为提高弹性蛋白肽(elastin peptide,EP)的理化性质与功能特性,该研究通过酶解联合微生物(副干酪乳杆菌YYS-K1)发酵制备弹性蛋白肽(elastin peptide by enzymolysis combined with microbial fermentation,EMEP),以单一蛋白酶解制备EP为...
为提高弹性蛋白肽(elastin peptide,EP)的理化性质与功能特性,该研究通过酶解联合微生物(副干酪乳杆菌YYS-K1)发酵制备弹性蛋白肽(elastin peptide by enzymolysis combined with microbial fermentation,EMEP),以单一蛋白酶解制备EP为对照,比较EMEP和EP的理化性质和功能特性的差异。结果表明:EMEP的糖胺聚糖的含量较EP提高了约1.73倍;两种EP中氨基酸组成和必需氨基酸占比无明显差异,而EMEP中的Gly和Leu含量占比明显高于EP;分子质量分布结果表明,EMEP中生物发酵制备法有利于进一步提高EP的理化性质和功能特性,为开发高质量的弹性蛋白肽产品提供理论依据。
随着宠物相关科学研究的发展,猫和犬等宠物的寿命在不断延长,极端情况下可以活到30岁以上,但伴随宠物的衰老,其营养需求并没有明确的研究进展。伴随着衰老,猫和犬的许多潜在的生理过程(例如免疫功能减退)和与年龄相关的健康状况(例如认知能力下降)都在变化,如果采取合适的营养干预手段,可能有效减缓伴随着衰老产生的健康水平的下降,提高宠物的生活质量。本文综述了当前国际上猫和犬衰老及其过程的最新研究进展,提出了老年猫和犬对营养的需求,以及与衰老相关的常见疾病的相应营养调控手段,旨在为保持宠物的健康和延长其寿命提供参考。With the development of pet-related scientific research, pets such as cats and dogs are kept for an extended period of time. In extreme cases, they can live to be over 30 years old. However, as pets age, there is no clear research progress on their nutritional needs. Many underlying physiological processes (e.g., immunocompromised) and age-related health conditions (e.g., cognitive decline) are altered in cats and dogs that, with appropriate nutritional intervention, may effectively contribute to the development of inflammation decrease in health level and improve pet’s quality of life. This article reviews the latest international research progress on cat and canine dementia and its processes, proposes the nutritional needs of elderly cats and dogs, and the corresponding nutritional control methods for common diseases related to dementia, aiming to provide reference for keeping pets healthy and extending their lifespan.
动物副产品是宠物粮食中水解蛋白的主要来源。近年来,宠物粮食生产行业已经开始合理利用酶水解后的动物蛋白产物,主要包括生物活性肽等低过敏性成分。除了具有较高的氨基酸生物利用率之外,蛋白质水解物释放的生物活性肽等物质还具有抗氧化、抗菌、免疫调节、组织修复、抗高血压和血糖控制作用,其中许多功能特性已在伴侣动物上进行了研究。本文重点综述了以生物活性肽为代表的动物蛋白水解物的生产、来源和应用,以及在对宠物健康影响上的研究进展,以期为宠物粮食中合理使用生物活性肽等动物蛋白水解物提供参考。Animal by-products are the main source of formulated proteins in pet food. In recent years, the pet food production industry has begun to effectively utilize enzymatically processed animal protein products, mainly including hypoallergenic ingredients such as bioactive peptides. In addition to having the same irritation and bioavailability, protein hydrolysates release bioactive peptides with antioxidant, antibacterial, immunomodulatory, tissue repair, antihypertensive and hypertension control effects, many of which have been studied in partner animals. The production, source and application of bioactive peptides, as well as the research progress on their impact on pet health, are discussed in order to provide a reference for the rational use of bioactive peptides in pet food.