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检索条件"机构=Department of Veterinary Sciences"
126422 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Does mesenchymal stem cell’s secretome affect spinal sensory circuits?Implication for pain therapies
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第1期20卷 181-183页
作者: Francesco Ferrini Esri H.Juárez Adalberto Merighi department of veterinary sciences University of TurinGrugliascoTOItaly department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience UniversitéLavalQuébec CityQCCanada
Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)are multipotent adult stem cells of mesodermal origin that can be isolated from various tissues,including bone marrow,tooth pulp,adipose tissue,and umbilical *** have gained significant att... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
From mice to humans:a need for comparable results in mammalian neuroplasticity
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第2期20卷 464-466页
作者: Marco Ghibaudi Enrica Boda Luca Bonfanti Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi OrbassanoItaly department of veterinary sciences University of TurinTurinItaly department of Neuroscience Rita Levi-Montalcini University of TurinTurinItaly
Brain plasticity-A universal tool with many variations:The study of brain plasticity has been gaining interest since almost a century and has now reached a huge amount of information(>80,000 results in PubMed).Overall... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Seasonal influence on miRNA expression dynamics of extracellular vesicles in equine follicular fluid
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Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2025年 第1期16卷 136-152页
作者: Jean M.Feugang Ahmed Gad Nico G.Menjivar Ghassan M.Ishak Samuel Gebremedhn Melba O.Gastal Notsile H.Dlamini Radek Prochazka Eduardo L.Gastal Dawit Tesfaye department of Animal and Dairy sciences Mississippi State UniversityMississippi StateMS 39762USA Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory(ARBL) Department of Biomedical SciencesCollege of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesColorado State UniversityFort CollinsCO 80523USA department of Animal Production Faculty of AgricultureCairo UniversityGiza 12613Egypt department of Surgery and Obstetrics College of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of BaghdadBaghdad 10011Iraq Animal Science School of Agricultural SciencesSouthern Illinois UniversityCarbondaleIL 62901USA J.R.Simplot Company KunaID 83634USA Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Czech Academy of SciencesLiběchov 27721Czech Republic
Background Ovarian follicular fluid(FF)is a dynamic environment that changes with the seasons,affecting follicle development,ovulation,and oocyte *** in the follicles release tiny particles called extracellular vesicl... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Dietary processed former foodstuffs for broilers:impacts on growth performance,digestibility,hematobiochemical profiles and liver gene abundance
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Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2025年 第1期16卷 364-376页
作者: Karthika Srikanthithasan Marta Gariglio Elena Diaz Vicuna Edoardo Fiorilla Barbara Miniscalco Valeria Zambotto Eleonora Erika Cappone Nadia Stoppani Dominga Soglia Federica Raspa Joana Nery Andrea Giorgino Roser Sala Andrés Luis Martínez Marínz Josefa Madrid Sanchez Achille Schiavone Claudio Forte department of veterinary sciences University of TurinGrugliascoItaly Animal Nutrition and Welfare Service(SNiBA) Department of Animal and Food SciencesUniversitat Autònoma de BarcelonaBarcelonaSpain Departamento de Producción Animal Universidad de CórdobaCórdobaSpain department of Animal Production University of MurciaMurciaSpain
Background The present experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of commercially processed former foodstuffs(cFF)as dietary substitutes of corn,soybean meal and soybean oil on the growth performance,apparent total trac... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Genome-wide CRISPR screens identify CLC-2 as a drug target for anti-herpesvirus therapy:tackling herpesvirus drug resistance
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Science China(Life sciences) 2025年 第2期68卷 515-526页
作者: Fayu Yang Nan Wei Shuo Cai Jing Liu Qingping Lan Hao Zhang Lu Shang Bo Zheng Mi Wang Yingchun Liu Lifang Zhang Chenzhong Fei Wu Tong Changlong Liu Ersheng Kuang Guangzhi Tong Feng Gu Shanghai veterinary Research Institute Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesShanghai 200241China Key Laboratory of veterinary Chemical Drugs and Pharmaceutics Ministry of Agriculture and Rural AffairsShanghai 200241China State Key Laboratory for Animal Disease Control and Prevention College of Veterinary MedicineLanzhou UniversityLanzhou Veterinary Research InstituteChinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesLanzhou 730000China Institute of Human Virology Zhongshan School of MedicineSun Yat-Sen UniversityGuangzhou 510080China School of Medicine Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China
The emergence of drug resistance to virus(i.e.,acyclovir(ACV)to herpesviruses)has been termed one of the common clinical issues,emphasizing the discovery of new antiviral *** address it,a genome-wide clustered regular... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Regression analysis of squeezing-induced hybrid nanofluid flow in Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium
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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition) 2025年 第1期46卷 193-208页
作者: K.MUHAMMAD M.SARFRAZ department of Humanities and sciences School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science National University of Sciences and Technology department of Mathematics Quaid-i-Azam University
This article presents a mathematical model addressing a scenario involving a hybrid nanofluid flow between two infinite parallel plates. One plate remains stationary, while the other moves downward at a squeezing velo... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Quantum convolution inequalities on Frobenius von Neumann algebras
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Science China Mathematics 2025年 第3期68卷 615-636页
作者: Linzhe Huang Zhengwei Liu Jinsong Wu Beijing Institute of Mathematical sciences and Applications Yau Mathematical sciences Center and department of Mathematics Tsinghua University
In this paper, we introduce Frobenius von Neumann algebras and study quantum convolution inequalities. In this framework, we unify quantum Young's inequality on quantum symmetries such as subfactors,and fusion bi-alge... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Phenyl-extended resorcin[4]arene opens up a new avenue for highly efficient iodine adsorption
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Science China Chemistry 2025年 第2期68卷 405-406页
作者: Jingyu Chen Jiong Zhou department of Chemistry College of SciencesNortheastern UniversityShenyang 110819China
Macrocyclic arenes have become an important tool in supramolecular chemistry due to their special structure,easy functionalization and prominent host–guest *** design and synthesis of macrocyclic arenes with novel st... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Molecular breakthroughs in modern plant breeding techniques
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Horticultural Plant Journal 2025年 第1期11卷 15-41页
作者: Mughair Abdul Aziz Khaled Masmoudi department of Integrative Agriculture College of Agriculture and Veterinary MedicineUnited Arab Emirates UniversityAl-AinAbu-DhabiUnited Arab Emirates
Advancements in molecular approaches have been utilized to breed crops with a wide range of economically valuable traits to develop superior *** review provides a concise overview of modern breakthroughs in molecular ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Small molecule inhibitor DDQ-treated hippocampal neuronal cells show improved neurite outgrowth and synaptic branching
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第9期20卷 2624-2632页
作者: Jangampalli Adi Pradeepkiran Priyanka Rawat Arubala P.Reddy Erika Orlov PHemachandra Reddy department of Internal Medicine Texas Tech University Health Sciences CenterLubbockTXUSA department of Nutritional sciences College of Human SciencesTexas Tech UniversityLubbockTXUSA department of Pharmacology&Neuroscience Texas Tech University Health Sciences CenterLubbockTXUSA department of Neurology Texas Tech University Health Sciences CenterLubbockTXUSA department of Speech Language and Hearing SciencesTexas Tech University Health Sciences CenterLubbockTXUSA department of Public Health Texas Tech University Health Sciences CenterLubbockTXUSA
The process of neurite outgrowth and branching is a crucial aspect of neuronal development and *** and dendrites,sometimes referred to as neurites,are extensions of a neuron's cellular body that are used to start *** ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论