With the excep.ion of mature erythrocytes, cells within the human hematop.ietic system are characterized by the cell surface exp.ession of the p.n-leukocyte recep.or CD45. Here, we identify a novel subset among mononu...
With the excep.ion of mature erythrocytes, cells within the human hematop.ietic system are characterized by the cell surface exp.ession of the p.n-leukocyte recep.or CD45. Here, we identify a novel subset among mononuclear cord blood cells dep.eted of lineage commitment markers (Lin) that are devoid of CD45 exp.ession. Surp.isingly, functional examination of Lin"CD45" cells also lacking cell surface CD34 revealed they were cap.ble of multip.tential hematop.ietic p.ogenitor cap.city. Co-culture with mouse embryonic limb bud cells demonstrated that Lin-CD45-CD34- cells were cap.ble of contributing to cartilage nodules and differentiating into human chondrocytes. BMp.4, a mesodermal factor known to p.omote chondrogenesis, significantly augmented Lin-CD45-CD34- differentiation into chondrocytes. Moreover, unlike CD34+ human hematop.ietic stem cells, Lin-CD45-CD34- cells were unable to p.oliferate or survive in liquid cultures, whereas single Lin-CD45-CD34- cells were able to chimerize the inner cell mass (IC
Dear Editor,Telomere attrition is one of the hallmark of *** Terc knockout mice exhibit imp.ired hematop.iesis,1 while the underling mechanisms remain p.orly *** long intersp.rsed element-1(L1)is the only human retrot...
Dear Editor,Telomere attrition is one of the hallmark of *** Terc knockout mice exhibit imp.ired hematop.iesis,1 while the underling mechanisms remain p.orly *** long intersp.rsed element-1(L1)is the only human retrotransp.sable elements cap.ble of autonomous retrotransp.sition,and evolutionarily *** studies rep.rted that L1 is derep.essed during the aging p.ocess with redistribution and reorganization of the heterochromatin.2 Considering that telomere shortening can cause chromosome instability and rearrangements,3 we sp.culate that L1 may p.ay a role in imp.ired hematop.iesis in telomere dysfunctional mice.