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  • 387 篇 医学
    • 292 篇 临床医学
    • 27 篇 基础医学(可授医学...
    • 21 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
    • 16 篇 药学(可授医学、理...
    • 13 篇 医学技术(可授医学...
    • 12 篇 中西医结合
  • 251 篇 工学
    • 52 篇 化学工程与技术
    • 47 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
    • 24 篇 计算机科学与技术...
    • 23 篇 电子科学与技术(可...
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    • 18 篇 软件工程
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  • 217 篇 理学
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    • 9 篇 地球物理学
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  • 2 篇 艺术学
  • 1 篇 历史学


  • 16 篇 cancer
  • 10 篇 diabetes
  • 10 篇 immunotherapy
  • 10 篇 metabolism
  • 10 篇 china
  • 9 篇 inflammation
  • 8 篇 covid-19
  • 8 篇 disease
  • 7 篇 obesity
  • 7 篇 metastasis
  • 6 篇 organs
  • 6 篇 apoptosis
  • 6 篇 chemotherapy
  • 5 篇 mechanism
  • 5 篇 tumor microenvir...
  • 5 篇 immune
  • 5 篇 meta-analysis
  • 5 篇 diagnosis
  • 5 篇 stroke
  • 5 篇 patients


  • 7 篇 university of ch...
  • 6 篇 center for preci...
  • 6 篇 shanghai key lab...
  • 5 篇 school of comput...
  • 5 篇 state key labora...
  • 5 篇 department of au...
  • 5 篇 shanghai astrono...
  • 5 篇 department of mo...
  • 5 篇 school of cybers...
  • 4 篇 chinese institut...
  • 4 篇 shenzhen institu...
  • 4 篇 school of biomed...
  • 4 篇 北京师范大学
  • 4 篇 institute of mod...
  • 4 篇 北京大学
  • 4 篇 department of co...
  • 4 篇 department of ne...
  • 4 篇 department of ba...
  • 4 篇 hainan blockchai...
  • 4 篇 human genetics c...


  • 10 篇 victor s.sheng
  • 9 篇 mingyao liu
  • 6 篇 yang yang
  • 6 篇 run wang
  • 6 篇 salim surani
  • 5 篇 yu wang
  • 5 篇 michael x.zhu
  • 5 篇 jieren cheng
  • 5 篇 hao li
  • 5 篇 xia meng
  • 5 篇 qi zhang
  • 5 篇 yongjun wang
  • 5 篇 wei fang
  • 5 篇 shengqian ma
  • 5 篇 wei chen
  • 5 篇 guigen li
  • 5 篇 chaoqun liu
  • 5 篇 li wang
  • 4 篇 huazhong shi
  • 4 篇 li li


  • 643 篇 英文
  • 135 篇 中文
检索条件"机构=McGovem Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center"
778 条 记 录,以下是751-760 订阅
Building a global schistosomiasis alliance:an opportunity to join forces to fight inequality and rural poverty
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Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2017年 第1期6卷 558-563页
作者: Lorenzo Savioli Marco Albonico Daniel G.Colley Rodrigo Correa-Oliveira Alan Fenwick Will Green Narcis Kabatereine Achille Kabore Naftale Katz Katharina Klohe Philip TLoVerde David Rollinson JRussell Stothard Louis-Albert Tchuem Tchuente Johannes Waltz Xiao-Nong Zhou Global Schistosomiasis Alliance GenevaSwitzerland center for Tropical Diseases Sacro Cuore Hospital-WHO Collaborating Centre on strongyloidiasis and other intestinal parasitic infectionsNegrarVeronaItaly Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation The University of GeorgiaAthensGeorgiaUSA Centro de Pesquisas ReneRachou-Fiocruz Belo HorizonteBrazil and Universidade Federal de Ouro PretoOuro PretoBrazil Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology SCIImperial CollegeLondonUK Trinity College Cambridge CambridgeUK Imperial College London LondonUK RTI International WashingtonDCUSA Research center Rene Rachou-Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Belo HorizonteBrazil Global Schistosomiasis Alliance MunichGermany university of texas health science center San AntonioTXUSA Life sciences Department The Natural History MuseumLondonUK Department of Parasitology Liverpool School of Tropical MedicineLiverpool L35QAUK Centre for Schistosomiasis&Parasitology YaoundeCameroon Global Schistosomiasis Alliance LondonUK National Institute of Parasitic Diseases Chinese center for Disease Control and Prevention ShanghaiChina
Schistosomiasis,one of the 17 neglected tropical diseases listed by the World health Organization,presents a substantial public health and economic *** the 261 million people requiring preventive chemotherapy for schi... 详细信息
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Author Correction: Disrupted Ca2+ homeostasis and immunodeficiency in patients with functional IP3 receptor subtype 3 defects
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Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2023年 第1期20卷 114-114页
作者: Julika Neumann Erika Van Nieuwenhove Lara E.Terry Frederik Staels Taylor R.Knebel Kirsten Welkenhuyzen Kourosh Ahmadzadeh Mariah R.Baker Margaux Gerbaux Mathijs Willemsen John S.Barber Irina I.Serysheva Liesbeth De Waele François Vermeulen Susan Schlenner Isabelle Meyts David I.Yule Geert Bultynck Rik Schrijvers Stephanie Humblet-Baron Adrian Liston VIB center for Brain and Disease Research Leuven Belgium Department of Microbiology and Immunology KU Leuven Leuven Belgium UZ Leuven Leuven Belgium Department of Pharmacology and Physiology University of Rochester Rochester NY 14526 USA Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Signaling Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Leuven Kankerinstituut KU Leuven Leuven Belgium Laboratory of Immunobiology Department Microbiology and Immunology Rega Institute KU Leuven Leuven Belgium Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Structural Biology Imaging Center McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Houston TX 77030 USA Pediatric Department Academic Children Hospital Queen Fabiola Université Libre de Bruxelles Brussels Belgium Department of Pediatric Neurology University Hospitals Leuven Leuven Belgium Department of Pulmonology University Hospitals Leuven Leuven Belgium Laboratory for Inborn Errors of Immunity Department of Immunology and Microbiology KU Leuven Leuven Belgium Laboratory for Allergy and Clinical Immunology and Immunogenetics Research Group Department of Microbiology Immunology and Transplantation KU Leuven Leuven Belgium Immunology Programme The Babraham Institute Babraham Research Campus Cambridge CB22 3AT UK
In this article the statement in the Acknowledgements section was incorrectly given as “MRB and IIS are supported by the NIH R01GM080139 grant (to IIS), the Welch Foundation Research Grant AU-2014-20190331 (to IIS), ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Sufficient or insufficient: Assessment of the intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) of the world's major greenhouse gas emitters
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Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019年 第1期6卷 19-37页
作者: Ge GAO Mo CHEN Jiayu WANG Kexin YANG Yujiao XIAN Xunpeng SHI Ke WANG center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing 100081 China school of Management and Economics Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing 100081 China Productivity and Efficiency Measurement Laboratory Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Texas A&M University College Station Texas USA Australia-China Relations Institute University of Technology Sydney Ultimo NSW Australia Energy Studies Institute National University of Singapore Singapore Beijing Key Lab of Energy Economics and Environmental Management Beijing 100081 China Sustainable Development Research Institute for Economy and Society of Beijing Beijing 100081 China
The recent Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has resulted in the submission of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) of 190 countries. This study... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Iatrogenic opioid dependence is endemic and legal: Genetic addiction risk score (GARS) with electrotherapy a paradigm shift in pain treatment programs
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health 2013年 第11期5卷 16-34页
作者: Kenneth Blum David Han Marlene Oscar-Berman Gary Reinl Nicholas DiNubile Margaret A. Madigan Anish Bajaj Bernard William Downs John Giordano Wayne Westcott Leonard Smith Eric R. Braverman Kristina Dushaj Mary Hauser Thomas Simpatico Thomas McLaughlin Joan Borsten Debmayla Barh center for Psychiatric Medicine North Andover USA Centre for Genomics and Applied Gene Technology Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB) Nonakuri Purba Medinipur India Department of Addiction Research & Therapy Malibu Beach Recovery Center Malibu Beach USA Department of Executive health Path Research Foundation NY New York USA Department of Exercise science Quincy College Quincy USA Department of Holistic Medicine and Pain Track National Institute for Holistic Addiction Studies North Miami Beach USA Department of Management science and Statistics The University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio USA Department of Molecular Nutrition Impact Genomics Inc. Austin USA Igene LLC Austin USA Department of Psychiatry Anatomy & Neurobiology Boston VA and Boston University School of Medicine Boston USA Department of Psychiatry College of Medicine & McKnight Brain Institute University of Florida Gainesville USA Department of Executive Health Path Research Foundation NY New York USA Department of Psychiatry College of Medicine & McKnight Brain Institute University of Florida Gainesville USA Electronic Waveform Lab Department of Pain Research Huntington Beach USA Department of Orthopedic Surgery Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia USA Department of Molecular Nutrition Impact Genomics Inc. Austin USA Department of Executive Health Path Research Foundation NY New York USA Department of Holistic Medicine and Pain Track National Institute for Holistic Addiction Studies North Miami Beach USA Dominion Diagnostics LLC North Kingstown USA Department of Psychiatry Human Integrated Services Unit of Vermont Center for Clinical & Translational Science University of Vermont College of Medicine Burlington USA Department of Addiction Research & Therapy Malibu Beach Recovery Center Malibu Beach USA Centre for Genomics and Applied Gene Technology Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB) Nonakuri Purba Me
The mounting endemic of prescription iatrogenic opioid dependence in pain patients provoked this treatise about an alternative method that can be used to treat pain, improve function and reduce the risk of opioid depe... 详细信息
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作者: 布赖恩·琼斯 刘新胜 center for American Politics and Public Policy university of Washington Seattle WA 98136 USA Institute for science Technology and Public Policy Bush School of Government and Public Service Texas A&M University College StationTX 77843-4350 USA
Introduction One of the great challenges for modem governments today in both developed and developing countries is managing the complex and rapid change that sweeps the *** political scientists and others have devoted...
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Fungal diversity notes 1–110:taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal species
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Fungal Diversity 2015年 第3期72卷 1-197页
作者: Jian Kui Liu Kevin D.Hyde E.B.Gareth Jones Hiran A.Ariyawansa Darbhe J.Bhat Saranyaphat Boonmee Sajeewa S.N.Maharachchikumbura Eric H.C.McKenzie Rungtiwa Phookamsak Chayanard Phukhamsakda Belle Damodara Shenoy Mohamed A,Abdel-Wahab Bart Buyck Jie Chen K.W.Thilini Chethana Chonticha Singtripop Dong Qin Dai Yu Cheng Dai Dinushani ADaranagama Asha J.Dissanayake Mingkwan Doilom Melvina J.D’souza Xin Lei Fan Ishani DGoonasekara Kazuyuki Hirayama Sinang Hongsanan Subashini C.Jayasiri Ruvishika S.Jayawardena Samantha C.Karunarathna Wen Jing Li Ausana Mapook Chada Norphanphoun Ka Lai Pang Rekhani H.Perera Derek Peršoh Umpava Pinruan Indunil CSenanayake Sayanh Somrithipol Satinee Suetrong Kazuaki Tanaka Kasun M.Thambugala Qing Tian Saowaluck Tibpromma Danushka Udayanga Nalin N.Wijayawardene Dhanuska Wanasinghe Komsit Wisitrassameewong Xiang Yu Zeng Faten AAbdel-Aziz Slavomir Adamčík Ali H.Bahkali Nattawut Boonyuen Timur Bulgakov Philippe Callac Putarak Chomnunti Katrin Greiner Akira Hashimoto Valerie Hofstetter Ji Chuan Kang David Lewis Xing Hong Li Xing Zhong Liu Zuo Yi Liu Misato Matsumura Peter E.Mortimer Gerhard Rambold Emile Randrianjohany Genki Sato Veera Sri-Indrasutdhi Cheng Ming Tian Annemieke Verbeken Wolfgang von Brackel Yong Wang Ting Chi Wen Jian Chu Xu Ji Ye Yan Rui Lin Zhao Erio Camporesi Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology Guizhou Academy of Agricultural SciencesGuiyang 550006GuizhouChina Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia Kunming Institute of BotanyChinese Academy of ScienceKunming 650201YunnanChina Institute of Excellence in Fungal Research and school of science Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand Department of Botany and Microbiology King Saudi UniversityRiyadhSaudi Arabia Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research Private Bag 92170AucklandNew Zealand Formerly Department of Botany Goa UniversityGoaIndia No.128/1–J Azad Housing SocietyCurcaGoa VelhaIndia Muséum national d’histoire naturelle Dépt.Systématique etévolutionUMR 720575005 ParisFrance Institute of Microbiology&Beijing Key Laboratory for Forest Pest Control Beijing Forestry UniversityPO Box 61Beijing 100083China Institute of Plant and Environment Protection Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry SciencesNo.9 of Shu Guang Hua Yuan Zhong LuHaidian DistrictBeijing 10097China The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing 100083China Mycology University of BayreuthUniversitätsstraße 3095440 BayreuthGermany The United Graduate school of Agricultural sciences Iwate University18-8 Ueda 3 chomeMorioka 020-8550Japan Apple Experiment Station Aomori Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center24 FukutamiBotandairaKuroishiAomori 036-0332Japan Department of Plant Protection Agroscope Changins-Wadenswil Research Station ACWRte de Duiller1260 NyonSwitzerland Department of Botany and Microbiology College of ScienceKing Saud UniversityP.O.Box:2455Riyadh 1145Saudi Arabia Department of Botany Faculty of ScienceSohag UniversitySohagEgypt Institute of Botany Slovak Academy of SciencesDúbravskácesta 984523 BratislavaSlovakia Hirosaki university Bleakwood262 CR 3062NewtonTexas 75966USA Faculty of Agriculture and Life sciences Hirosaki University3 Bunkyo-choHirosakiAomori
This paper is a compilation of notes on 110 fungal taxa,including one new family,10 new genera,and 76 new species,representing a wide taxonomic and geographic *** new family,Paradictyoarthriniaceae is introduced based... 详细信息
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Correction: Activation of RAS/MAPK pathway confers MCL-1 mediated acquired resistance to BCL-2 inhibitor venetoclax in acute myeloid leukemia
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Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 2022年 第5期7卷 1860-1860页
作者: Qi Zhang Bridget Riley-Gillis Lina Han Yannan Jia Alessia Lodi Haijiao Zhang Saravanan Ganesan Rongqing Pan Sergej N.Konoplev Shannon R.Sweeney Jeremy A.Ryan Yulia Jitkova Kenneth Dunner Jr Shaun E.Grosskurth Priyanka Vijay Sujana Ghosh Charles Lu Wencai Ma Stephen Kurtz Vivian R.Ruvolo Helen Ma Connie C.Weng Cassandra L.Ramage Natalia Baran Ce Shi Tianyu Cai Richard Eric Davis Venkata L.Battula Yingchang Mi Jing Wang Courtney D.DiNardo Michael Andreeff Jeffery W.Tyner Aaron Schimmer Anthony Letai Rose Ann Padua Carlos E.Bueso-Ramos Stefano Tiziani Joel Leverson Relja Popovic Marina Konopleva The university of texas MD Anderson Cancer center Department of Leukemia Houston USA (GRID:grid.240145.6) (ISNI:0000 0001 2291 4776) AbbVie Inc. North Chicago USA (GRID:grid.431072.3) (ISNI:0000 0004 0572 4227) The university of texas MD Anderson Cancer center Department of Leukemia Houston USA (GRID:grid.240145.6) (ISNI:0000 0001 2291 4776) Chinese Academy of medical sciences & Peking Union medical College Institute of Hematology Tianjin China (GRID:grid.506261.6) (ISNI:0000 0001 0706 7839) The university of texas at Austin Department of Nutritional Sciences Department of Pediatrics Department of Oncology Dell Medical School Austin USA (GRID:grid.89336.37) (ISNI:0000 0004 1936 9924) Oregon health & science university Department of Cell Developmental & Cancer Biology Division of Hematology & Medical Oncology Knight Cancer Institute Portland USA (GRID:grid.5288.7) (ISNI:0000 0000 9758 5690) Université de Paris Institut de la Recherche Saint-Louis (IRSL) Inserm Unit 1131 Paris France (GRID:grid.508487.6) (ISNI:0000 0004 7885 7602) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston USA (GRID:grid.65499.37) (ISNI:0000 0001 2106 9910) The university of texas MD Anderson Cancer center Department of Hematopathology Houston USA (GRID:grid.240145.6) (ISNI:0000 0001 2291 4776) Princess Margaret Cancer center Toronto Canada (GRID:grid.415224.4) (ISNI:0000 0001 2150 066X) The university of texas MD Anderson Cancer center High Resolution Electron Microscopy Facility Houston USA (GRID:grid.240145.6) (ISNI:0000 0001 2291 4776) The university of texas MD Anderson Cancer center Department of Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Houston USA (GRID:grid.240145.6) (ISNI:0000 0001 2291 4776) The university of texas MD Anderson Cancer center Department of Leukemia Houston USA (GRID:grid.240145.6) (ISNI:0000 0001 2291 4776) The First Hospital Affiliated Harbin medical university Department of Hematology Harbin China (GRID:grid.410736.7) (ISNI:0000 0001 2204 9268) The university of texas MD Anderson Cance
Correction to:Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy(2022)7:1–13,https://***/10.1038/s41392-021-00870-3 In the original version of this article,given name of 4th author Yannan Jia was incorrectly published as Yanan... 详细信息
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Journal of Southeast university(English Edition) 2023年 第3期39卷 292-300页
作者: 陈飞 苏冠鸿 张丹妮 王晨竹 张云龙 薄雾 东南大学交通学院 南京211189 Zach Department of Civil&Environmental Engineering Texas A&M UniversityTexas 3136USA 西藏大学工学院 拉萨850000
为研究藏文文字对藏汉双语指路标志视认效果的影响,设计了4种不同藏文字高和高宽比的藏汉双语指路标志,并建立了道路仿真模型.选择藏族和汉族司机各10名,使用驾驶模拟器和眼动仪进行驾驶模拟实验.对眼动仪获取的被试瞳孔直径和视觉识别... 详细信息
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高分子材料科学与工程 2024年 第4期40卷 72-78页
作者: 雷凡 冯民生 李涛 Hung-Jue Sue 李姜 成都大学机械工程学院 四川成都610106 Polymer Technology center Department of Materials Science and EngineeringTexas A&M UniversityCollege StationTX 77843-3123USA 高分子材料工程国家重点实验室(四川大学)四川大学高分子研究所 四川成都610065
针对金属防腐蚀的需求,采用简单的喷涂法在金属基底上制备了高度取向磷酸锆/环氧树脂纳米复合涂层。利用透射电镜和X射线衍射分析探究了复合涂层中磷酸锆纳米粒子的分散形貌,采用电化学交流阻抗谱和动电位极化曲线等测试评价了复合涂层... 详细信息
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作者: 王青 韦晓波 邹婧 刘旭 徐运启 陈丹 廖金池 唐北沙 张灼华 蔡翔 Jin Kunling Xia Ying 中山大学附属第三医院神经内科 中南大学医学遗传国家重点实验室 广州医科大学附属第二医院神经科学研究所 Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience Institute for Aging and Alzheimer's Disease ResearchUniversity of North Texas Health Science Center Department of Neurosurgery The University of Texas Medical School at Houston
目的探索Nur77和Nurr1在帕金森病细胞模型中的致病机制,及美金刚通过调节Nur77/Nurr1产生的保护作用。方法6—羟基多巴胺(6—OHDA)作用于PC12细胞,成功构建帕金森氏病(PD)细胞模型。不同浓度的美金刚作用于上述细胞模型,运用Western Blo...
来源: cnki会议 评论