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  • 11 篇 工学
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  • 2 篇 fair communities
  • 2 篇 taxonomy
  • 2 篇 new species
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  • 1 篇 state key labora...
  • 1 篇 royal botanic ga...


  • 7 篇 luiz olavo bonin...
  • 4 篇 mark thompson
  • 4 篇 marco roos
  • 4 篇 erik schultes
  • 4 篇 annika jacobsen
  • 3 篇 barend mons
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  • 2 篇 jordan g.powers
  • 2 篇 zong-long luo
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  • 2 篇 ignasi labastida


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18 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
The 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate and 6th Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere Meeting
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Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2022年 第3期39卷 536-542页
作者: David H.BROMWICH Matthew A.LAZZARA Arthur M.CAYETTE Jordan G.POWERS Kirstin WERNER John J.CASSANO Steven R.COLWELL Scott CARPENTIER Xun ZOU Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center The Ohio State UniversityColumbusOhio 43210USA Antarctic Meteorological Research Center Space Science and Engineering CenterUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonMadisonWisconsin 53704USA Department of Physical Sciences Madison Area Technical CollegeMadisonWisconsin 53706 USA Naval Information Warfare Center CharlestonSouth Carolina 29406USA National Center for Atmospheric Research BoulderColorado 53706USA Year of Polar Prediction(YOPP)international coordination office Alfred Wegener InstituteHelmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine ResearchBremerhaven 27570Germany National Snow and Ice Data Center Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic SciencesUniversity of ColoradoBoulderColorado 80309USA British Antarctic Survey Cambridge CB30ETUnited Kingdom Bureau of Meteorology Hobart 7001Australia
1. Overview In June 2021, the 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC) and the 6th Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Meeting (http://***/WAMC;021/) were held online and hos... 详细信息
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Cooperation and innovation:An interview with Minister Ibrokhim *** and Professor Jinghua Cao
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hLife 2024年 第11期2卷 547-553页
作者: Qun Yan Ibrokhim Yulchievich Abdurakhmonov Jinghua Cao Editorial office of hLife Institute of MicrobiologyChinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan TashkentUzbekistan Alliance of National and international Science Organizations(ANSO) BeijingChina
4C principles proposed by *** Fu Gao,viz cooperation/collaboration,competition,communication,and coordination,are a stimulus for scientific progress and social *** basis of scientific research lies in collaboration,wi... 详细信息
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The 13th and 14th Workshops on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate
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Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2020年 第5期37卷 423-430页
作者: Matthew A.LAZZARA Sophie A.ORENDORF Taylor P.NORTON Jordan G.POWERS David H.BROMWICH Scott CARPENTIER John J.CASSANO Steven R.COLWELL Arthur M.CAYETTE Kirstin WERNER Antarctic Meteorological Research Center Space Science and Engineering CenterUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonMadisonWI 53706USA Department of Physical Sciences School of Arts and SciencesMadison Area Technical CollegeMadison WI 53704USA Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Wisconsin-MadisonMadisonWI 53706USA National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO 53706USA Polar Meteorology Group Byrd Polar&Climate Research CenterThe Ohio State UniversityColumbus OH 43210USA Bureau of Meteorology HobartTasmania 7001Australia Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences University of ColoradoBoulderCO 80309USA British Antarctic Survey Cambridge CB30ETUnited Kingdom Naval Information Warfare Center CharlestonSC 29406USA Year of Polar Prediction(YOPP)international coordination office Alfred Wegener InstituteHelmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine ResearchBremerhaven 27570Germany
*** In July 2018,the Antarctic community came together to meet at the 13th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate(WAMC)in Madison,Wisconsin,USA(Fig.1);and in the following year in June 2019,the 14th WAMC was he... 详细信息
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fair Principles:Interpretations and Implementation Considerations
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Data Intelligence 2020年 第1期2卷 10-29,293-302,322页
作者: Annika Jacobsen Ricardo de Miranda Azevedo Nick Juty Dominique Batista Simon Coles Ronald Cornet Melanie Courtot Merce Crosas Michel Dumontier Chris T.Evelo Carole goble Giancarlo Guizzardi Karsten Kryger Hansen Ali Hasnain Kristina Hettne Jaap Heringa Rob W.W.Hooft Melanie Imming Keith G.Jeffery Rajaram Kaliyaperumal Martijn GKersloot Christine R.Kirkpatrick Tobias Kuhn Ignasi Labastida Barbara Magagna PeterMcQuilton Natalie Meyers Annalisa Montesanti Mirjam van Reisen Philippe Rocca-Serra Robert Pergl Susanna-Assunta Sansone Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos Juliane Schneider George Strawn Mark Thompson Andra Waagmeester Tobias Weigel Mark D.Wilkinson Egon L.Willighagen Peter Wittenburg Marco Roos Barend Mons Erik Schultes Leiden University Medical Center Leiden2333 ZAThe Netherlands Institute of Data Science Maastricht UniversityUniversiteitssingel 60Maastricht 6229 ERThe Netherlands Department of Computer Science The University of ManchesterOxford RoadManchester M139PLUK Oxford e-Research Centre Department of Engineering SciencesUniversity of OxfordOxford OX13PJUK School of Chemistry Faculty of Engineering and Physical SciencesUniversity of SouthamptonSO171BJUK Amsterdam UMC University of AmsterdamAmsterdam 1000 GGThe Netherlands European Bioinformatics Institute(EMBL-EBI) HinxtonCambridgeCB101SDUK Harvard University CambridgeMassachusetts 02138USA Department of Bioinformatics–BiGCaT NUTRIMMaastricht UniversityMaastricht 6229 ERThe Netherlands Conceptual and Cognitive Modeling Research Group(CORE) Free University of Bozen-BolzanoBolzano 39100Italy Aalborg University Aalborg DK-9220Denmark Insight Centre for Data Analytics National University of Ireland GalwayH91 TK33Ireland Centre for Digital Scholarship Leiden University LibrariesLeiden2333 ZAThe Netherlands Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamDe Boelelaan 11051081 HV AmsterdamThe Netherlands Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences(DTL) UtrechtThe Netherlands SURF Utrecht 3511 EPThe Netherlands Keith G Jeffery Consultants FaringdonUK Castor EDC Paasheuvelweg 25Wing 5D1105 BPAmsterdamThe Netherlands San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California San DiegoLa JollaCalifornia 92093USA Learning and Research Resources Centre(CRAI) Universitat de Barcelona08007 BarcelonaSpain Environment Agency Austria A-1090 ViennaAustria University of Notre Dame 75004 ParisFrance Health Research Board(HRB) Dublin 2DO2 H638Ireland Liacs Institute of Advanced Computer Science Leiden University2311 GJ LeidenThe Netherlands Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Information Technology(FIT CTU)16000 Prague 6Czech Republic go fair international support&coordination office(GFISCO) LeidenThe Netherlands Harvard Catalys
The fair principles have been widely cited,endorsed and adopted by a broad range of stakeholders since their publication in *** intention,the 15 fair guiding principles do not dictate specific technological implementa... 详细信息
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Promoting the Safe and Stable Development of Industrial and Supply Chains under the New Pattern of Development
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China Economic Transition 2022年 第3期5卷 320-348页
作者: SHENG Chaoxun Strategic Policy office of Decision Consulting Department Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic ResearchBeijing100000China
It is an important component of national security,and also a required driver for coordinating development and security and building a new pattern of development to maintain the security and stability of and enhance th... 详细信息
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Automated workflow for analyzing thermodynamic stability in polymorphic perovskite alloys
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npj Computational Materials 2024年 第1期10卷 1739-1752页
作者: Luis Octavio de Araujo Celso R.C.Rêgo Wolfgang Wenzel Maurício Jeomar Piotrowski Alexandre Cavalheiro Dias Diego Guedes-Sobrinho Department of Chemistry Federal University of ParanáCuritiba 81531-980 ParanáBrazil Institute of Nanotechnology Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyKarlsruheBaden-WürttembergGermany Department of Physics Federal University of PelotasPelotas 96010-900 Rio Grande do SulBrazil Institute of Physics and international Center of Physics University of BrasíliaBrasília 70919-970 DFBrazil
In this first-principles investigation,we explore the polymorphic features of pseudo-cubic alloys,focusing on the impact of mixing organic and inorganic cations on their structural and electronic properties,configurat... 详细信息
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Refined families of Dothideomycetes:orders and families incertae sedis in Dothideomycetes
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Fungal Diversity 2020年 第6期105卷 17-318页
作者: Sinang Hongsanan Kevin D.Hyde Rungtiwa Phookamsak Dhanushka N.Wanasinghe Eric H.C.McKenzie V.Venkateswara Sarma Robert Lücking Saranyaphat Boonmee Jayarama D.Bhat Ning-Guo Liu Danushka S.Tennakoon Dhandevi Pem Anuruddha Karunarathna Shu-Hua Jiang Gareth E.B.Jones Alan J.L.Phillips Ishara S.Manawasinghe Saowaluck Tibpromma Subashini C.Jayasiri Diana Sandamali Ruvishika S.Jayawardena Nalin N.Wijayawardene Anusha H.Ekanayaka Rajesh Jeewon Yong-Zhong Lu Chayanard Phukhamsakda Asha J.Dissanayake Xiang-Yu Zeng Zong-Long Luo Qing Tian Kasun M.Thambugala Dongqin Dai Milan C.Samarakoon K.W.Thilini Chethana Damien Ertz Mingkwan Doilom Jian-Kui(Jack)Liu Sergio Pérez-Ortega Ave Suija Chanokned Senwanna Subodini N.Wijesinghe Mekala Niranjan Sheng-Nan Zhang Hiran A.Ariyawansa Hong-Bo Jiang Jin-Feng Zhang Chada Norphanphoun Nimali Ide Silva Vinodhini Thiyagaraja Huang Zhang Jadson D.P.Bezerra Ricardo Miranda-gonzález AndréAptroot Hiroyuki Kashiwadani Dulanjalee Harishchandra Emmanuël Sérusiaux Pranami DAbeywickrama Dan-Feng Bao Bandarupalli Devadatha Hai-Xia Wu Kwang Hee Moon Cecile Gueidan Felix Schumm Digvijayini Bundhun Ausana Mapook Jutamart Monkai Chitrabhanu S.Bhunjun Putarak Chomnunti Satinee Suetrong Napalai Chaiwan Monika C.Dayarathne Jing Yang Achala R.Rathnayaka Jian-Chu Xu Jiesheng Zheng Gang Liu Yao Feng Ning Xie Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Plant Epigenetics Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Microbial Genetic EngineeringCollege of Life Science and OceanographyShenzhen UniversityShenzhen 518060People’s Republic of China Center of Excellence in Fungal Research Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand CAS Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia(KLPB) Kunming Institute of BotanyChinese Academy of ScienceKunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China East and Central Asia Regional office World Agroforestry Centre(ICRAF)Kunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Centre for Mountain Futures(CMF) Kunming Institute of BotanyKunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology Faculty of AgricultureChiang Mai UniversityChiang Mai 50002Thailand Institute of Plant Health Zhongkai University of Agriculture and EngineeringHaizhu DistrictGuangzhou 510225People’s Republic of China World Agroforestry Centre East and Central Asia132 Lanhei RoadKunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research Private Mail Bag 92170AucklandNew Zealand Fungal Biotechnology Lab Department of BiotechnologySchool of Life SciencesPondicherry UniversityKalapetPondicherry 605014India School of Science Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Freie Universität BerlinKönigin-Luise-Straße 6-814195 BerlinGermany 13128/1-J Azad Co-Op Housing SocietyCurcaP.O.Goa Velha 403108India Faculty of Agriculture Natural Resources and EnvironmentNaresuan UniversityPhitsanulok 65000Thailand Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology Guizhou Academy of Agricultural SciencesGuiyang 550006People’s Republic of China School of Life Science and Technology University of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChengdu 611731People’s Republic of China State Key Laboratory of Mycology Institute of MicrobiologyChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100101People’s Republic of C
Numerous new taxa and classifications of Dothideomycetes have been published following the last monograph of families of Dothideomycetes in 2013.A recent publication by Honsanan et *** 2020 expanded information of fam... 详细信息
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Fungal diversity notes 491–602: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa
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Fungal Diversity 2017年 第2期83卷 1-261页
作者: Saowaluck Tibpromma Kevin D.Hyde Rajesh Jeewon Sajeewa S.N.Maharachchikumbura Jian-Kui Liu D.Jayarama Bhat E.B.Gareth Jones Eric H.C.McKenzie Erio Camporesi Timur S.Bulgakov Mingkwan Doilom AndreLuiz Cabral Monteiro de Azevedo Santiago Kanad Das Patinjareveettil Manimohan Tatiana B.Gibertoni Young Woon Lim Anusha Hasini Ekanayaka Benjarong Thongbai Hyang Burm Lee Jun-Bo Yang Paul M.Kirk Phongeun Sysouphanthong Sanjay K.Singh Saranyaphat Boonmee Wei Dong K.N.Anil Raj K.P.Deepna Latha Rungtiwa Phookamsak Chayanard Phukhamsakda Sirinapa Konta Subashini C.Jayasiri Chada Norphanphoun Danushka S.Tennakoon Junfu Li Monika C.Dayarathne Rekhani H.Perera Yuanpin Xiao Dhanushka N.Wanasinghe Indunil C.Senanayake Ishani D.goonasekara N.Ide Silva Ausana Mapook Ruvishika S.Jayawardena Asha J.Dissanayake Ishara S.Manawasinghe K.W.Thilini Chethana Zong-Long Luo Kalani Kanchana Hapuarachchi Abhishek Baghela Adriene Mayra Soares Alfredo Vizzini Angelina Meiras-Ottoni Armin Mesic Arun Kumar Dutta Carlos Alberto Fragoso de Souza Christian Richter Chuan-Gen Lin Debasis Chakrabarty Dinushani A.Daranagama Diogo Xavier Lima Dyutiparna Chakraborty Enrico Ercole Fang Wu Giampaolo Simonini Gianrico Vasquez Gladstone Alves da Silva Helio Longoni Plautz Jr Hiran A.Ariyawansa Hyun Lee Ivana Kusan Jie Song Jingzu Sun Joydeep Karmakar Kaifeng Hu Kamal C.Semwal Kasun M.Thambugala Kerstin Voigt Krishnendu Acharya Kunhiraman C.Rajeshkumar Leif Ryvarden Margita Jadan MdIqbal Hosen Michal Miksık Milan C.Samarakoon Nalin N.Wijayawardene Nam Kyu Kim Neven Matocec Paras Nath Singh Qing Tian R.P.Bhatt Rafael JoseVilela de Oliveira Rodham E.Tulloss S.Aamir Saithong Kaewchai Sayali D.Marathe Sehroon Khan Sinang Hongsanan Sinchan Adhikari Tahir Mehmood Tapas Kumar Bandyopadhyay Tatyana YuSvetasheva Thi Thuong Thuong Nguyen Vladimır Antonın Wen-Jing Li Yong Wang Yuvraj Indoliya Zdenko Tkalcec Abdallah M.Elgorban Ali H.Bahkali Alvin M.C.Tang Hong-Yan Su Huang Zhang Itthayakorn Promputtha Jennifer Luangsa-ard Jianchu Xu Jiye Yan Kang Ji-Chuan Marc Stadler Pete Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia Kunming Institute of BotanyChinese Academy of ScienceKunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Center of Excellence in Fungal Research Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand School of Science Mae Fah Luang UniversityChiang Rai 57100Thailand World Agroforestry Centre East and Central AsiaKunming 650201YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Mushroom Research Foundation 128 M.3 Ban Pa Deng T.Pa PaeA.Mae TaengChiang Mai 50150Thailand A.M.B.Gruppo Micologico Forlivese“Antonio Cicognani” Via Roma 18Forlı`Italy A.M.B.Circolo Micologico“Giovanni Carini” C.P.314BresciaItaly Societa`per gli Studi Naturalistici della Romagna C.P.144BagnacavalloRAItaly Formerly Department of Botany Goa UniversityTaleigaoGoaIndia No.128/1-J Azad Housing SocietyCurcaGoa VelhaIndia 33 B St.Edwards Road Southsea Hants Hampshire PO53DHUK Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua Private Bag 92170AucklandNew Zealand Department of Biology Faculty of ScienceChiang Mai UniversityChiang Mai 50200Thailand Division of Applied Science College of International EducationThe Hong Kong Baptist UniversityHong Kong SARChina PostGraduate Program in Biology of Fungi Department of MycologyFederal University of PernambucoAv.Nelson Chavess/nRecifePE 50670-420Brazil Institute of Plant and Environment Protection Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry SciencesBeijing 100097People’s Republic of China Environmental Microbiology Lab Division of Food TechnologyBiotechnology&AgrochemistryCollege of Agriculture and Life SciencesChonnam National UniversityYongbong-Dong 300Buk-GuGwangju 61186Korea Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology Guizhou Academy of Agricultural SciencesGuiyang 550006GuizhouPeople’s Republic of China College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences Dali UniversityDali 671003YunnanPeople’s Republic of China Yunnan Institute of Food Safety Kunming University of Science&TechnologyKunming 650500YunnanPeople’s Republic
This is a continuity of a series of taxonomic and phylogenetic papers on the fungi where materials were collected from many countries,examined and *** addition to extensive morphological descriptions and appropriate a... 详细信息
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