目的:探讨微信辅助真彩广角眼底照相联合光学相干断层扫描(OCT)在糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)患者管理中的作用。方法:选取在我院确诊并参加治疗的98例DR患者,随机分为微信组和非微信组,每组49例。对比两组患者在按时回院随访依从性、对自身疾病及DR危险因素认知度、最佳矫正视力、治疗后DR出血、渗出、水肿情况以及黄斑厚度等观察指标上的差异。结果:首先使用卡方检验、t检验比较两组患者性别、年龄的差异性无统计学差异,具有可比性。在此基础上使用卡方检验比较两组患者按时回院随访依从性的差异性,观察组患者按时回院随访的比例93.88%,显著高于常规组患者73.47%,差异具有统计学意义,χ2 = 7.470,P = 0.006 0.05。治疗后,观察组的最佳矫正视力高于常规组,差异具有统计学意义,U值 = 736.000,z = −3.339,P = 0.001 χ2 = 6.186,P = 0.013 0.05。治疗后,常规组的黄斑厚度高于观察组,差异具有统计学意义,U值 = 710.000,z = −3.486,P Objective: To explore the role of wechat-assisted true color wide angle fundus photography combined with Optical coherence tomography (Oct) in the management of patients with diabetic retinopathy retinopathy (DR). Methods: 98 patients with DR, who were diagnosed and treated in our hospital, were randomly divided into wechat group and non-wechat group with 49 cases in each group. To compare the difference between the two groups in compliance, cognition of self-disease and DR risk factors, best corrected visual acuity, DR hemorrhage, exudation, edema and macular thickness after treatment. Results: first, chi-square test and t-test were used to compare the difference of sex and age between the two groups. On this basis, the chi-square test was used to compare the compliance of the two groups. The proportion of the patients in the observation group returning to hospital on time was 93.88%, which was significantly higher than that in the routine group (73.47%), χ2 = 7.470, P = 0.006 0.05. After treatment, the best corrected visual acuity in the observation group was higher than that in the routine group, the difference was statistically significant (U = 736.000, z = −3.339, P = 0.001 χ2 = 6.186, P = 0.013 0.05. After treatment, the macular thickness in the routine group was significantly higher than that in the observation group (U = 710.000, Z = −3.486, P < 0.001). After treatment, the macular thickness was significantly decreased in both groups (median difference = 303.000, z = 5.877, P < 0.001;median difference = 170.
目的:评价免散瞳真彩超广角眼底成像系统(UWFSLO)联合光学相干断层扫描(OCT)在糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)筛查中的临床应用价值。方法:选取参加惠州爱尔眼科医院糖尿病视网膜病变关爱日来院筛查的糖尿病人55例(99眼)纳入研究。患者年龄32~81岁,平均年龄(57.3 ± 11.2)岁。分别应用蔡司CLARUS 500免散瞳真彩UWF四方位自动模式拍摄联合海德堡Spectralis OCT经过黄斑区线性扫描与散瞳下日本Topcon眼底照相机行眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)检查。采用Kappa一致性检验将两种检查方法进行比较。以临床诊断结果为标准,比较两种检查方法对DR疾病诊断效能。结果:(1) 对UWF + OCT与FFA两种检查方法在DR中视网膜微血管瘤(MA)、视网膜新生血管(RNV)、视网膜内微血管异常(IRAM)、视网膜无灌注区(NPAS)、糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)结果进行一致性检验,结果显示MA结果具有一定的一致性,一致性程度一般,具有统计学意义,p p p p p p Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of the no-dilatation true color ultra-wide-field (UWF) fundus imaging system combined with optical coherence tomography (0CT) in screening diabetic retinopathy (DR). Methods: Fifty-five diabetic patients (99 eyes) who participated in the screening of diabetic retinopathy in the Huizhou Aier Eye Hospital were included in the study. Patients ranged in age from 32 to 81 years, with an average age of (57.3 ± 11.2) years. Fluorescence fundus imaging (FFA) was performed by using Zeiss CLARUS 500 no-dilatation true color UWF quadrilateral automatic mode photography combined with Heidelberg Spectralis OCT through macular linear scanning and Japanese Topcon fundus camera under dilated eyes. The Kappa consistency test was used to compare the two methods. Based on the clinical diagnosis results, the diagnostic efficacy of the two methods for DR Disease was compared. Result: (1) Consistency test was performed on the results of retinal microangioma (MA), retinal neovascularization (RNV), intraretinal microvascular abnormality (IRAM), retinal non-perfusion area (NPAS) and diabetic macular edema (DME) in DR By UWF + OCT and FFA, and the results showed that MA results were consistent to a certain extent. The degree of consistency was general, with statistical significance (p p p p p p < 0.001), which was statistically significant. The specific classification was mild NPDR 52 cases (52.53%), moderate NPDR 17 cases (17.17%), and severe NPDR 19 cases (19.19%). There were 11 cases of PDR (11.11%), and the r