目的:分析我国儿童孤独症谱系障碍高被引文献的计量特征。方法:检索中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI) 2013~2023年的孤独症谱系障碍文献,参照普赖斯定律对其中高被引文献进行统计分析。结果:检出高被引文献253篇,分别被引11~206次,剔除学位论文及综述、指南解读文献共计143篇,最终纳入统计文献110篇,累计被引2360次(占总被引37.18%),篇均被引21.45次;文献数自2013年开始上升至2019年达峰值34篇,之后迅速下降;文献主要分布在55种期刊,《中国儿童保健杂志》、《中国当代儿科杂志》、《中国临床心理学杂志》、《中国康复理论与实践》作为代表的权威期刊稳居文献数、总被引频次前4位;文献作者136人、署名147人次,总合作率94.55%,作者陈玉美、高峰的署名数位居前列;作者机构88个,其中医院46个(52.27%)、院校33个(37.5%)、实验室7个(7.95%),研究中心2个(2.27%),其中陕西中医药大学、中山大学、吉林大学、福建医科大学、西安交通大学的文献数居前5位;共涉及关键词190个、343次,篇均关键词3.12个,关键词“孤独症谱系障碍”、“儿童”、“针刺疗法”、“孤独性障碍”、“感觉统合训练”的使用频次居前5位;76篇文献获基金93项次,其中部省级以上基金占72.04%。结论:近10年来,随着社会的发展和医疗水平的进步,孤独症谱系障碍已成为国内外儿童心理行为研究的热点领域之一,未来仍需要进一步的研究,以便为孤独症谱系障碍儿童、家庭、医护人员提供更加明确且更具靶向性的治疗方案。Objective: This study aimed to analyze the quantitative characteristics of highly cited literature on autism spectrum disorder in China. Methods: Literature on autism spectrum disorder from 2013 to 2023 was retrieved from the Chinese academic journal full-text database (CNKI), and high-cited articles were statistically analyzed according to Price’s law. Results: A total of 253 highly cited articles were identified, with citations ranging from 11 to 206 times. After excluding theses, dissertations, literature reviews, and guideline interpretations, a total of 143 articles were excluded, leaving 110 articles for statistical analysis. The cumulative number of citations was 2360 times (accounting for 37.18% of the total citations), with an average of 21.45 citations per article. The number of articles increased from 2013 to a peak in 2019 at which point there were a total of thirty-four publications before declining sharply thereafter. The literature was distributed across fifty-five journals;authoritative journals such as “Chinese Journal of Child Health Care,” “Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics,” “Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,” and “Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice” ranked among the top four in terms of both article numbers and total citation frequency. A total cooperation r