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检索条件"主题词=Rumen protected methionine"
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Effects of maternal dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and methionine during late gestation on fetal growth,DNA methylation,and mRNA relative expression of genes associated with the inflammatory response,lipid metabolism and DNA methylation in placenta and offspring’s liver in sheep
收藏 引用
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2021年 第2期12卷 611-625页
作者: Milca Rosa Velazquez Fernanda Batistel Juan Manuel Pinos Rodriguez Alejandro Enrique Relling Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Universidad Veracruzana91710 VeracruzMexico Department of Animal Science Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center(OARDC)The Ohio State University114 Gerlaugh Hall1680 Madison AveWoosterOH 44691USA Department of Animal Dairy and Veterinary SciencesUtah State UniversityLoganUT 84322USA
Background:Omega-3 PUFA or methionine(Met)supply during gestation alters offspring ***,the effect of both nutrients on fetal development has not been *** objective was to determine the effects of supplementation of th... 详细信息
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