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  • 89 篇 v.i.belousov
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检索条件"机构=IN2P3-CNRS et Univ."
1178 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Implementation of a double trigger condition system based on charge comparison and TOF measurement for the NEDA detector array
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Nuclear Science and Techniques 2025年 第2期36卷 40-48页
作者: J.M.Deltoro A.Goasduff F.J.Egea V.González A.Gadea R.M.pérez-Vidal I.Lazarus M.Kogimtzis L.McNicholl M.palacz G.Jaworski J.J.Valiente-Dobón J.Nyberg S.Casans A.E.Navarro-Antón E.Sanchis A.Boujrad E.Clément T.Hüyük R.Illicachi O.Stezowski V.Modamio Department of Electronic Engineering University of ValenciaBurjassotValenciaSpain Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di LegnaroLaboratori Nazionali di LegnaroLegnaroPadovaItaly Instituto de Física Corpuscular CSIC-Universidad de ValenciaCSIC-Universidad de Valencia46980 PaternaValenciaSpain Science and Technology Facilities Council DaresburyUK Heavy Ion Laboratory University of Warsaw02-093 WarsawPoland Department of physics and Astronomy Uppsala UniversityUppsalaSweden Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds(GANIL) CEA/DRF-CNRS/IN2P3CEA/DRF-CNRS/IN2P3CaenFrance univ.rsitéde Lyon UniversitéLyon-1CNRS/IN2P3UMR5822IP2IIP2I4 Rue Enrico Fermi69622 Villeurbanne CedexFrance Department of physics University of Oslo0316 OsloNorway
The NEutron Detector Array(NEDA)is designed to be coupled to gamma-ray spectrometers to enhance the sensitivity of the setup by enabling reaction channel selection through counting of the evaporated *** article presen... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Reconstruction of pile-up events using a one-dimensional convolutional autoencoder for the NEDA detector array
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Nuclear Science and Techniques 2025年 第2期36卷 62-70页
作者: J.M.Deltoro G.Jaworski A.Goasduff V.González A.Gadea M.palacz J.J.Valiente-Dobón J.Nyberg S.Casans A.E.Navarro-Antón E.Sanchis G.de Angelis A.Boujrad S.Coudert T.Dupasquier S.Ertürk O.Stezowski R.Wadsworth Department of Electronic Engineering University of ValenciaBurjassotValenciaSpain Heavy Ion Laboratory University of Warsaw02-093 WarsawPoland Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di LegnaroLegnaroItaly Instituto de Física Corpuscular CSIC-Universidad de Valencia46980 PaternaValenciaSpain Department of physics and Astronomy Uppsala UniversityUppsalaSweden GANIL CEA/DRF-CNRS/IN2P3Bvd.Henri Becquerel14076 CaenFrance cnrs IN2P3IPN LyonUniversitéLyon 169622 VilleurbanneFrance Department of physics Nigde Omer Halisdemir University51240 NigdeTurkey Department of physics University of YorkHeslingtonYork YO105DDUK
pulse pile-up is a problem in nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear reaction studies that occurs when two pulses overlap and distort each other,degrading the quality of energy and timing *** methods have been used for pile... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Simulation of beam size multiknobs correction at the Accelerator Test Facility 2 at KEK
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Chinese physics C 2011年 第4期35卷 397-401页
作者: 白莎 B. Bolzon p. Bambade 高杰 Institute of High Energy physics CAS LApp cnrs/in2p3 LAL univ.paris-Sud cnrs/in2p3
The ATF2 project is the final focus system prototype for the ILC and CLIC linear collider projects, with a purpose of reaching a 37 nm vertical beam size at the interaction point (Ip). During the initial commissioni... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
SUSY searches at ATLAS
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Frontiers of physics 2013年 第3期8卷 248-256页
作者: pascal pralavoriot CppM University Aix-Marseille and CNRS/IN2P3 Marseille France
Despite the absence of experimental evidence, weak scale supersymmetry remains one of the best motivated and studied Standard Model extensions. The ATLAS experiment at the LHC searches for signs of supersymmetry in a ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
propagation of a beam halo in accelerator test facility 2 at KEK
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Chinese physics C 2013年 第5期37卷 81-84页
作者: 白莎 p. Bambade 高杰 Institute of High Energy physics (IHEp) LAL Univ Paris-SudCNRS/IN2P3
The beam halo is a major issue for interaction region (IR) backgrounds at many colliders, for example, future linear colliders, B factories, and also it is an important problem at ATF2. In this paper, we report on t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
In situ cosmogenic ^(10)Be dating of the Quaternary glaciations in the southern Shaluli Mountain on the Southeastern Tibetan plateau
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Science China Earth Sciences 2006年 第12期49卷 1291-1298页
作者: Raisbeck Grand Yiou Francios Centre de Spectrometric Nucleaire et de Specmetric de Masse IN2P3 CNRS Bat.10891405 Campus Orsay France
It is generally considered that four-times ice age happened during the Quaternary epoch on the Tibetan plateau. However, the research on the chronology of the four-times ice age is far from enough. The Shaluli Mountai... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
prediction of energy resolution in the JUNO experiment
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Chinese physics C 2025年 第1期49卷 35-59页
作者: Angel Abusleme Thomas Adam Kai Adamowicz Shakeel Ahmad Rizwan Ahmed Sebastiano Aiello Fengpeng An Qi An Giuseppe Andronico Nikolay Anfimov Vito Antonelli Tatiana Antoshkina Joao pedro Athayde Marcondes de André Didier Auguste Weidong Bai Nikita Balashov Wander Baldini Andrea Barresi Davide Basilico Eric Baussan Marco Bellato Marco Beretta Antonio Bergnoli Daniel Bick Lukas Bieger Svetlana Biktemerova Thilo Birkenfeld Iwan Blake David Blum Simon Blyth Anastasia Bolshakova Mathieu Bongrand Clément Bordereau Dominique Breton Augusto Brigatti Riccardo Brugnera Riccardo Bruno Antonio Budano Jose Busto Anatael Cabrera Barbara Caccianiga Hao Cai Xiao Cai Yanke Cai Zhiyan Cai Stéphane Callier Steven Calvez Antonio Cammi Agustin Campeny Chuanya Cao Guofu Cao Jun Cao Rossella Caruso Cédric Cerna Vanessa Cerrone Jinfan Chang Yun Chang Auttakit Chatrabhuti Chao Chen Guoming Chen pingping Chen Shaomin Chen Xin Chen Yiming Chen Yixue Chen Yu Chen Zelin Chen Zhangming Chen Zhiyuan Chen Zikang Chen Jie Cheng Yaping Cheng YuChin Cheng Alexander Chepurnov Alexey Chetverikov Davide Chiesa pietro Chimenti Yen-Ting Chin po-Lin Chou Ziliang Chu Artem Chukanov Gérard Claverie Catia Clementi Barbara Clerbaux Marta Colomer Molla Selma Conforti Di Lorenzo Alberto Coppi Daniele Corti Simon Csakli Chenyang Cui Flavio Dal Corso Olivia Dalager Jaydeep Datta Christophe De La Taille Zhi Deng Ziyan Deng Xiaoyu Ding Xuefeng Ding Yayun Ding Bayu Dirgantara Carsten Dittrich Sergey Dmitrievsky Tadeas Dohnal Dmitry Dolzhikov Georgy Donchenko Jianmeng Dong Evgeny Doroshkevich Wei Dou Marcos Dracos Frédéric Druillole Ran Du Shuxian Du Katherine Dugas Stefano Dusini Hongyue Duyang Jessica Eck Timo Enqvist Andrea Fabbri Ulrike Fahrendholz Lei Fan Jian Fang Wenxing Fang Dmitry Fedoseev Li-Cheng Feng Qichun Feng Federico Ferraro Amélie Fournier Fritsch Fritsch Haonan Gan Feng Gao Feng Gao Alberto Garfagnini Arsenii Gavrikov Marco Giammarchi Nunzio Giudice Maxim Gonchar Guanghua Gong Hui Gong Yuri Gornushkin Marco Grassi Maxim Gromov Vasily Gromov Minghao G Yerevan physics Institute YerevanArmenia univ.rsité Libre de Bruxelles BrusselsBelgium univ.rsidade Estadual de Londrina LondrinaBrazil pontificia univ.rsidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro Rio de JaneiroBrazil Millennium Institute for SubAtomic physics at the High-energy Frontier(SApHIR) ANIDChile pontificia univ.rsidad Católica de Chile SantiagoChile Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering BeijingChina Beijing Normal univ.rsity BeijingChina China Institute of Atomic Energy BeijingChina Institute of High Energy physics BeijingChina North China Electric power univ.rsity BeijingChina School of physics Peking UniversityBeijingChina Tsinghua univ.rsity BeijingChina univ.rsity of Chinese Academy of Sciences BeijingChina Jilin univ.rsity ChangchunChina College of Electronic Science and Engineering National University of Defense TechnologyChangshaChina Chongqing univ.rsity ChongqingChina Dongguan univ.rsity of Technology DongguanChina Jinan univ.rsity GuangzhouChina Sun Yat-sen univ.rsity GuangzhouChina Harbin Institute of Technology HarbinChina univ.rsity of Science and Technology of China HefeiChina The Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Group in univ.rsity of South China HengyangChina Wuyi univ.rsity JiangmenChina Shandong univ.rsity JinanChinaand Key Laboratory of Particle Physics and Particle Irradiation of Ministry of EducationShandong UniversityQingdaoChina Nanjing univ.rsity NanjingChina Guangxi univ.rsity NanningChina East China univ.rsity of Science and Technology ShanghaiChina School of physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghaiChina Tsung-Dao Lee Institute Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghaiChina Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesShijiazhuangChina Nankai univ.rsity TianjinChina Wuhan univ.rsity WuhanChina Xi'an Jiaotong univ.rsity Xi'anChina Xiamen univ.rsity XiamenChina School of physics and Microelectronics Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhouChina Institute of physics National
This paper presents an energy resolution study of the JUNO experiment,incorporating the latest knowledge acquired during the detector construction *** determination of neutrino mass ordering in JUNO requires an except... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Dimuon production from Heavy Quark Decay in Heavy-Ion Collisions at √s-5.5 TeV
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Chinese physics Letters 1999年 第7期16卷 496-498页
作者: ZHOU Dai-cui Denis JOUAN LIU Han CAI Xu Institute of particle physics Huazhong Normal UniversityWuhan 430079 Institut de physique Nucleairej univ.rsite paris-Sud et in2p3-cnrs 91406 OrsayFrance
The production of heavy-Havor quark c(c)and b(b)in pp collisions is described under perturbative quantum chromodynamics framework,the extrapolation from hadron-hadron up to nucleus-nucleus collisions is based on geome... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Time-like proton form factor measurement with ANDA
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Chinese physics C 2009年 第12期33卷 1244-1248页
作者: M. Sudol Institut de physique Nuclaire CNRS/IN2P3 Universit Paris Sud Orsay France
The electromagnetic probe is an excellent tool to investigate the structure of the nucleon. The nearly 4π detector pANDA, will allow to make a precise determination of the electromagnetic form factors of the proton i... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
New results on the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2
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Chinese physics C 2010年 第6期34卷 718-727页
作者: Michel Davier Laboratoire de l'Acclrateur Linaire IN2P3/CNRSUniversit Paris-Sud 11
Results on the lowest-order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon magnetic anomaly are presented. They are based on the latest published experimental data used as input to the dispersion integral. Thus... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论