This paper deals with the synthesis and properties of a fluorescent hydrazide and its hydrazones of nucleoside dialdehydes and of 5’-methylene nucleoside *** of 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulphonyl-glycyl ethyl est...
This paper deals with the synthesis and properties of a fluorescent hydrazide and its hydrazones of nucleoside dialdehydes and of 5’-methylene nucleoside *** of 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulphonyl-glycyl ethyl ester (DNS-GlyOC2H5) gives the fluorescent carbonyl reagent, 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulphonyl-glycyl hydrazide (DNS-Gly-nhnH2). The reaction of DNS-Gly-nhnH2 with the nucleoside dialdehydes or the 5’-methylene nucleoside dialdehydes produced by the oxidation of the corresponding nucleosides or 5’-nucleotides with sodium periodate forms the respective fluorescent *** coupling ratio of nucleoside dialdehydo to DNS-Gly-nhnH2 is 1:1. The nucleoside hydrazones can be clearly resolved by polyamide plate chromatography with a sensitivity of 1 × 10-10 mole. The ultraviolet absorption spectra, the molar extinction coefficients, the fluorescent spectra as well as the quantum yields of the hydrazide and its nucleoside hydrazones in water, ethanol and dioxane
联众这个创立于1998年的中国互联网史前巨兽,似乎从去年6月的最后一天,低调登陆港交所,完成了历时16年的上市之路后,便开始在今年逐步焕发了第二春。据中新社9月9日消息,第二季度,联众正式完成对Peerless Media Limited的收购,该公司持...
联众这个创立于1998年的中国互联网史前巨兽,似乎从去年6月的最后一天,低调登陆港交所,完成了历时16年的上市之路后,便开始在今年逐步焕发了第二春。据中新社9月9日消息,第二季度,联众正式完成对Peerless Media Limited的收购,该公司持有国际智力运动顶级赛事WPT的品牌知识产权。公告称,通过该项收购,联众将构建出一个在线游戏、线下比赛、棋牌教育、棋牌视频节目制作等多个不同业务棋牌智能运动生态圈。通过此类外延式发展,联众或将能借此破局。