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4809 条 记 录,以下是61-70 订阅
Numerical simulation of characteristics of semidiurnal tidal waves in sea region around Taiwan
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Acta Oceanologica Sinica 2001年 第3期20卷 317-330页
作者: Sha Wenyu, Lu Xingang, Chen Xi, Zhang Wenjing 1. Cullege of Meterology. Institute of Science and Engineering of the P. L. A. Nanjing 211101, China College of Meterology Inst. of Science/Eng. of the P.L.A. Nanjing 211101 China
POM97, an oceanic model, has been used for the first time to the numerical study on the tidal waves of the as Regions around Taiwan. In this paper, we have got the result that the semidiurnal tidal waves of these area... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Estimating the Correlated Observation-Error Characteristics of the Chinese FengYun Microwave Temperature Sounder and Microwave Humidity Sounder
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Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2018年 第11期35卷 1428-1441页
作者: Ting WANG Jianfang FEI Xiaoping CHENG Xiaogang HUANG Jian ZHONG College of Meteorology and Oceanography National University of Defense TechnologyNanjing 211101China China Satellite Maritime Tracking and Control Department Jiangyin 214431China
In operational data assimilation systems, observation-error covariance matrices are commonly assumed to be ***, inter-channel and spatial observation-error correlations are inevitable for satellite radiances. The obse... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Journal of Hydrodynamics 2001年 第4期13卷 34-41页
作者: Fu, Qiang Xia, Ke-Qing Div. of Appl. Mech. Inst. of Sci. Univ. of Sci. and Technol. of PLA Nanjing 211101 China
Wavelet transform was firstly used to analyze te singularity of a given signal, and then with the method of wavelet transform modulus maximum(WTMM), the characters of fractal set of triadic Cantor was studied. The res... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Congestion Control for ATM Networks Based on Diagonal Recurent Neural Networks
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通信学报 1997年 第3期18卷 92-97页
作者: Huang Yunxian Yan Wei (Air Force Institute of Meteorology,Nanjing 211101) Air Force Institute of Meteorology 江苏 南京 211101 Air Force Institute of Meteorology 江苏 南京
CongestionControlforATMNetworksBasedonDiagonalRecurentNeuralNetworksHuangYunxianYanWei(AirForceInstituteofMe... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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物理学报 2002年 第9期51卷 2057-2062页
作者: 林上金 解放军理工大学 南京211101
用实验室模拟方法研究了径向温度梯度对热对流涡旋的影响 ,结果表明 ,径向温度梯度所引起的基流使热对流涡旋的对称性结构被破坏 ,使涡旋变成非对称结构 ,并使涡旋向基流下游偏移 ,其强度随基流的加强而减弱 ,直至消失 .热对流涡旋越强... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Speed by One-Dimensional Synthetic Aperture Microwave Radiometer
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Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2021年 第1期27卷 62-69页
作者: AI Wei-hua FENG Meng-yan LU Wen MA Shuo CHEN Guan-yu College of Meteorology and Oceanography National University of Defense TechnologyNanjing 211101 China PLA Troop 32033 Haikou 570100 China
One-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometers have higher spatial resolution and record measurements at multiple incidence *** this paper,we propose a multiple linear regression method to retrieve sea surfa... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
ENSO frequency change in coupled climate models as response to the increasing CO_2 concentration
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Chinese Science Bulletin 2010年 第8期55卷 744-751页
作者: DENG Lin YANG XiuQun XIE Qian School of Atmospheric Sciences Nanjing University Nanjing 210093 China Institute of Meteorology PLA University of Science and Technology Nanjing 211101 China
The response of ENSO frequency to the increasing CO2 concentration and associated mechanism are examined with outputs of four coupled climate models (GFDL/CM2.0,CNRM/CM3,IPSL/CM4 and INM/CM3.0) submitted to the IPCC F... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Precipitation Microphysical Processes in the Inner Rainband of Tropical Cyclone Kajiki (2019) over the South China Sea Revealed by Polarimetric Radar
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Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2021年 第1期38卷 65-80页
作者: Hepeng ZHENG Yun ZHANG Lifeng ZHANG Hengchi LEI Zuhang WU College of Meteorology and Oceanography National University of Defense TechnologyNanjing 211101China Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100029China
Polarimetric radar and 2D video disdrometer observations provide new insights into the precipitation microphysical processes and characteristics in the inner rainband of tropical cyclone(TC)Kajiki(2019)in the South Ch... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
WindSat satellite comparisons with nearshore buoy wind data near the U.S. west and east coasts
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Acta Oceanologica Sinica 2016年 第7期35卷 50-58页
作者: ZHANG Lei SHI Hanqing YU Hong YI Xin Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography People's Liberation Army University of Science and Technology Nanjing 211101 China Beijing Institute of Applied Meteorology Beijing 100029 China
Nearshore wind speeds retrieved by WindSat are validated by a comparison with the moored buoy observations near the U.S. west and east coasts. A 30 min and 25 km collection window is used for the WindSat wind data and... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Parameterization of the sea spray generation function with whitecap coverage
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Acta Oceanologica Sinica 2020年 第8期39卷 24-33页
作者: Jian Shi Wenjing Zhang Xueyan Zhang Jingdong Liu Zhenyu Liu College of Meteorology and Oceanography National University of Defense TechnologyNanjing 211101China Unit 91604 of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Longkou 265700China
Sea spray droplets are produced by waves breaking on the sea surface, and they vary the transfer of energy between the atmosphere and ocean. The sea spray generation function(SSGF) is generally considered as a functio... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论