Rainfall and evapotranspiration are two vital elements for food production under rainfed agriculture. this study aims at investigating the combined changes in these variables in the form of aridly index in the souther...
Rainfall and evapotranspiration are two vital elements for food production under rainfed agriculture. this study aims at investigating the combined changes in these variables in the form of aridly index in the southern Senegal. the temporal trends in annual and monthly (from may to October) aridity index, rainfall and evapotranspiration are examined and adaptation strategies to the vulnerability of rainfed rice cultivation to the changes are developed. the results show a significant decreasing trend in annual rainfall at all study locations for the period 1922-2015. When analyzing the trends in sub-periods, there are two clear patterns in the annual rainfall series: a decreasing trend for the period 1922-1979 and a reversal increasing trend for the period 1980-2015. An increasing trend is also observed in annual reference evapotranspiration. the results reveal that the region will be drier with a significant increase in aridity at the annual and most monthly series. Appropriate adaptation strategies should be implemented to diminish the adverse influence of the increasing aridity on rice productivity for a sustainable agriculture.
this focused issue of the Communications on Applied mathematics and Computation is in Honour of Prof.Rémi Abgrall on the Occasion of His 61th Birthday.Rémi Abgrall has been a student in mathematics(1981–1985)of Eco...
this focused issue of the Communications on Applied mathematics and Computation is in Honour of Prof.Rémi Abgrall on the Occasion of His 61th Birthday.Rémi Abgrall has been a student in mathematics(1981–1985)of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint Cloud(now part of ENS Lyon).After his studies in pure mathematics,he changed orientation tofluid *** did his PhD at the laboratoire de météorologie dynamique(LmD)at Ecole Normale Supérieure under the supervision of Claude *** graduated in december 1987 with a thesis on a semi-Lagrangian model of 2D turbulence,refereed by Olivier Pironneau and marcel Lesieur.