Background:Chewing Khat(Catha edulis)releases cathine and cathinone,which may reduce appetite via an unknown *** study investigated the peripheral and central effects of fresh leaves and buds of Catha edulis water ext...
Background:Chewing Khat(Catha edulis)releases cathine and cathinone,which may reduce appetite via an unknown *** study investigated the peripheral and central effects of fresh leaves and buds of Catha edulis water extract(CEWE)on appetite biomarkers,gene expression,and body weight,using in vivo,ex vivo,and in silico ***:Rats of both sexes were orally administered CEWE at different doses and durations in three different *** chromatography-mass spectroscopy(LC-MS)-MS was used to detect cathinone and cathine in the murine *** effect of Khat on serotonin receptors was studied in isolated rat fundus *** of the two Khat ligands was performed on G(The 5-hydroxytryptamine-type 2C receptor(5-HT2C)in an agonist-bound active conformation)and H(5-HT2C in an antagonist-bound inactive conformation)proteins to determine which ligands are most likely to act as agonists or ***:Significant differences(Pcontrols over eight ***,the plasma leptin and ghrelin levels did not change significantly(P>0.05).The expression of the ghrelin and leptin genes was also unaffected,but the expression of the 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT)gene decreased(P<0.05)with CEWE *** antagonizes 5-HT receptors in isolated rat fundus *** findings indicated that the khat ligands bound to 5-HT2C *** and cathinone levels in rat plasma were ***:Khat extract may suppress appetite by antagonizing the 5-HT *** research is required to understand its mechanism and potential applications.
Caralluma edulis is a leafless succulent herb native to India and Pakistan,where it is used as emergency food and as potential herbal *** was investigated for its bioactive chemicals and further medicinal *** objectiv...
Caralluma edulis is a leafless succulent herb native to India and Pakistan,where it is used as emergency food and as potential herbal *** was investigated for its bioactive chemicals and further medicinal *** objective of the current study was to accomplish the chemical and biological characterization of *** profiling was done through estimation of total bioactive contents and UHPLMS *** screening was achieved through six different antioxidant and enzyme inhibition *** of its phenolic and flavonoid contents revealed that ethyl acetate fraction(Ce-E)contains 14.15 mg GAE/g extract and 26.13 mg RE/g extract of phenolics and flavonoids,respectively,followed by the methanolic(Ce-M)and the water(Ce-W)soluble *** free radical inhibitory assays,Ce-E fraction also exhibited highest activity(DPPH:19.72 mg TE/g extract,ABTS:48.66 mg TE/g extract)followed by Ce-M,whereas,in CUPRAC and FRAP assays,all the extracts,except water fraction,exhibited nearly equal potential in the range of 53.85–57.96 and 25.42–32.12 mg TE/g extract,*** metal chelating antioxidant assay,only Ce-M and Ce-W fractions displayed considerable activities(25.88 and 23.55 mg EDTAE/g extract respectively),whereas,Ce-H exhibited the highest activity in phosphomolybdenum assay(1.03 mmolTE/g extract),against BChE(6.43 mg GALAE/g extract),α-glucosidase andα-amylase(6.98 and 0.47 mmol ACAE/g,respectively)and tyrosinase(64.46 mg KAE/g extract)***-M and Ce-E also exhibited significant activity against tyrosinase(59.85 and 58.40 mg KAE/g extract,respectively).Crude methanolic extract(Ce-M)was analyzed to unveil its secondary metabolic picture;the UHPLCMS analysis discloses 105 compounds as phenolic acids,flavonoids,steroids and their glycosides,which makes the *** extract a strong candidate for nutraceutical and functional food *** of the metabolites were docked against all the tested enzymes to predict mode of
BACKGROUND The coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)was perhaps the most severe global health crisis in living *** respiratory symptoms,elevated liver enzymes,abnormal liver function,and even acute liver failure were rep...
BACKGROUND The coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)was perhaps the most severe global health crisis in living *** respiratory symptoms,elevated liver enzymes,abnormal liver function,and even acute liver failure were reported in patients suffering from severe acute respiratory disease coronavirus 2 ***,the precise triggers of these forms of liver damage and how they affect the course and outcomes of COVID-19 itself remain *** To analyze the impact of liver enzyme abnormalities on the severity and outcomes of COVID-19 in hospitalized *** In this study,684 depersonalized medical records from patients hospitalized with COVID-19 during the 2020-2021 period were ***-19 was diagnosed according to the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health(2021).Patients were assigned to two groups:those with elevated liver enzymes(Group 1:603 patients),where at least one out of four liver enzymes were elevated(following the norm of hospital laboratory tests:alanine aminotransferase(ALT)≥40,aspartate aminotransferase(AST)≥40,gamma-glutamyl transferase≥36,or alkaline phosphatase≥150)at any point of hospitalization,from admission to discharge;and the control group(Group 2:81 patients),with normal liver enzymes during ***-19 severity was assessed according to the interim World Health Organization guidance(2022).Data on viral pneumonia complications,laboratory tests,and underlying diseases were also collected and *** In total,603(88.2%)patients produced abnormal liver test *** and AST levels were elevated by a factor of less than 3 in 54.9%and 74.8%of cases with increased enzyme levels,*** in Group 1 had almost double the chance of bacterial viral pneumonia complications[odds ratio(OR)=1.73,P=0.0217],required oxygen supply more often,and displayed higher biochemical inflammation indices than those in Group *** differences in other COVID-19 complications or underlying disea