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检索条件"主题词=The Momentum Turbulent Counter-Gradient Transport in Jet-like Flows"
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the momentum turbulent counter-gradient transport in jet-like flows
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Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 1992年 第2期9卷 191-200页
作者: V.N.Lykossov Institute of Numerical Mathematics USSR Academy of Sciences Moscow USSR? INTRODUCTIONIt is very well known from the observations that some atmospheric motions are accompanied by jets in the boundary layer for example breezes and circulations in the mountain valleys (Gutman 1969) nocturnal increasing of wind (Byzova et al. 1989) cross-equatorial flow during the summer Indian monsoon (Das 1986) and others. One of the important questions concerning a mathematical modelling of such motions is the problem of the turbulent closure of the equations set which describes the jet dynamics. It is still popular to use for the momentum turbulent flow (u'w') a closure based within the framework of K-theory on the Boussinesq hypothesis
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONIt is very well known from the observations that some atmospheric motions are accompanied by jets in the boundary layer, for example, breezes and circulations in the mountain valleys (Gutman, 1969); no... 详细信息
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