The auditory steady state response (ASSR) may reflect activity from different regions of the brain, depending on the modulation frequency used. In general, responses induced by low rates (_〈40 Hz) emanate mostly ...
The auditory steady state response (ASSR) may reflect activity from different regions of the brain, depending on the modulation frequency used. In general, responses induced by low rates (_〈40 Hz) emanate mostly from central structures of the brain, and responses from high rates (〉80 Hz) emanate mostly from the peripheral auditory nerve or brainstem structures. Besides, it was reported that the gamma band ASSR (30-90 Hz) played an important role in working memory, speech understanding and recognition. This paper investigated the 40 Hz ASSR evoked by modulated speech and reversed speech. The speech was Chinese phrase voice, and the noise-like reversed speech was obtained by temporally reversing the speech. Both auditory stimuli were modulated with a frequency of 40 Hz. Ten healthy subjects and 5 patients with hallucination symptom participated in the experiment. Results showed re- duction in left auditory cortex response when healthy subjects listened to the reversed speech compared with the speech. In contrast, when the patients who experienced auditory hallucinations listened to the reversed speech, the auditory cortex of left hemispheric responded more actively. The ASSR results were consistent with the behavior results of patients. Therefore, the gamma band ASSR is expected to be helpful for rapid and objective diagnosis of hallucination in clinic.
In this paper,aging response of a recently developed near β Ti-25Nb-2Mo-4Sn(wt%) alloy with high strength and low modulus was investigated *** experimental results from X-ray diffraction and transmission electron mic...
In this paper,aging response of a recently developed near β Ti-25Nb-2Mo-4Sn(wt%) alloy with high strength and low modulus was investigated *** experimental results from X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy showed that the aging production of the Ti-2524 alloy was(β+ω) or(β+α) even under the same aging treatment condition,depending on the pre-treatments prior to the *** evidence confirmed the competition between stable α phase and metastable ω phase during the decomposition of β phase on *** aging response of Ti-2524 alloy can be attributed to high-density dislocations and grain boundaries which suppress the formation of ω,and alternatively promote a phase *** provides a thermo-mechanical approach to inhibit deleterious ω phase formation and assist fine α phase *** an appropriate aging treatment,superior mechanical properties of high ultimate tensile strength(1233 MPa) and low elastic modulus(77 GPa) were achieved in Ti-2524 alloy.
Tau proteins accumulation and their spreading pattern were afected by gender in cognitive impairment patients,especially in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease(AD).However,it was unclear whether the gender efects ...
Tau proteins accumulation and their spreading pattern were afected by gender in cognitive impairment patients,especially in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease(AD).However,it was unclear whether the gender efects for tau deposition infuenced by amyloid *** aim of this study was to investigate gender diferences for tau depositions in Aβpositive(A^(+))*** this study,tau and amyloid positron emission tomography images,structural magnetic resonance imaging images,and demographic information were collected from 179 subjects in Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative(ADNI)database and 63 subjects from Huashan *** were classifed as T^(+)or T^(-)according to the presence or absence of tau(T)*** used two-sample t test and one-way analysis of variance test to analyze the efect of gender with adjusting for age,years of education,and Minimum Mental State *** the ADNI cohort,we found diferences in Tau deposition in fusiform gyrus,inferior temporal gyrus,middle temporal gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus between the female T^(+)(FT^(+))and male T^(+)(MT^(+))groups(p0.05).In the Huashan Hospital cohort,there was no diference in Tau deposition between FT^(+)and MT^(+)(p>0.05).The results show that tau depositions signifcantly increased in females in above brain *** fndings suggest that tau deposition is infuenced by gender in the A+*** result has important clinical implications for the development of gender-guided early interventions for patients with both Tau and Amyloid depositions.
Stimulated Raman scattering(SRS)microscopy has shown superior chemical resolution due to the much narrower vibrational spectral bandwidth than its fluorescence ***,breaking the diffraction-limited spatial resolution o...
Stimulated Raman scattering(SRS)microscopy has shown superior chemical resolution due to the much narrower vibrational spectral bandwidth than its fluorescence ***,breaking the diffraction-limited spatial resolution of SRS imaging is much more challenging because of the intrinsically weak scattering cross section and inert/stable nature of molecular bond *** report superresolution SRS(SR-SRS)nanoscopy based on reversible-switchable vibrational photochromic probes integrated with point spread function engineering *** introducing a Gaussian-shaped ultraviolet excitation beam and a donut-shaped visible depletion beam in addition to the pump and Stokes beams,SR-SRS could reach sub-100 nm resolution on photoswitchable nanoparticles(NPs).Furthermore,NP-treated live cell imaging was demonstrated with resolution improvement by a factor of∼*** proof-of-principle work provides the potential for SR vibrational imaging to assist research on complex biological systems.
The first dedicated protein chromatography media were introduced during the 1950s and 1960s. There was an early awareness of the possibility of using these for production applications within the biopharmaceutical indu...
The first dedicated protein chromatography media were introduced during the 1950s and 1960s. There was an early awareness of the possibility of using these for production applications within the biopharmaceutical industry. However, the crucial limitation was the fact that those media that were most compatible with proteins lent themselves less favourably to scaling-up. The problems were primarily physical. Thus the fibrous cellulose media showed bed cracking tendencies and the bead shaped polyacrylamide, dextran, and agarose gel media, then available, were too soft to stand the hydrodynamic forces acting in large columns, leading to bed compaction and increased pressure drop. At the time, the best solution to the latter problem, after a number of intermediary solutions were tried, was the introduction of the stacked column concept in which several short column segments were connected by small bore tubing, thus reducing the force acting on the particles in each bed copartment. However, the ultimate remedy, the introduction of chromatographic matrices that combine the desired features of adequate rigidity, macroporosity, biocompatibility, chemical stability (for CIP and SIP) and derivatizability, did not occur until the middle of the 1980s when adquately cross-linked agarose gel media such as Sepharose Fast Flow were made available. The paper also recognizes the many attempts made during the past 50 years to develop continous chromatography columns. Most of the designs are based on an annular bed or on an array of anularly arranged parallel columns continuously fed with samples in a cyclic manner. The introduction of media and columns for expanded bed adsorption followed a demand for fewer purification steps and shorter process times. In recent years, columns have been introduced that allow packing and repacking without needing to open the column. The review provides an historical account of the developments that have led to the present state-of-the-art both regarding
Covid is giving us many lessons among which one must be to realize that this is the time to act for sustainable future. The smart world around us has made it inevitable to have an alarming situation regarding the unco...
Covid is giving us many lessons among which one must be to realize that this is the time to act for sustainable future. The smart world around us has made it inevitable to have an alarming situation regarding the uncontrolled growth of waste products such as plastic and electronic wastes. Both are immense threats to the health of human,wildlife and environment, that eventually affect the societal and economic structures as evident from recent Covid-crisis. The proper management of these wastes and innovating ideas for new sustainable technologies are the need of the hour. Circular economy act with green technology(green economy) is the way to tackle this challenge. Current perspective presents the overview of the scenario regarding these burgeoning issues and demonstrates some measures that are taken or being considered to depend on to come out of them.
To determine the type of surface roughness pattern that is suitable for adaptive suppression of the drag of an obstacle, we observed flow structures introduced by such obstacles. Several roughness patterns were tested...
To determine the type of surface roughness pattern that is suitable for adaptive suppression of the drag of an obstacle, we observed flow structures introduced by such obstacles. Several roughness patterns were tested: geometric patterns, fractal patterns, reptile-skin patterns, and patterns of circular cylinders arranged in a lattice and in a zigzag manner. A suitable pattern for adaptive control of flow is one that generates longitudinal vortices with nonconstant distances. The preferred instability mode of a laminar boundary layer is expected to be selected automatically from fluctuations involving many frequencies and caused by fractal patterns. Snake- and reptile-skin patterns may have a similar ability as fractal patterns because they consist of multiscale patterns. The longitudinal vortices generated from peculiar positions and concave corners in patterns were observed. The distance between these vortices is not constant because the onset of vortices is at concave corners in fractal patterns. These vortices have differing strengths and easily cause nonlinear interactions, so they can disturb a laminar boundary layer with several higher-harmonic frequencies. The velocity profiles of the laminar boundary-layer flow over the fractal patterns were measured by using hydrogen bubbles. The results show the down-wash flow between the longitudinal vortices, which means that the vortices may effectively suppress the boundary layer separation in an adverse pressure gradient.
Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is one of the leading causes of cancer mortality *** imaging modalities provide important information about HCC for its clinical *** positron-emission tomography(PET)or PET-computed tomogr...
Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is one of the leading causes of cancer mortality *** imaging modalities provide important information about HCC for its clinical *** positron-emission tomography(PET)or PET-computed tomography was introduced to the oncologic setting,it has played crucial roles in detecting,distinguishing,accurately staging,and evaluating local,residual,and recurrent *** imaging visualizes tissue metabolic information that is closely associated with *** PET imaging and dual-tracer have emerged as complementary techniques that aid in various aspects of HCC *** advent of new radiotracers and the development of immuno-PET and PET-magnetic resonance imaging have improved the ability to detect lesions and have made great progress in treatment *** current PET diagnostic capabilities for HCC and the supplementary techniques are reviewed herein.
A novel immune algorithm suitable for dynamic environments (AIDE) was proposed based on a biological immune response *** dynamic process of artificial immune response with operators such as immune cloning,multi-scale ...
A novel immune algorithm suitable for dynamic environments (AIDE) was proposed based on a biological immune response *** dynamic process of artificial immune response with operators such as immune cloning,multi-scale variation and gradient-based diversity was *** the immune cloning operator was derived from a stimulation and suppression effect between antibodies and antigens,a sigmoid model that can clearly describe clonal proliferation was *** addition,with the introduction of multiple populations and multi-scale variation,the algorithm can well maintain the population diversity during the dynamic searching *** traditional artificial immune algorithms,which require randomly generated cells added to the current population to explore its fitness landscape,AIDE uses a gradient-based diversity operator to speed up the optimization in the dynamic *** reported algorithms were compared with AIDE by using Moving Peaks *** experiments show that AIDE can maintain high population diversity during the search process,simultaneously can speed up the ***,AIDE is useful for the optimization of dynamic environments.
*** objective of this research is to unify the molecular representations of spatial transcriptomics and cellular scale histology with the tissue scales of computational anatomy for brain *** *** present a unified repr...
*** objective of this research is to unify the molecular representations of spatial transcriptomics and cellular scale histology with the tissue scales of computational anatomy for brain *** *** present a unified representation theory for brain mapping based on geometric varifold measures of the microscale deterministic structure and function with the statistical ensembles of the spatially aggregated tissue *** across coordinate systems in computational anatomy allows us to understand structural and functional properties of the brain at the millimeter *** measurement technologies in digital pathology and spatial transcriptomics allow us to measure the brain molecule by molecule and cell by cell based on protein and transcriptomic functional *** currently have no mathematical representations for integrating consistently the tissue limits with the molecular particle *** formalism derived here demonstrates the methodology for transitioning consistently from the molecular scale of quantized particles—using mathematical structures as first introduced by Dirac as the class of generalized functions—to the tissue scales with methods originally introduced by Euler for *** introduce two mathematical methods based on notions of generalized functions and statistical *** use geometric varifolds,a product measure on space and function,to represent functional states at the micro-scales—electrophysiology,molecular histology—integrated with a Boltzmann-like program to pass from deterministic particle descriptions to empirical probabilities on the functional states at the tissue *** space-function varifold representation provides a recipe for traversing from molecular to tissue scales in terms of a cascade of linear space scaling composed with nonlinear functional feature *** the cascade implies every scale is a geometric measure so that a universal fam