Tuojiang River Basin is a first-class tributary of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River—which is the longest river in *** phytoplankton are sensitive indicators of trophic changes inwater bodies,characterizing phyt...
Tuojiang River Basin is a first-class tributary of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River—which is the longest river in *** phytoplankton are sensitive indicators of trophic changes inwater bodies,characterizing phytoplankton communities and their growth influencing factors in polluted urban rivers can provide new ideas for pollution ***,we used direct microscopic count and environmental DNA(eDNA)metabarcoding methods to investigate phytoplankton community structure in Tuojiang River Basin(Chengdu,Sichuan Province,China).The association between phytoplankton community structure and water environmental factors was evaluated by Mantel *** environmental monitoring data were used to pinpoint major factors that influenced phytoplankton growth based on structural equation *** the phylum level,the dominant phytoplankton taxa identified by the conventional microscopic method mainly belonged to Bacillariophyta,Chlorophyta,and Cyanophyta,in contrast with Chlorophyta,Dinophyceae,and Bacillariophyta identified by eDNA ***α-diversity analysis,eDNA metabarcoding detected greater species diversity and achieved higher precision than the microscopic *** growth was largely limited by phosphorus based on the nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios>16:1 in all water *** analysis and structural equation modeling also confirmed that the nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio was the principal factor influencing phytoplankton *** results could be useful for implementing comprehensive management of the river basin *** is recommended to control the discharge of point-and surface-source pollutants and the concentration of dissolved oxygen in areas with excessive nutrients(e.g.,Jianyang-Ziyang).Algae monitoring techniques and removal strategies should be improved in 201 Hospital,Hongrihe Bridge and Colmar Town areas.
This study aims to investigate the problem of attitude control for a spacecraft with inertial uncertainties, external disturbances, and communication restrictions. An event-triggered active disturbance rejection contr...
This study aims to investigate the problem of attitude control for a spacecraft with inertial uncertainties, external disturbances, and communication restrictions. An event-triggered active disturbance rejection control approach is proposed for attitude tracking of the spacecraft. An event-triggered mechanism is introduced together with an extended state observer to jointly monitor the system states and total disturbances. The observation error is proved to be uniformly bounded. Based on the proposed control scheme,the integrated tracking system is shown to be asymptotically stable, implying successful attitude tracking of the spacecraft for the desired motion. Numerical results illustrate the effectiveness of the control strategy in achieving satisfactory tracking performance with a reduced data-transmission cost.
In this work,an event-triggered adaptive robust controller(ET-ARC) design is considered for a continuous-time nonlinear system combined with structural uncertainties and parameter *** the event-trigger scheme,the co...
In this work,an event-triggered adaptive robust controller(ET-ARC) design is considered for a continuous-time nonlinear system combined with structural uncertainties and parameter *** the event-trigger scheme,the controller only can obtain the sampled date of the output measurement at some certain instants determined by the designed triggering condition and therefore the performance of the ET-ARC depends on the triggering condition ***,in this work,for the adaptive robust control scheme,an event-triggered transmission strategy is proposed,which relies on the output measurement of the nonlinear ***,based on this strategy,the design idea of the adaptive robust controller is presented such that the tracking performance is ***,based on a more general assumption,we provide a possible formation of control signal which satisfies the requirement proposed.
In this paper,a fault tolerant control method based on active disturbance rejection control(ADRC) and radial basis function neural network(RBFNN) is proposed for a class of multi-input-multi-output nonlinear syste...
In this paper,a fault tolerant control method based on active disturbance rejection control(ADRC) and radial basis function neural network(RBFNN) is proposed for a class of multi-input-multi-output nonlinear system with actuator faults,components faults and sensor *** proposed method does not rely on the plant *** regarding the faults and plant uncertainties as the disturbance,through the observation of extended state observer and the compensation of feedback control signal,this method achieves the fault tolerance control of the plant with component fault and actuator *** sensor faults,in this work,radial basis function neural network is applied to estimate the real output of the *** this output estimation is utilized by active disturbance rejection control to achieve the fault tolerance of ***,the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by the simulation results of the three-tank system.
A novel adaptive robust control (ARC) is presented for the four-motor driving servo systems with the uncertain nonlinearities and actuation failures, such that the load tracking control is achieved with the proximat...
A novel adaptive robust control (ARC) is presented for the four-motor driving servo systems with the uncertain nonlinearities and actuation failures, such that the load tracking control is achieved with the proximate optimal-time. By applying the proposed scheme, several control objectives are achieved. First, the nonlinear synchronization algorithm is presented to maintain the velocity synchronization of each motor, which provides fast convergence without chatting. Moreover, the time-varying bias torque is applied to eliminate the effect of backlash and reduce the waste of energy. Then, the ARC is designed to achieve the proximate optimal-time output tracking with the transient performance in L2 norm, where the friction and actuation failures are addressed by the adaptive scheme based on the norm estimation of unknown parameter vector. Finally, the extensive simulated and experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
We consider an optimal denial-of-service(DoS) attack scheduling problem of N independent linear time-invariant processes, where sensors have limited computational capability. Sensors transmit measurements to the remot...
We consider an optimal denial-of-service(DoS) attack scheduling problem of N independent linear time-invariant processes, where sensors have limited computational capability. Sensors transmit measurements to the remote estimator via a communication channel that is exposed to DoS attackers. However,due to limited energy, an attacker can only attack a subset of sensors at each time step. To maximally degrade the estimation performance, a DoS attacker needs to determine which sensors to attack at each time step. In this context, a deep reinforcement learning(DRL) algorithm, which combines Q-learning with a deep neural network, is introduced to solve the Markov decision process(MDP). The DoS attack scheduling optimization problem is formulated as an MDP that is solved by the DRL algorithm. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the efficiency of the optimal DoS attack scheduling scheme using the DRL algorithm.
The dynamic performance of the feed-drive system in CNC machine tools directly influences the accuracy of machined *** enhance the motion control performance of CNC machine tools,a high-precision model of the feed-dri...
The dynamic performance of the feed-drive system in CNC machine tools directly influences the accuracy of machined *** enhance the motion control performance of CNC machine tools,a high-precision model of the feed-drive system is ***,current modeling methods for feed-drive systems seldom consider time-varying factors such as loads,wear,and *** a result,the model accuracy degrades when the system characteristics are affected by these time-varying *** this paper,a rolling optimization method with partial weights frozen is developed to realize quick iterative learning of a data-driven model for a feed drive system with time-varying characteristics using a small amount of ***,the long short-term memory fully connected(LSTM-FC)network is built and divided into feature extraction and output fitting parts based on their ***,a weight freezing-based rolling optimization method is *** weights in the feature extraction part are frozen,which preserves the learned common knowledge and patterns by solidifying the way that high-dimensional features are extracted from the *** adjusting the weights in the output fitting part,the extracted highdimensional features are remapped to the new data distribution changed by time-varying ***,the performance of the developed rolling optimization method is confirmed by *** results show that the proposed rolling optimization method reduces the maximum prediction errors by 49.5%and the total training time by 96.3%compared with existing methods,which demonstrates that the proposed method can restore model accuracy when the system characteristics change due to timevarying factors,and significantly accelerate the optimization process by rolling optimization.
The pressure-actuated metal seal with soft metal coating has been widely used in complex working conditions such as high temperature,low temperature and high *** investigation of the characteristics and binding streng...
The pressure-actuated metal seal with soft metal coating has been widely used in complex working conditions such as high temperature,low temperature and high *** investigation of the characteristics and binding strength of the transition layer between the soft metal coating and the superalloy substrate is important to improve the sealing performance and to model and simplify the working through-process of metal *** distribution characteristics of elements at soft metal-substrate interface and the binding strength between coating and substrate under different thicknesses and material combinations of coating layer were studied by experimental *** results indicate that the thickness of soft metal coating has little influence on the interface morphology of GH4169-Cu,GH4169-Ag and Cu-Ag,but has an influence on the thickness of transition layer between different metals,while this influence is weakened with increasing the coating thickness,and the thickness of transition layer is about 2μm when the coating thickness is more than 30μ*** cross-cut test shows that the Cu,Ag and Cu-Ag coatings are all well combined with nickel-based superalloy GH4169 *** materials of soft metal,*** coating materials,have significant influence on the characteristic of transition layer and the surface characteristics of coating after cross-cut test.
The sequential fusion estimation for multisensor systems disturbed by non-Gaussian but heavytailed noises is studied in this paper. Based on multivariate t-distribution and the approximate t-filter,the sequential fusi...
The sequential fusion estimation for multisensor systems disturbed by non-Gaussian but heavytailed noises is studied in this paper. Based on multivariate t-distribution and the approximate t-filter,the sequential fusion algorithm is presented. The performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed and compared with the t-filter-based centralized batch fusion and the Gaussian Kalman filter-based optimal centralized fusion. Theoretical analysis and exhaustive experimental analysis show that the proposed algorithm is effective. As the generalization of the classical Gaussian Kalman filter-based optimal sequential fusion algorithm, the presented algorithm is shown to be superior to the Gaussian Kalman filter-based optimal centralized batch fusion and the optimal sequential fusion in estimation of dynamic systems with non-Gaussian noises.
Since computer system functions are becoming increasingly complex, the user has to spend much more time on the process of seeking information, instead of utilizing the required infor- mation. Information intelligent p...
Since computer system functions are becoming increasingly complex, the user has to spend much more time on the process of seeking information, instead of utilizing the required infor- mation. Information intelligent push technology could replace the traditional method to speed up the information retrieval process. The fuzzy cognitive map has strong knowledge representation ability and reasoning capability. Information intelligent push with the basis on fuzzy cognitive map could ab- stract the computer user' s operations to a fuzzy cognitive map, and infer the user' s operating inten- tions. The reasoning results will be translated into operational events, and drive the computer system to push appropriate information to the user.