone Y.Sumino T.Sumiyoshi M.J.Syphers F.Takahashi M.Tanabashi K.Terashi J.Terning R.S.Thorne L.Tiator M.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Trnqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia R.Van de Water N.Varelas G Particle Data Group universita di Bologna and INFN Dip.Scienze per la Qualita della Vita university of Maryland Department of Physics College Park universit degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics universitt Bern Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics Austrian Academy of Sciences Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Department of Physics and Astronomy university of Oklahoma university of Louisville Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Department of Physics The Ohio State university COMPAS Group Institute for High Energy Physics Max-Planck-Institute of Physics Department of Physics university of Washington Ludwig-Maximilians-universitt Fakultt fr Physik Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics university of Chicago Department of Physics Columbia university High Energy Physics Group Blackett Laboratory Imperial College Jefferson Lab Department of Physics university of Virginia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics university of Chicago Department of Physics and Astronomy university of Sussex Department of Physics Northern Illinois university Department of Physics and Astronomy university of California Michigan State university Dept.of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics Royal Holloway university of London INFN-Sezione di Napoli Complesso universitario Monte Sant'Angelo Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques International Center for Advanced Studies(ICAS) UNSAM Department of Physics and Astronomy Northwestern university Department of Physics university of Colorado at Boulder Nikhef P.O.Box 41882 1009 DB Amsterdam and university of Amsterdam Institute for Particle Physics ETH Zurich university of Liverpool Department of Physics Oliver Lodge Lab Physikalisches Institut universitt Bonn Helsinki Institute of Physics university of Helsinki Department of Physics Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosib
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and *** data from previous editions,plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers,we list,evaluate,and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discover... 详细信息
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Chinese Physics C 2016年 第10期 6+1-5页
作者: C.Patrignani K.Agashe G.Aielli C.Amsler M.Antonelli D.M.Asner H.Baer Sw.Banerjee R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer J.J.Beatty V.I.Belousov J.Beringer S.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebel E.Blucher G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller Particle Data Group universita di Bologna and INFN Dip.Scienze per la Qualita della Vita university of Maryland Department of Physics College Park universit degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics universitt Bern Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics Austrian Academy of Sciences Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Department of Physics and Astronomy university of Oklahoma university of Louisville Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Department of Physics The Ohio State university COMPAS Group Institute for High Energy Physics Max-Planck-Institute of Physics Department of Physics university of Washington Ludwig-Maximilians-universitt Fakultt fr Physik Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics university of Chicago Department of Physics Columbia university High Energy Physics Group Blackett Laboratory Imperial College Jefferson Lab Department of Physics university of Virginia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics university of Chicago Department of Physics and Astronomy university of Sussex Department of Physics Northern Illinois university Department of Physics and Astronomy university of California Michigan State university Dept.of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics Royal Holloway university of London INFN-Sezione di Napoli Complesso universitario Monte Sant'Angelo Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques International Center for Advanced Studies(ICAS) UNSAM Department of Physics and Astronomy Northwestern university Department of Physics university of Colorado at Boulder Nikhef P.O.Box 41882 1009 DB Amsterdam and university of Amsterdam Institute for Particle Physics ETH Zurich university of Liverpool Department of Physics Oliver Lodge Lab Physikalisches Institut universitt Bonn Helsinki Institute of Physics university of Helsinki Department of Physics Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosib
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and *** data from previous editions,plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers,we list,evaluate,and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discover... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Mathematical Tools or Statistics,Monte Carlo,Group Theory
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Chinese Physics C 2016年 第10期40卷 517-559页
作者: C.Patrignani K.Agashe G.Aielli C.Amsler M.Antonelli D.M.Asner H.Baer Sw.Banerjee R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer J.J.Beatty V.I.Belousov J.Beringer S.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebel E.Blucher G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller V.Burkert M.A.Bychkov R.N.Cahn M.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerri D.Chakraborty M.-C.Chen R.S.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de Jong G.Dissertori B.A.Dobrescu M.D'Onofrio M.Doser M.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Dwyer P.Eerola S.Eidelman J.Ellis J.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher B.D.Fields B.Foster A.Freitas H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-J.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta A.A.Godizov M.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom M.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart S.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes A.Hebecker B.Heltsley J.J.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa J.Hisano A.Hcker J.Holder A.Holtkamp J.Huston T.Hyodo K.Irwin J.D.Jackson K.F.Johnson M.Kado M.Karliner U.F.Katz S.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss M.Kreps B.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav J.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-J.Lin C.Lippmann T.M.Liss L.Littenberg K.S.Lugovsky S.B.Lugovsky A.Lusiani Y.Makida F.Maltoni T.Mannel A.V.Manohar W.J.Marciano A.D.Martin A.Masoni J.Matthews U.-G.Meiβner D.Milstead R.E.Mitchell P.Molaro K.Mnig F.Moortgat M.J.Mortonson H.Murayama K.Nakamura M.Narain P.Nason S.Navas M.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir K.A.Olive S.Pagan Griso J.Parsons J.A.Peacock M.Pennington S.T.Petcov V.A.Petrov A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt S.Raby J.Rademacker G.Raffelt B.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald S.Roesler S.Rolli A.Romaniouk L.J.Rosenberg J.L.Rosner G.Rybka R.A.Ryutin C.T.Sachrajda Y.Sakai G.P.Salam S.Sarkar F.Sauli O.Schneider K.Scholberg A.J.Schwartz D.Scott V.Sharma S.R.Sharpe T.Shutt M.Silari T.Sjstrand P.Skands T.Skwarnicki J.G.Smith G.F.Smoot S.Spanier H.Spieler C.Spiering A.Stahl S.L.Stone Y.Sumino T.Sumiyoshi M.J.Syphers F.Takahashi M.Tanabashi K.Terashi J.Terning R.S.Thorne L.Tiator M.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Trnqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia R.Van de Water N.Varelas G Particle Data Group universita di Bologna and INFN Dip.Scienze per la Qualita della Vita university of Maryland Department of Physics College Park universit degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics universitt Bern Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics Austrian Academy of Sciences Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Department of Physics and Astronomy university of Oklahoma university of Louisville Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Department of Physics The Ohio State university COMPAS Group Institute for High Energy Physics Max-Planck-Institute of Physics Department of Physics university of Washington Ludwig-Maximilians-universitt Fakultt fr Physik Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics university of Chicago Department of Physics Columbia university High Energy Physics Group Blackett Laboratory Imperial College Jefferson Lab Department of Physics university of Virginia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics university of Chicago Department of Physics and Astronomy university of Sussex Department of Physics Northern Illinois university Department of Physics and Astronomy university of California Michigan State university Dept.of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics Royal Holloway university of London INFN-Sezione di Napoli Complesso universitario Monte Sant'Angelo Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques International Center for Advanced Studies(ICAS) UNSAM Department of Physics and Astronomy Northwestern university Department of Physics university of Colorado at Boulder Nikhef P.O.Box 41882 1009 DB Amsterdam and university of Amsterdam Institute for Particle Physics ETH Zurich university of Liverpool Department of Physics Oliver Lodge Lab Physikalisches Institut universitt Bonn Helsinki Institute of Physics university of Helsinki Department of Physics Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosib
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and *** data from previous editions,plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers,we list,evaluate,and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discover... 详细信息
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Kinematics,Cross-Section Formulae,and Plots
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Chinese Physics C 2016年 第10期40卷 560-597页
作者: C.Patrignani K.Agashe G.Aielli C.Amsler M.Antonelli D.M.Asner H.Baer Sw.Banerjee R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer J.J.Beatty V.I.Belousov J.Beringer S.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebel E.Blucher G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller V.Burkert M.A.Bychkov R.N.Cahn M.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerri D.Chakraborty M.-C.Chen R.S.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de Jong G.Dissertori B.A.Dobrescu M.D'Onofrio M.Doser M.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Dwyer P.Eerola S.Eidelman J.Ellis J.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher B.D.Fields B.Foster A.Freitas H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-J.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta A.A.Godizov M.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom M.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart S.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes A.Hebecker B.Heltsley J.J.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa J.Hisano A.Hcker J.Holder A.Holtkamp J.Huston T.Hyodo K.Irwin J.D.Jackson K.F.Johnson M.Kado M.Karliner U.F.Katz S.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss M.Kreps B.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav J.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-J.Lin C.Lippmann T.M.Liss L.Littenberg K.S.Lugovsky S.B.Lugovsky A.Lusiani Y.Makida F.Maltoni T.Mannel A.V.Manohar W.J.Marciano A.D.Martin A.Masoni J.Matthews U.-G.Meiβner D.Milstead R.E.Mitchell P.Molaro K.Mnig F.Moortgat M.J.Mortonson H.Murayama K.Nakamura M.Narain P.Nason S.Navas M.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir K.A.Olive S.Pagan Griso J.Parsons J.A.Peacock M.Pennington S.T.Petcov V.A.Petrov A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt S.Raby J.Rademacker G.Raffelt B.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald S.Roesler S.Rolli A.Romaniouk L.J.Rosenberg J.L.Rosner G.Rybka R.A.Ryutin C.T.Sachrajda Y.Sakai G.P.Salam S.Sarkar F.Sauli O.Schneider K.Scholberg A.J.Schwartz D.Scott V.Sharma S.R.Sharpe T.Shutt M.Silari T.Sjstrand P.Skands T.Skwarnicki J.G.Smith G.F.Smoot S.Spanier H.Spieler C.Spiering A.Stahl S.L.Stone Y.Sumino T.Sumiyoshi M.J.Syphers F.Takahashi M.Tanabashi K.Terashi J.Terning R.S.Thorne L.Tiator M.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Trnqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia R.Van de Water N.Varelas G Particle Data Group universita di Bologna and INFN Dip.Scienze per la Qualita della Vita university of Maryland Department of Physics College Park universit degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics universitt Bern Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics Austrian Academy of Sciences Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Department of Physics and Astronomy university of Oklahoma university of Louisville Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Department of Physics The Ohio State university COMPAS Group Institute for High Energy Physics Max-Planck-Institute of Physics Department of Physics university of Washington Ludwig-Maximilians-universitt Fakultt fr Physik Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics university of Chicago Department of Physics Columbia university High Energy Physics Group Blackett Laboratory Imperial College Jefferson Lab Department of Physics university of Virginia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics university of Chicago Department of Physics and Astronomy university of Sussex Department of Physics Northern Illinois university Department of Physics and Astronomy university of California Michigan State university Dept.of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics Royal Holloway university of London INFN-Sezione di Napoli Complesso universitario Monte Sant'Angelo Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques International Center for Advanced Studies(ICAS) UNSAM Department of Physics and Astronomy Northwestern university Department of Physics university of Colorado at Boulder Nikhef P.O.Box 41882 1009 DB Amsterdam and university of Amsterdam Institute for Particle Physics ETH Zurich university of Liverpool Department of Physics Oliver Lodge Lab Physikalisches Institut universitt Bonn Helsinki Institute of Physics university of Helsinki Department of Physics Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosib
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and *** data from previous editions,plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers,we list,evaluate,and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discover... 详细信息
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