A three-dimensional approach to the effect of magnetic field incidence angle on electrical power and conversion efficiency is performed on a front-illuminated polycrystalline silicon bifacial solar cell. A solution of...
A three-dimensional approach to the effect of magnetic field incidence angle on electrical power and conversion efficiency is performed on a front-illuminated polycrystalline silicon bifacial solar cell. A solution of the continuity equation allowed us to present the equations of photocurrent density, photovoltage and electric power. The influence of the angle of incidence of the magnetic field on the photocurrent density, the photovoltage and the electric power has been studied. The curves of electrical power versus dynamic junction velocity were used to extract the values of maximum electrical power and dynamic junction velocity and to calculate those of conversion efficiency. From this study, it is found that the conversion efficiency values increase with the angle of incidence of the magnetic field.
It is well known that temperature acts negatively on practically all the parameters of photovoltaic solar cells. Also, the solar cells which are subjected to particularly very high temperatures are the light concentra...
It is well known that temperature acts negatively on practically all the parameters of photovoltaic solar cells. Also, the solar cells which are subjected to particularly very high temperatures are the light concentration solar cells and are used in light concentration photovoltaic systems (CPV). In fact, the significant heating of these solar cells is due to the concentration of the solar flux which arrives on them. Light concentration solar cells appear as solar cells under strong influences of heating and temperature. It is therefore necessary to take into account temperature effect on light concentration solar cells performances in order to obtain realistic results. This one-dimensional study of a crystalline silicon solar cell under light concentration takes into account electrons concentration gradient electric field in the determination of the continuity equation of minority carriers in the base. To determine excess minority carrier’s density, the effects of temperature on the diffusion and mobility of electrons and holes, on the intrinsic concentration of electrons, on carrier’s generation rate as well as on width of band gap have also been taken into account. The results show that an increase of temperature improves diffusion parameters and leads to an increase of the short-circuit photocurrent density. However, an increase of temperature leads to a significant decrease in open-circuit photovoltage, maximum electric power and conversion efficiency. The results also show that the operating point and the maximum power point (MPP) moves to the open circuit when the cell temperature increases.
The Changjiang River Valley is rich in hydraulic energy resources. A r ough estimation of the technically developable volume and the economically devel opable volume for the Changjiang River Valley was drawn out on th...
The Changjiang River Valley is rich in hydraulic energy resources. A r ough estimation of the technically developable volume and the economically devel opable volume for the Changjiang River Valley was drawn out on the basis of new data. According to the estimation, the developable water energy resources of the whole valley is 257 627.60 MW with an annual energy output of 1 195.142 billion kW *h - respectively amounting to 120.6% and 116.3% of the General Investigation resu lt in 1980. The proportion of economically developable volume in the technically devel opable volume ranges the medium level in the world. According to the 3-step plan for the national economic and social development, the economic situation of our country will come up to the standard of medium-developed countries in the mid of the 21st century. Calculation reports from related departments show that the na tional electric power requirement in the Year 2050 will be 6 200 billion kW*h ( basic scheme) ~11 600 billion kW*h (ideal scheme) while the electric power req u irement of the South-west, Central and East areas of the nation within the Chang jiang River Valley will amount to 44% ~ 50 %. In order to satisfy the electric p ower requirement of the national economic and social development, the developmen t and utilization of the hydraulic energy in the Changjiang River Valley should be speeded up by stressing its strategic position and taking effective m easures. T he structure of the electric energy components of the three areas will be improv ed with the increasing proportion of the hydroelectricity. The hydroelectricity should be mainly developed in the South-west area; both the hydroelectric and fossil-f ired power should be developed in the Central China; the fossil-fired power shou ld be mainly developed in the combination of hydropower while nuclear po wer w ill be properly developed in the East China. In the Year 2050, the development o f the economically developable hydraulic energy in the
Appointed by the original electric power Ministry, Ts-inghua University air-conditioner lab has taken spot investi-gation and tests on many ice thermal-storage air-conditioner systems in nationwide scale since 199...
Appointed by the original electric power Ministry, Ts-inghua University air-conditioner lab has taken spot investi-gation and tests on many ice thermal-storage air-conditioner systems in nationwide scale since 1995. These systems with respective characteristic basically include the ice ther-mal-storage air-conditioner forms applied widely in China.……