In this study, we present a miniOS kernel implemented via analysis of the context switching, the scheduler, and the memory management of the original OS kernel for an embedded system based on ARM core. Since this is a...
In this study, we present a miniOS kernel implemented via analysis of the context switching, the scheduler, and the memory management of the original OS kernel for an embedded system based on ARM core. Since this is a large subject, we have limited our scope to them only that made up an embedded operating system. The implemented miniOS kernel is composed only by them, to the exclusion of all other functions of the original kernel. Our goal is to modify the OS kernel depending on the product function. The implementation method of the miniOS kernel can be applicable to any OS being mounted based on the ARM core. Modifying the kernel depending on the product function can improve the OS booting speed as well as save the system memory. The functions of the scheduler, the context switching, and the memory management are described with the source in each section. The miniOS kernel was implemented in the Assembly and C language and was verified through the build and the test. The results are shown in the Section 5.
<正>In this paper the concept of Container {fixed size macro data unit} is used to photonic burst switch network This Container is tailored to integrate the existing multiple optical protocols stack as an intermedia...
<正>In this paper the concept of Container {fixed size macro data unit} is used to photonic burst switch network This Container is tailored to integrate the existing multiple optical protocols stack as an intermediate layer between optical and link layers. The objective of Container based optical burst switching is to eliminate the O/E/0 conversion in the core optical network to create a collision free stateless core. In addition the concept takes advantage of the wireless link’s delay to minimize the necessity of long Fiber Delay Lines (FDL) in a mesh topology photonic network. This is made possible by a centrally scheduled edge switch that periodically assigns optical burst slots between the two nodes to carry the containers. The architecture is analyzed for its container formation delay and other performance dynamics like the container size.