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1419 条 记 录,以下是1411-1420 订阅
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科学技术与工程 2006年 第11期6卷 1529-1533页
作者: 刘杰 胡大一 刘文玲 李翠兰 秦绪光 李运田 李蕾 李志明 董玮 李京湘 戚豫 王擎 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院心血管中心 北京100730 北京大学人民医院心内科 北京100000 清华大学第一附属医院 北京100000 解放军305医院 北京100853 中国科学院遗传所人类基因组中心 华大基因研究中心/中国科学院基因组信息学中心北京100000 北京大学第一医院中心实验室 北京100000 Center of Cardiovascular Genetics Cleveland and Clinic Foundation
遗传性长QT综合征(LQTS)是一种常染色体遗传性心脏病。特征性表现为心电图上QTc延长,及尖端扭转型室性心动过速(TdP)导致的晕厥和猝死。近年来随着分子遗传学的发展已明确遗传性LQTS是由于编码离子通道的基因或细胞骨架蛋白基因突变造成... 详细信息
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Author Correction:Delocalization of dark and bright excitons in flat-band materials and the optical properties of V_(2)O_(5)
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npj Computational Materials 2024年 第1期10卷 2346-2346页
作者: Vitaly Gorelov Lucia Reining Martin Feneberg Rüdiger Goldhahn AndréSchleife Walter R.L.Lambrecht Matteo Gatti Institut Polytechnique de Paris LSI CNRS CEA/DRF/IRAMIS École Polytechnique Palaiseau France (GRID:grid.508893.f) European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (GRID:grid.500398.7) Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Institute of Physics Magdeburg Germany (GRID:grid.5807.a) (ISNI:0000 0001 1018 4307) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Materials Science and Engineering Urbana USA (GRID:grid.35403.31) (ISNI:0000 0004 1936 9991) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Materials Research Laboratory Urbana USA (GRID:grid.35403.31) (ISNI:0000 0004 1936 9991) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications Urbana USA (GRID:grid.35403.31) (ISNI:0000 0004 1936 9991) Case Western Reserve University Department of Physics Cleveland USA (GRID:grid.67105.35) (ISNI:0000 0001 2164 3847) Institut Polytechnique de Paris LSI CNRS CEA/DRF/IRAMIS École Polytechnique Palaiseau France (GRID:grid.508893.f) European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (GRID:grid.500398.7) L’Orme des Merisiers Synchrotron SOLEIL Gif-sur-Yvette France (GRID:grid.426328.9)
Correction to:npj Computational Materials https://***/10.1038/s41524-022-00754-2,published online 28 April 2022“In this article,there is an error in figure 2 and some text *** figure should have appeared as shown ***... 详细信息
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麻醉与镇痛 2008年 第6期4卷 12-26,43页
作者: Tong J. Gan, MD Tricia A. Meyer, PharmD, MS Christian C. Apfel, MD, PhD Frances Chung, FRCPC Peter J. Davis, MD Ashraf S. Habib, MB, FRCA Vallire D. Hooper,MSN, RN, CPAN, FAAN Anthony L. Kovac,MD Peter Kranke, MD, PhD, MBA Paul Myles, MD Beverly K. Philip, MD Gregory Samsa, PhD Daniel I. Sessler, MD James Temo, CRNA, MSN, MBA Martin R. Tramer, MD, DPhil Craig Vander Kolk,MD Mehernoor Watcha, MD 谢郭豪(译) 方向明(校) Department of Anesthesiology Duke University Medical Center Durham North Carolina Consultant Anesthesiologist University of Wuerzburg WuerzburgGermany Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care UCSF Medical Center at Mt. Zion San FranciscoCalifornia Department of Anesthesia University of Toronto Toronto Canada Department of Anesthesi-ology and Pediatrics University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh Pennsylvania School of Nurs-ing Medical College of Georgia Augusta Georgia Department of Anesthesiology University of KansasMedical Center Kansas City Kansas Consultant Anesthesiologist University of Wuerzburg WuerzburgGermam Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Alfred Hospital Monash University Mel-bourne Australia Department of Anesthesiology Perioperative and Pain Medicine Brigham and Women'sHospital Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts Department of Biometry and Bioinformatics Duke University Medical Center Durham North Carolina Department of OUTCOMES RESEARCH TheCleveland Clinic Cleveland Ohio Duke University Nurse Anesthetist Program Durham North Caro-lina Division of Anesthesiology Geneva University Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine Geneva Switzer-land Department of Surgery Division of Plastic Surgery Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Bal-timore Maryland Department of Anesthesiology Texas Children's Hospital Houston Texas 不详
本指南是在门诊手术麻醉协会发起下,由国际专家组编撰而成。该专家组成员涉及与手术后恶心、呕吐(PONV)相关的多个学科,他们审慎的评估了当前关于PONV的医学文献,为PONV高风险的成年及儿童外科手术患者提供了循证医学的参考工具。... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The First Pilot Epigenetic Type Improvement of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in a Polymorphic Dopamine D2 (-DRD2/ANKK (Taq1A)), OPRM1 (A/G), DRD3 (C/T), and MAOA (4R) Compromised Preadolescence Male with Putative PANDAS/CANS: Positive Clinical Outcome with Precision-Guided DNA Testing and Pro-Dopamine Regulation (KB220) and Antibacterial Therapies
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Open Journal of Immunology 2024年 第3期14卷 60-86页
作者: Kenneth Blum Igor Elman David Han Colin Hanna David Baron Ashim Gupta Shan Kazmi Jag Khalsa Debasis Bagchi Thomas McLaughlin Rajendra D. Badgaiyan Edward J. Modestino Drew Edwards Catherine A. Dennen Eric R. Braverman Abdalla Bowirrat Keerthy Sunder Kevin Murphy Nicole Jafari Foojan Zeine Paul R. Carney Mark S. Gold Kai-Uwe Lewandowski Alireza Sharafshah Aryeh R. Pollack Panayotis K. Thanos Division of Addiction Research & Education Center for Sports and Mental Health Western University of Health Sciences Pomona CA USA Department of Psychiatry Boonshoft School of Medicine Wright State University and Dayton VA Medical Centre Dayton OH USA Division of Nutrigenomics Victory Nutrition International Lederoch PA USA Institute of Psychology ELTE Etvs Lornd University Budapest Hungary Department of Psychiatry School of Medicine University of Vermont Burlington VT USA The Kenneth Blum Behavioral & Neurogenetic Institute LLC. Austin TX USA Department of Molecular Biology Adelson School of Medicine Ariel University Ariel Israel Division of Neuromodulation Research Karma Doctors & Karma TMS Palm Springs CA USA Division of Personalized Interventions Peak Logic Del Mar CA USA Division of Personalized Medicine Cross-Cultural Research & Educational Institute San Clemente CA USA Awareness Integration Institute San Clemente CA USA Division of Personalized Pain Therapy Center for Advanced Spine Care of Southern Arizona Tucson AZ USA Department of Psychiatry Harvard School of Medicine Cambridge MA USA Department of Management Science and Statistics University of Texas San Antonio TX USA Behavioral Neuropharmacology and Neuroimaging Laboratory Clinical Research Institute on Addictions Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University at Buffalo Buffalo NY USA Future Biologics Lawrenceville GA USA Department of Microbiology Immunology & Tropic Diseases School of Medicine Georgetown University Washington DC USA Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Pharmacy Texas Southern University Houston TX USA Department of Psychiatry School of Medicine Case Western University Cleveland OH USA Brain and Behavior Laboratory Curry College Milton MA USA The Neurogenesis Project Jacksonville FL USA Department of Family Medicine Jefferson Health Northeast Philadelphia PA USA Departmen
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with or without streptococcal and other bacterial infections (PANDAS/CANS) are emerging as a featured pediatric disorder. Although there is some controversy r... 详细信息
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国际脑血管病杂志 2016年 第11期24卷 961-985页
作者: Jennifer A. Frontera John J. Lewin Ⅲ Alejandro A. Rabinstein Imo P. Aisiku Anne W. Alexandrov Aaron M. Cook Gregory J. del Zoppo Monisha A. Kumar Ellinor I. B. Peerschke Michael F. Stiefel Jeanne S Teitelbaum Katja E. Wartenberg Cindy L. Zerfoss 杨一萍 谢丽丽 宁小金 季宇腾 柯开富 From the Cerebrovascular Center Neurological Institute Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University 9500 Euclid Ave. S80 Cleveland OH44195 USA The Departments of Pharmacy and Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore MD USA The Department of Neurology Mayo Clinic Rochester MN USA Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston MA USA The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Memphis TN USA Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science (UK College of Pharmacy) University of Kentucky Lexington KY USA The Departments of Medicine (Hematology) and Neurology University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle WA USA The Departments of Neurology Neurosurgery Anesthesiology & Critical Care Perelman School of Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA USA The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Comell Medical School New York NY USA The Department of Neurosurgery Westchester Medical Center New York Medical College Valhalla NY USA Hepital du Sacre-Coeur and University of Montreal and Montreal Neurological Institute and McGill University Montreal Quebec Canada Klinik fur Neurologie Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg Halle Germany The Neuroscience and Neurosurgery Departments Centra Lynchburg General Hospital Lvnchburg VA. USA 南通大学附属医院神经内科 226001
背景抗栓药的使用,包括抗凝药、抗血小板药和溶栓药,在过去10年中日益增多并且预计将继续上升。虽然抗栓药相关性颅内出血可能是灾难性的,但快速逆转凝血功能障碍可能有助于限制血肿增大和改善转归。方法美国神经重症监护学会联合美... 详细信息
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肝胆外科杂志 2020年 第6期28卷 478-480页
作者: Asbun HJ 崔笑(译) 耿小平(审校) [*]Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgery Miami Cancer Institute Miami FL [+]Department of Surgery University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust Southampton UK [++]Department of Surgery Amsterdam UMC University of Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands [S]Department of Surgery San Raffaele Hospital Milan Italy [P]Division of Hepatopancreatobiliary and Endocrine Surgery Virginia Mason Medical Center Seattle VA [||]Department of Surgery Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York City NY [**]Division of Pancreatic Surgery University Hospital of Verona Verona Italy [++]Department of Surgery and Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Linkoping University Linkoping Sweden [++++]Division of General and Transplant Surgery University of Pisa Pisa Italy [S][S]Department of General and Gastrointestinal Surgery Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston MA [P][P]Department of Surgery Division of Surgical Oncology University of Colorado Denver CO [||||]Department of Abdominal Surgery AC Camargo Cancer Center Sao Paulo Brazil [***]Department of Surgery St. Elizabeth's Medical Center Boston MA [+++]Wessex Institute University of Southampton UK [++++++]General Surgery and Liver Transplant Unit Department of General Surgery Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS Rome Italy [S][S][S]Department of Surgery Medical School University of Cyprus Cyprus [P][P][P]Department of Surgery Beaujon Hospital Paris France [||||||]Department of Surgery University of Oklahoma Oklahoma City OK [****]The Intervention Centre and Department of HPB Surgery Oslo University Hospital and Institute of Clinical Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Oslo Oslo Norway [++++]Division of Minimally Invasive General Surgery & Robotic Surgery University of Illinois Chicago IL [++++++++]Department of Surgery Seoul National University Hospital Seoul South Korea [S][S][S][S]Department of Surgery Portland Providence Medical Ce
国际微创胰腺外科研究组(I-MIPS)基于2019年迈阿密国际微创胰腺手术会议专家共识及既往研究的基础上制定了微创胰腺手术国际性循证指南,对微创胰腺手术规范、技术、开展条件和手术效果等6大议题26个临床热点问题进行了系统评价。对有明... 详细信息
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Inborn errors of OAS-RNase L in SARS-CoV-2-related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
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四川生理科学杂志 2022年 第12期44卷 2223-2223页
作者: Danyel Lee St. Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases Rockefeller Branch The Rockefeller University New York NY USA. Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases Necker Branch INSERM U1163 Paris France. Paris City University Imagine Institute Paris France. Laboratory of Virology and Infectious Disease The Rockefeller University New York NY USA. Department of Cancer Biology Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic Cleveland OH USA. Human Evolutionary Genetics Unit Institut Pasteur Paris City University CNRS UMR 2000 Paris France. Doctoral College Sorbonne University Paris France. Laboratory of Immunology Lyon Sud Hospital Lyon France. Pediatric Intensive Care Department Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Spain. Kids Corona Platform Barcelona Spain. Center for Biomedical Network Research on Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP) Instituto de Salud Carlos III Madrid Spain. Department of Surgery and Surgical Specializations Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain. Respiratory and Immunological Dysfunction in Pediatric Critically Ill Patients Institute of Recerca Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Spain. Bursa City Hospital Bursa Turkey. Ankara City Hospital Yildirim Beyazit University Ankara Turkey. Immunology and Rheumatology Division Department of Pediatrics University of Montreal CHU Sainte-Justine Montreal QC Canada. Center for Translational Research Institut Pasteur Paris City University Paris France. Department of Biochemistry and Center for RNA Science and Therapeutics Case Western Reserve University Cleveland OH USA. Department of Surgery Weill Cornell Medical College New York NY USA. Department of Pediatrics School of Medicine Emory University Atlanta GA USA. International Center of Infectiology Research (CIRI) University of Lyon INSERM U1111 Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 CNRS UMR5308 ENS of Lyon Lyon France. Departments of Neurosurgery and Genetics and Yale Center for G
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children(MIS-C)is a rare and severe condition that follows benign *** report autosomal recessive deficiencies of OAS1,OAS2,or RNASEL in five unrelated children with *** cytosolic d... 详细信息
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Treatment for Mild Chronic Hypertension during Pregnancy
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四川生理科学杂志 2022年 第2期44卷 328-328页
作者: Alan T Tita From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (A.T.T. W.W.A.) the Center for Women’s Reproductive Health (A.T.T. J.M.S. N.A. S.O. G.R.C. W.W.A.) the Department of Biostatistics (J.M.S. G.R.C.) the Division of Neonatology Department of Pediatrics (N.A.) and the Division of Cardiovascular Disease Department of Medicine (S.O.) University of Alabama Birmingham the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (K.B.) and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Duke University Durham (B.L.H.) — both in North Carolina the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Pennsylvania (L.D.) and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Drexel University College of Medicine (L.P.) Philadelphia St. Luke’s University Health Network Fountain Hill (J.B.) and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Magee Women’s Hospital University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh (H.N.S.) — all in Pennsylvania the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Texas (B.S.) and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital Houston (K.A.) the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas (B.C.) the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston (G.R.S.) and the Department of Women’s Health University of Texas Austin (L.H.) the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Columbia University (K.L.) Weill Cornell University (P.A.) and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology New York Presbyterian Queens Hospital (D.S.) New York and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Winthrop University Hospital Mineola (W.K.) — all in New York the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Oklahoma City (R.K.E.) MetroHealth System Cleveland (K.G.) the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Indiana University Indianapolis (D.M.H.) the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Background:The benefits and safety of the treatment of mild chronic hypertension(blood pressure,<160/100 mm Hg)during pregnancy are *** are needed on whether a strategy of targeting a blood pressure of less than 140/9... 详细信息
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Decline in subarachnoid haemorrhage volumes associated with the first wave of the COVID- 19 pandemic
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Stroke & Vascular Neurology 2021年 第4期6卷 542-552,I0026-I0032页
作者: Thanh N Nguyen Diogo C Haussen Muhammad M Qureshi Hiroshi Yamagami Toshiyuki Fujinaka Ossama Y Mansour Mohamad Abdalkader Michael Frankel Zhongming Qiu Allan Taylor Pedro Lylyk Omer F Eker Laura Mechtouff Michel Piotin Fabricio Oliveira Lima Francisco Mont'Alverne Wazim Izzath Nobuyuki Sakai Mahmoud Mohammaden Alhamza R Al-Bayati Leonardo Renieri Salvatore Mangiafico David Ozretic Vanessa Chalumeau Saima Ahmad Umair Rashid Syed Irteza Hussain Seby John Emma Griffin John Thornton Jose Antonio Fiorot Rodrigo Rivera Nadia Hammami Anna M Cervantes-Arslanian Hormuzdiyar H Dasenbrock Huynh Le Vu Viet Quy Nguyen Steven Hetts Romain Bourcier Romain Guile Melanie Walker Malveeka Sharma Don Frei Pascal Jabbour Nabeel Herial Fawaz Al-Mufti Atilla Ozcan Ozdemir Ozlem Aykac Dheeraj Gandhi Chandril Chugh Charles Matouk Pascale Lavoie Randall Edgell Andre Beer-Furlan Michael Chen Monika Killer-Oberpfalzer Vitor Mendes Pereira Patrick Nicholson Vikram Huded Nobuyuki Ohara Daisuke Watanabe Dong Hun Shin Pedro SC Magalhaes Raghid Kikano Santiago Ortega-Gutierrez Mudassir Farooqui Amal Abou-Hamden Tatsuo Amano Ryoo Yamamoto Adrienne Weeks Elena A Cora Rotem Sivan-Hoffmann Roberto Crosa Markus Möhlenbruch Simon Nagel Hosam Al-Jehani Sunil A Sheth Victor S Lopez Rivera James E Siegler Achmad Fidaus Sani Ajit S Puri Anna Luisa Kuhn Gianmarco Bernava Paolo Machi Daniel G Abud Octavio M Pontes-Neto Ajay K Wakhloo Barbara Voetsch Eytan Raz Shadi Yaghi Brijesh P Mehta Naoto Kimura Mamoru Murakami Jin Soo Lee Ji Man Hong Robert Fahed Gregory Walker Eiji Hagashi Steve M Cordina Hong Gee Roh Ken Wong Juan F Arenillas Mario Martinez-Galdamez Jordi Blasco Alejandro Rodriguez Vasquez Luisa Fonseca M Luis Silva Teddy Y Wu Simon John Alex Brehm Marios Psychogios William J Mack Matthew Tenser Tatemi Todaka Miki Fujimura Roberta Novakovic Jun Deguchi Yuri Sugiura Hiroshi Tokimura Rakesh Khatri Michael Kelly Lissa Peeling Yuichi Murayama Hugh Stephen Winters Johnny Wong Mohamed Teleb Jeremy Payne Hiroki Fukuda Kosuke Miyake Junsuke Shimbo Yusuke Sug Neurology RadiologyBoston Medical CenterBostonMassachusettsUSA Neurology Marcus Stroke&Neuroscience CenterGrady Memorial HospitalEmory University School of MedicineAtlantaGAUSA Radiology Radiation OncologyBoston University School of MedicineBostonMassachusettsUSA Neurology National Hospital Organization Osaka National HospitalOsakaJapan Neurosurgery National Hospital Organization Osaka National HospitalOsakaJapan Neurology Alexandria UniversityAlexandriaEgypt Radiology Boston Medical CenterBostonMassachusettsUSA Department of Neurology Xinqiao HospitalChongqingChina Neurosurgery University of Cape TownRondeboschWestern CapeSouth Africa Neurosurgery Interventional NeuroradiologyClinica La Sagrada FamiliaBuenos AiresArgentina Neuroradiologie Neurologie VasculaireHospices Civils de LyonLyonAuvergne-Rhône AlpesFrance Neurologie Vasculaire Hospices Civils de LyonLyonAuvergne-Rhône AlpesFrance Interventional Neuroradiology Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de RothschildParisÎle-de FranceFrance Neurology Hospital Geral de FortalezaFortalezaBrazil Interventional Neuroradiology Hospital Geral de FortalezaFortalezaBrazil Neuroradiology Nottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamUK Department of Neurosurgery Kobe City Medical Center General HospitalKobeHyogoJapan Interventional Neurovascular Unit University Hospital CareggiFirenzeToscanaItaly Neuroradiology University Hospital Centre ZagrebZagrebCroatia Interventional Neuroradiology Hopital BicetreLe Kremlin-BicetreFrance Stroke and Interventional Neuroradiology Lahore General HospitalLahorePakistan Neurological Institute Cleveland Clinic Abu DhabiAbu DhabiUAE Department of Radiology Beaumont HospitalDublinIreland Neurology Stroke UnitHospital-Estadual CentralVitoriaBrazil Neuroradiology Instituto de Neurocirugia Dr AsengoSantiagoChile Interventional Neuroradiology Institut National de NeurologieTunisTunisia Neurology Boston Medical CenterBostonMassachusettsUSA Neurosurgery Boston Medical Center
Background During the COVID-19 pandemic,decreased volumes of stroke admissions and mechanical thrombectomy were *** study’s objective was to examine whether subarachnoid haemorrhage(SAH)hospitalisations and ruptured ... 详细信息
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