In this paper, we deal with the problem of optimal control of a deterministic model of hepatitis C virus (HCV). In the first part of our analysis, a mathematical modeling of HCV dynamics which can be controlled by a...
In this paper, we deal with the problem of optimal control of a deterministic model of hepatitis C virus (HCV). In the first part of our analysis, a mathematical modeling of HCV dynamics which can be controlled by antiretroviral therapy as fixed controls has been presented and analyzed which incorporates two mechanisms: infection by free virions and the direct cell-to-cell transmission. Basic reproduction number is calculated and the existence and stability of equilibria are investigated. In the second part, the optimal control problem representing drug treatment strategies of the model is explored considering control parameters as time-dependent in order to minimize not only the population of infected cells but also the associated costs. At the end of the paper, the impact of combination of the strategies in the control of HCV and their effectiveness are compared by numerical simulation.
In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behavior of a fractional order phytoplankton- zooplankton system. In this paper, stability analysis of the phytoplankton zooplankton model (PZM) is studied by using the fr...
In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behavior of a fractional order phytoplankton- zooplankton system. In this paper, stability analysis of the phytoplankton zooplankton model (PZM) is studied by using the fractional Routh-Hurwitz stability conditions. We have studied the local stability of the equilibrium points of PZM. We applied an efficient numerical method based on converting the fractional derivative to integer derivative to solve the PZM.
In this work, we investigate the dynamical behavior of a fractional-order toxin producing on a phytoplankton-zooplankton (TPPZ) system with nutrient cycling. We propose a mathematical system to model this situation....
In this work, we investigate the dynamical behavior of a fractional-order toxin producing on a phytoplankton-zooplankton (TPPZ) system with nutrient cycling. We propose a mathematical system to model this situation. All the feasible equilibria of the system are obtained and the conditions for the existence of the equilibriums are determined. Local stability analysis of the TPPZ is studied by using the fractional Routh-Hurwitz stability conditions. Numerical simulations are carried out for a hypothetical set of parameter values to substantiate our analytical findings.
In this paper,we present a general formulation for a fractional optimal control problem (FOCP),in which the state and co-state equations are given in terms of the left fractional *** develop the forward-backward sweep...
In this paper,we present a general formulation for a fractional optimal control problem (FOCP),in which the state and co-state equations are given in terms of the left fractional *** develop the forward-backward sweep method (FBSM)using the Adamstype predictor-corrector method to solve the *** present a fractional model for transmission dynamics of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)with treatment and incorporate three control efforts (effective use of condoms,ART treatment and behavioral change control)into the model aimed at controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS *** necessary conditions for fractional optimal control of the disease are derived and *** numerical results show that implementing all the control efforts increases the life time and the quality of life those living with HIV and decreases significantly the number of HIV-infected and AIDS ***,the maximum levels of the controls and the value of objective functional decrease when the derivative order a limits to 1(0.7≤a <1).In addition,the effect of the fractional derivative order a (0.7≤a <1)on the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic and the treatment of HIV-infected population is *** results show that the derivative order a can play the role of using ART treatment in the model.
In this paper,we propose a fractional-order and two-patch model of tuberculosis(TB)epidemic,in which susceptible,slow latent,fast latent and infectious individuals can travel freely between the patches,but not under t...
In this paper,we propose a fractional-order and two-patch model of tuberculosis(TB)epidemic,in which susceptible,slow latent,fast latent and infectious individuals can travel freely between the patches,but not under treatment infected individuals,due to medical *** obtain the basic reproduction number Ro for the model and extend the classical LaSalle's invariance principle for fractional differential *** show that if R0l,we obtain sufficient conditions under which the endernic equilibrium is unique and globally asymptotically *** extend the model by inclusion the time-dependent controls(effective treatment controls in both patches and controls of screening on travel of infectious individuals between patches),and formulate a fractional optimal control problem to reduce the spread of the *** numerical results show that the use of all controls has the most impact on disease control,and decreases the size of all infected compartments,but increases the size of susceptible compartment in both ***,also,investigate the impact of the fractional derivative order a on the values of the controls(0.7≤α≤1).The results show that the maximum levels of effective treatment controls in both patches increase when a is reduced from l,while the maximum level of the travel screening control of infectious individuals from patch 2 to patch 1 increases when o limits to 1.
In this paper,we consider a tuberculosis model with incomplete treatment and extend the model to a Caputo fractional-order and two-patch version with exogenous re-infection among the treated individuals,in which only ...
In this paper,we consider a tuberculosis model with incomplete treatment and extend the model to a Caputo fractional-order and two-patch version with exogenous re-infection among the treated individuals,in which only susceptible individuals can travel freely between the *** model has multiple *** determine conditions that lead to the appearance of a backward *** results show that the TB model can have exogenous reinfection among the treated individuals and,at the same time,does not exhibit backward ***,conditions that lead to the global asymptotic stability of the disease-free equilibrium are *** case without reinfection,the model has four *** this case,the global asymptotic stability of the equilibria is established using the Lyapunov function theory together with the LaSalle invariance principle for fractional differential equations(FDEs).Numerical simulations confirm the validity of the theoretical results.
In this paper, we study the global dynamics of a SVEIS epidemic model with distinct incidence for exposed and infectives. The model is analyzed for stability and bifurcation behavior. To account for the realistic phen...
In this paper, we study the global dynamics of a SVEIS epidemic model with distinct incidence for exposed and infectives. The model is analyzed for stability and bifurcation behavior. To account for the realistic phenomenon of non-homogeneous mixing, the effect of diffusion on different population subclasses is considered. The diffusive model is analyzed using matrix stability theory and conditions for Turing bifurcation are derived. Numerical simulations support our analytical results on the dynamic behavior of tile model.
In this article, we introduce and investigate the concept of multivalued hybrid mappings in C AT(0) spaces by using the concept of quasilinearization. Also, we present a new iterative algorithm involving products of...
In this article, we introduce and investigate the concept of multivalued hybrid mappings in C AT(0) spaces by using the concept of quasilinearization. Also, we present a new iterative algorithm involving products of Moreau-Yosida resolvents for finding a common element of the set of minimizers of a finite family of convex functions and a common fixed point of two multivalued hybrid mappings in C AT(0) spaces.
In this paper,we propose a mathematical model of tuberculosis with two treatments and exogenous re-infection,in which the treatment is effective for number of infectious individuals and it fails for some other infecti...
In this paper,we propose a mathematical model of tuberculosis with two treatments and exogenous re-infection,in which the treatment is effective for number of infectious individuals and it fails for some other infectious individuals who are being *** show that the model exhibits the phenomenon of backward bifurcation,where a stable disease-free equilibrium coexists with a stable endemic equilibria when the related basic reproduction number is less than ***,it is shown that under certain conditions the model cannot exhibit backward ***,it is shown in the absence of re-infection,the backward bifurcation phenomenon does not exist,in which the disease-free equilibrium of the model is globally asymptotically stable when the associated reproduction number is less than *** global asymptotic stability of the endemic equilibrium,when the associated reproduction number is greater than unity,is established using the geometric *** simulations are presented to illustrate our main results.
This paper obtains the solutions of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. The G′/G method is used to carry out the integration of this equation. Subsequently, its special case, will be integrated and topological 1- soli...
This paper obtains the solutions of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. The G′/G method is used to carry out the integration of this equation. Subsequently, its special case, will be integrated and topological 1- soliton solution will be obtained by the soliton ansatz method. The restrictions on the parameters and exponents are also identified.