The Linux kernel adopts a large number of security checks to prevent security-sensitive operations from being executed under unsafe *** a security-sensitive operation is unchecked,a missing-check issue *** check is a ...
The Linux kernel adopts a large number of security checks to prevent security-sensitive operations from being executed under unsafe *** a security-sensitive operation is unchecked,a missing-check issue *** check is a class of severe bugs in software programs especially in operating system kernels,which may cause a variety of security issues,such as out-of-bound accesses,permission bypasses,and privilege *** to the lack of security specifications,how to automatically identify security-sensitive operations and their required security checks in the Linux kernel becomes a challenge for missing-check *** this paper,we present an accurate missing-check analysis method for Linux kernel,which can automatically infer possible security-sensitive ***,we first automatically identify all possible security check functions of *** according to their callsites,a two-direction analysis method is leveraged to identify possible security-sensitive operations.A missing-check bug is reported when the security-sensitive operation is not protected by its corresponding security *** have implemented our method as a tool,named AMCheX,on top of the LLVM(Low Level Virtual Machine)framework and evaluated it on the Linux *** reported 12 new missing-check bugs which can cause security *** of them have been confirmed by Linux maintainers.