The effects of externally applied resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) on the locked mode of the neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) are numerically investigated by means of a set of reduced magnetohydrodynamic *** is fou...
The effects of externally applied resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) on the locked mode of the neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) are numerically investigated by means of a set of reduced magnetohydrodynamic *** is found that,for a small bootstrap current fraction,three regimes,namely the slight suppression regime,the small locked island (SLI) regime and the big locked island (BLI) regime,are discovered with the increase of RMP *** a much higher bootstrap current fraction,however,a new oscillation regime appears instead of the SLI regime,although the other regimes still *** physical process in each regime is analyzed in detail based on the phase difference between the NTM and the ***,the critical values of the RMP in both SLI and BLI regimes are obtained,and their dependence on key plasma parameters is discussed as well.
AIM To assess the antiviral effects of hepatitis B virus(HBV) S gene-specific anti-gene locked nucleic acid(LNA) in transgenic *** Thirty HBV transgenic mice were acclimatized to laboratory conditions and positive for...
AIM To assess the antiviral effects of hepatitis B virus(HBV) S gene-specific anti-gene locked nucleic acid(LNA) in transgenic *** Thirty HBV transgenic mice were acclimatized to laboratory conditions and positive for serum HBV surface antigen(HBs Ag) and HBV DNA, were randomly divided into 5 groups(n = 7), including negative control(blank control, unrelated sequence control), positive control(lamivudine, anti-sense-LNA), and anti-gene-LNA experimental group. LNA was injected into transgenic mice by tail vein while lamivudine was administeredby gavage. Serum HBV DNA and HBs Ag levels were determined by fluorescence-based PCR and enzymelinked immune sorbent assay, respectively. HBV S gene expression amounts were assessed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Positive rates of HBsA g in liver cells were evaluated *** Average rate reductions of HBs Ag after treatment on the 3 rd, 5 th, and 7 th days were 32.34%, 45.96%, and 59.15%, respectively. The inhibitory effect of antigene-LNA on serum HBs Ag peaked on day 7, with statistically significant differences compared with pretreatment(0.96 ± 0.18 vs 2.35 ± 0.33, P < 0.05) and control values(P < 0.05 for all). Average reduction rates of HBV DNA on the 3 rd, 5 th, and 7 th days were 38.55%, 50.95%, and 62.26%, respectively. This inhibitory effect peaked on the 7 th day after treatment with anti-gene-LNA, with statistically significant differences compared with pre-treatment(4.17 ± 1.29 vs 11.05 ± 1.25, P < 0.05) and control values(P < 0.05 for all). The mR NA levels of the HBV S gene(P < 0.05 for all) and rates of HBsA g positive liver cells(P < 0.05 for all) were significantly reduced compared with the control groups. Liver and kidney function, and histology showed no abnormalities. CONCLUSION Anti-gene-LNA targeting the S gene of HBV displays strong inhibitory effects on HBV in transgenic mice, providing theoretical and experimental bases for gene therapy in HBV.
In this paper the stress and deformation fields about a locked fault in depth have been imitated using 3-dimensional finite element method and their time-space variation features have been analysed. The authors consid...
In this paper the stress and deformation fields about a locked fault in depth have been imitated using 3-dimensional finite element method and their time-space variation features have been analysed. The authors consider tentatively that the horizontal stresses about an active fault decrease slightly near the fault. The distributions of stress increasing and decreasing regions due to the locking of a fault are skew-symmetrical about the fault. The stresses about the locked region are increased in a larger range, where great elastic strain energy is accumulated and a stronger earthquake is more easily developed than at the ends of the fault. Reverse variations of crustal stress and deformation may be related to the different stages of the seismogeny of an earthquake focus.
South Africa goes into coronavirus lockdown mode as the nation unites against a common enemy,despite economic uncertainty The busy Central Avenue in the sprawling South African town of Kempton Park outside Johannesbur...
South Africa goes into coronavirus lockdown mode as the nation unites against a common enemy,despite economic uncertainty The busy Central Avenue in the sprawling South African town of Kempton Park outside Johannesburg has for years been a strategic business location for 63-year-old pensioner and street trader Dora Makopane.
Background: Cervical spine injuries are common as a result of a growing number of high energy accidents. The subaxial Injury Classification System and Severity Score (SLICS) suggest that a unilateral or bilateral face...
Background: Cervical spine injuries are common as a result of a growing number of high energy accidents. The subaxial Injury Classification System and Severity Score (SLICS) suggest that a unilateral or bilateral facet dislocation must be managed surgically, even in the absence of SCI (Level of Evidence III). The surgical approaches could be anterior, posterior or combined anterior and posterior approaches. Methods: 20 patients, 12 males and 8 females, with age ranged from 20 to 45 years with lower cervical spine locked facet treated operatively by anterior or posterior spinal instrumentation after trial of closed reduction by skull traction. Results: In this series, satisfactory closed reduction was achieved in 15 patients with percentage 75% and fixed anteriorly, but 5 patients with percentage 25% needed posterior approach for reduction. Regarding ASIA score all of the patients improved at least one level after surgery except 2 cases with preoperative score A: they didn’t improve. Mean preoperative pain score VAS was 7.7 (range from 5 to 9) and postoperative mean of VAS was 0.75 with range from 0 to 3 until final follow up. Conclusion: Anterior approach with discectomy and fusion is necessary;however, if the closed reduction failed, posterior open reduction is indicated with lateral mass fixation, combined approaches can be indicated in specific cases such as increase of the kyphotic angle post anterior approach or when an osteotomy may be required to restore cervical alignment and neural decompression.
For the model of a Closed Phase locked Loop (CPLL) communication System consists of both the transmission and receiver ends. This model is considered to be in a multi-order intermittent chaotic state. The chaotic sign...
For the model of a Closed Phase locked Loop (CPLL) communication System consists of both the transmission and receiver ends. This model is considered to be in a multi-order intermittent chaotic state. The chaotic signals are then synchronized along side with our system. This chaotic synchronization will be demonstrated and furthermore, a modulation will be formed to examine the system if it will perfectly reconstruct or not. Finally we will demonstrate the synchronization conditions of the system.
Introduction: The Locking Compression Plate (LCP) system is a versatile technology that can be used either through conventional compression plating techniques or as an internal fixator with locking head screws. There ...
Introduction: The Locking Compression Plate (LCP) system is a versatile technology that can be used either through conventional compression plating techniques or as an internal fixator with locking head screws. There have been only a few biomechanical studies examining the role of locked screw configuration on construct stability with most recommendations based upon empirical evidence or data from compression plating. This study will attempt to determine how different locked screw configurations, fracture gaps (distance between bone fragments), and interface gaps (distance between plate and bone) will affect the peak stress(von Mises stress) experienced by the plate-screw construct and, thereby, look at ways to minimize the risk of hardware failure. Materials Methods: A finite element model (FEM) was developed of a transverse mid shaft femoral fracture bridged by an eight-hole titanium LCP. Seven different screw configurations were investigated. Three different fracture gaps and three different interface gaps were studied as well. Results: The 1368 configuration was found to experience the least peak stress of 2.10 GPa while the 2367, 2457, and all filled configurations were found to have the highest peak stress (25.29 GPa, 22.78 GPa, and 23.54 GPa, respectively). Peak stress increased when the interface gap increased. Peak stress also increased as the fracture gap increased, with the largest jump between the 1 mm and 2 mm gaps. Conclusions: Every fracture is unique, and has a vast amount of parameters that must be considered when the surgeon is developing a treatment plan. For transverse femoral shaft fractures, the results of this study suggest that a working length of 2 screw holes on either side of the fracture may also lead to lower peak stress. In addition, our results demonstrate that minimizing the fracture gap and interface gap will lead to decreased stress in the plate-screw construct.
locked posterior dislocation shoulder is uncommon and frequently missed injury. It account for 2% - 4% of all shoulder dislocations. It is commonly associated with osseous defects in humeral head articular surface kno...
locked posterior dislocation shoulder is uncommon and frequently missed injury. It account for 2% - 4% of all shoulder dislocations. It is commonly associated with osseous defects in humeral head articular surface known as reverse Hill-Sachs lesion. Numerous surgical procedures invented to repair this defect with variable outcomes but evidence based management strategies are lacking. Among these procedures are: transfer of lesser tuberosity or subscapularis tendon, rotational osteotomy of humerus, osteochondral grafts. Salvage procedure as hemiarthroplasty or total shoulder arthroplasty used in huge non-constructable defect or very old neglected dislocation. In our case series, we treated 9 cases (2 females) of locked posterior shoulder dislocation with antero-medial humeral head defects ranging between 30% - 50% of head size. Open reduction of dislocation followed by transfer of the lesser tuberosity together with subscapularis tendon for reconstruction of the humeral head defect. The transfer was fixed with Ethibond suture size 5-0 (Ethicon, Inc. Somerville, New Jersy). The mean follow-up period was 14.5 months (range, 12 - 25 months). Seven cases had no pain or restriction of activities of daily living. No patient had symptoms of instability of the shoulder. According to UCLA Shoulder rating scale, there were 3 cases rated excellent, 4 cases rated good, one case rated fair and one case rated poor. It is concluded that reconstruction of the humeral head defect provides good pain relief, stability and function for patients with a locked posterior dislocation where the defect involves between 30% - 50% of the articular surface circumference. Our technique is simple, cheap and there is no need for second operation for hardware removal.
This paper deals with performance analysis and implementation of a three phase inverter fed induction motor (IM) drive system. The closed loop control scheme of the drive utilizes the Digital Phase locked Loop (DPLL)....
This paper deals with performance analysis and implementation of a three phase inverter fed induction motor (IM) drive system. The closed loop control scheme of the drive utilizes the Digital Phase locked Loop (DPLL). The DPLL is safely implemented all around the well known integrated circuit DPLL 4046. An ex-perimental verification is carried out on one kw scalar controlled IM system drives for a wide range of speeds and loads appliance. This presents a simple and high performance solution for industrial applications.
As pointed out in [1], the technique of phase locking as a branch of newly developed technology has been widely applied in recent years to many fields such as radio communication, radar, aerospace sciences. A lot of p...
As pointed out in [1], the technique of phase locking as a branch of newly developed technology has been widely applied in recent years to many fields such as radio communication, radar, aerospace sciences. A lot of practical and theoretical workers have engaged in the design and theoretical analysis of the second order phase locked loops. Up to the present, for the study of the third order loop, little is found