为推广统计线性模型方法以及医学统计软件包splm(Statistical Program of Linear Modelling)在生物医学领域的应用,西安第四军医大学卫生统计教研室与广州第一军医大学军队卫生教研室于11月5日~11月12日在广州(第一军医大学)联合举办...
为推广统计线性模型方法以及医学统计软件包splm(Statistical Program of Linear Modelling)在生物医学领域的应用,西安第四军医大学卫生统计教研室与广州第一军医大学军队卫生教研室于11月5日~11月12日在广州(第一军医大学)联合举办了“线性模型与软件splm应用学习班”。来自全国各医药院校、卫生防疫站等的25名同志参加了学习班。
splm(Statistical Program for Linear Modelling)统计分析软件是第四军医大学卫生统计学教研室(博士点)在国家自然科学基金课题“医学试验常用设计模型及统计计算方法研究”(项目编号86030833)的研究基础上,经过课题组成员10年的努力,...
splm(Statistical Program for Linear Modelling)统计分析软件是第四军医大学卫生统计学教研室(博士点)在国家自然科学基金课题“医学试验常用设计模型及统计计算方法研究”(项目编号86030833)的研究基础上,经过课题组成员10年的努力,于1986年开发完成的全中文统计分析软件,1998年升级为Windows版。适用于医院统计、医学科研及临床工作数据分析,能够满足医学各专业本科生、研究生统计学教学的需要。该软件有以下特点:
In this study,a recently developed peridynamic lattice model called the“Statebased Peridynamic Lattice Model”(splm)is improved and *** the splm,rather than as a continuum,solids are simulated using a close-packed la...
In this study,a recently developed peridynamic lattice model called the“Statebased Peridynamic Lattice Model”(splm)is improved and *** the splm,rather than as a continuum,solids are simulated using a close-packed lattice of peridynamically interacting *** new splm approach advances the splm model by improving the damage and plasticity ***,plasticity and damage are coupled in this approach.A robust method for damage initiation is developed.A new damage model called the“two-spring damage model”allows damage to localize to a single lattice particle,thus allowing highly localized damage(cracks)to emerge in a realistic manner.A plasticity model that includes hardening,softening,and damage due to plasticity is proposed and *** boundary effects are modeled efficiently and *** improved splm method is then employed to simulate three common concrete laboratory tests:uniaxial tension,uniaxial compression,and the Brazilian split cylinder *** splm results are then compared with results from the earlier splm model,with simplified classical predictions,and with laboratory *** solving the same benchmark problems using various lattice rotations and lattice spacings,the approach is demonstrated to be sufficiently objective to be a useful engineering tool to predict the essentially random behavior of concrete laboratory *** improved splm demonstrates significant improvements over the previously published version and is found to simulate concrete structures accurately and efficiently using far less computational effort than comparable computational simulation methods.
This study presents the methodology to eliminate oil residual in copper pipe due to rolling process for manufacturing coil used in air conditioner. The pressure caused by Nitrogen flow rate was applied starting from 0...
This study presents the methodology to eliminate oil residual in copper pipe due to rolling process for manufacturing coil used in air conditioner. The pressure caused by Nitrogen flow rate was applied starting from 0, 5, 10, and 15 bar, respectively which was depending on time delay and pipe length. The developed system was divided into 2 modules: Parallel pressure ladder module (PPLM) [1] and Serial pressure ladder module (splm) which were experimented with 2 sizes of copper pipe: diameter 7.29 mm, thickness 0.25 mm, and length 10 km, and diameter 8 mm, thickness 0.25 mm, and length 10 km. From experiment, it can be noted that PPLM would perform better in elimination of oil residual compared to splm. About 97.44% (0.04 mg/m) and 97.59% (0.05 mg/m) of oil residual can be respectively eliminated from diameter 7.29 mm pipe and diameter 8 mm pipe which exceeded the standard allowance of 30% or 0.1 mg/m. Moreover, the cost of Nitrogen can be reduced by 6.25% per month.