Matthaeus and goldstein pointed out that at high frequencies the spectral indexes of Alfv(?)nic fluctuations observed at 1 AU and 2.8 AU are very close to —5/3 (not—3/2). Burlaga, et al. showed that for increasing h...
Matthaeus and goldstein pointed out that at high frequencies the spectral indexes of Alfv(?)nic fluctuations observed at 1 AU and 2.8 AU are very close to —5/3 (not—3/2). Burlaga, et al. showed that for increasing heliocentric distance, the frequency range with the spectral indexes around —5/3 is extending to low frequencies. To make an explanation for the observed results, a theoretical study is needed. What mechanism controls the properties of the Alfv(?)nic fluctuations in the solar
goldstein et al. found in the porcine pituitary a potent opioid peptide dynorphin composed of 17 amino acids with leu-enkephalin as its N terminal sequence. In guinea pig ileum assay system, it is about 700 times more
goldstein et al. found in the porcine pituitary a potent opioid peptide dynorphin composed of 17 amino acids with leu-enkephalin as its N terminal sequence. In guinea pig ileum assay system, it is about 700 times more
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世界致治与国际关系原版影印丛书国际关系经典选读(by Phil Williams,Donald *** & Jay ***)85.00元Classic Readings of International Relations冲突与合作:演进中的国际关系理论72.00元Conflict and Cooperation:Evolving Theories of International Relatioas(by Marc ***)国际政治经济学:审视全球权力与财富(by Jeffry ***,David ***)60.00元International Political Economy:Perspectives on Global Power and