Necrotic feet secondary to vascular compromise in the diabetic patient may require an emergent guillotine amputation. Unrecognized, retained hardware in a distal ankle years after fracture repair may complicate the in...
Necrotic feet secondary to vascular compromise in the diabetic patient may require an emergent guillotine amputation. Unrecognized, retained hardware in a distal ankle years after fracture repair may complicate the intraoperative guillotine amputation at the transtibial/fibula level. Troubleshooting such an unexpected surgical problem is not necessarily straightforward depending on the clinical situation. Presented is a case report where a patient with a necrotic burned foot failed to inform the burn team that he had implanted ankle hardware, prior to his surgical intervention. A successful amputation was completed after proceeding down a specific algorithm devised for such a scenario.
Emphysematous cholecystitis is a rare subtype of acute cholecystitis characterized by the presence of gas in the gallbladder wall secondary to ischemia. Typically, this is a result of cystic artery vascular compromise...
Emphysematous cholecystitis is a rare subtype of acute cholecystitis characterized by the presence of gas in the gallbladder wall secondary to ischemia. Typically, this is a result of cystic artery vascular compromise with a concomitant infection from gas-forming organisms such as Clostridium species, Klebsiella species, or Escherichia coli. The mortality rate of acute emphysematous cholecystitis is 15% - 20% compared with 1.4% in uncomplicated acute cholecystitis. The subsequent development of a cholecystocutaneous fistula, an abnormal connection between the gallbladder and the skin, is also a rare complication of gallbladder disease. We describe a case of a 77-year-old male who presented with right flank necrotizing fasciitis which developed from a cholecystocutaneous fistula secondary to emphysematous cholecystitis. Once the necrotic tissues were adequately debrided, the large open wound was treated with negative pressure wound therapy with instillation (NPWT-i) utilizing hypochlorous acid (HOCL). The wound was closed with a split-thickness skin graft.