Sipingshan gold deposit is gold-bearing sillcalite in type. There only exist a few kinds of sulfide in the ore and it is lower in content. The gold degree is lower. Au is closely related to the Ag, Cu, Pb, As and Hg e...
Sipingshan gold deposit is gold-bearing sillcalite in type. There only exist a few kinds of sulfide in the ore and it is lower in content. The gold degree is lower. Au is closely related to the Ag, Cu, Pb, As and Hg elements. The upper sillealite has Eu and Ce negative anomaly, and the lower sillealite has Eu positive anomaly, however, the hot spring cemented breccia and rhyolite porphyry have Eu negative anomaly; the S isotope component has deep-seated magmatic sulfur and terrestrial sulfate characteristic; and the Ph isotope has the character of the mixture origin of crust and mantle that is mainly dominated by Pb in the orogenic beh. The oreforming tluid temperature is 180℃-244℃ , characterized by magmatie hydrothermal and meteoric water; and the ore-forming age is 87 Ma. The deposit was formed by the metallogenic fluid in the tectonic fault zone overtlowing near the earth' s surface and leading to the metallogenic funetion and the metallogenic substar,ee deposition.
The Hongqiling large nickel-copper-cobalt deposit(hereafter referred to as the Hongqiling deposit),a typical mafic-ultramafic copper-nickel deposit in China,boasts proven Ni(Ni)resources of approximately 22×10^(4)t,a...
The Hongqiling large nickel-copper-cobalt deposit(hereafter referred to as the Hongqiling deposit),a typical mafic-ultramafic copper-nickel deposit in China,boasts proven Ni(Ni)resources of approximately 22×10^(4)t,associated copper resources of 2×10^(4)t,and associated cobalt(Co)resources of 0.5×10^(4)t,with Ni reserves ranking 10th among China's magmatic nickel ***,the Hongqiling deposit is situated in the superimposed zone between the Xing'an-Mongolian orogenic belt and the circum-Western Pacific's active continental margin *** ore-bearing plutons occur within the metamorphic rocks of the Ordovician Hulan Group,with the emplacement of plutons and the locations of orebodies governed by the deep-seated Huifahe fault and its secondary NW-trending Fujia-Hejiagou-Beixinglong-Changsheng fault *** the deposit,the rock assemblages of ore-bearing plutons predominantly encompass gabbro-pyroxenite-olivine pyroxenite-pyroxene peridotite(pluton No.1)and norite-orthopyroxenite-harzburgite(pluton No.7),with ore-bearing lithofacies consisting primarily of olivine pyroxenite and pyroxenite *** Hongqiling deposit hosts stratoid,overhanging lentoid,veined,and pure-sulfide veined *** ores principally contain metallic minerals including pyrrhotite,pentlandite,chalcopyrite,violarite,and *** unidentified magma sources of ore-bearing mafic-ultramafic rocks,it is roughly accepted that the magmatic evolution in the Hongqiling deposit primarily involved fractional crystallization and crustal *** ore-forming materials were primarily derived from the upper mantle,mixed with minor crustal *** ore-bearing mafic-ultramafic rocks in the deposit,primarily emplaced during the Indosinian(208-239 Ma),were formed in an intense extension setting followed by the collisional orogeny between the North China Plate and the Songnen-Zhangguangcai Range Block during the Middle-Late *** the perspective of the metallogen