freshwater Dothideomycetes are a highly diverse group of fungi,which are mostly saprobic in freshwater habitats *** are important decomposers of submerged woody debris and leaves in *** this paper,we outline the gener...
freshwater Dothideomycetes are a highly diverse group of fungi,which are mostly saprobic in freshwater habitats *** are important decomposers of submerged woody debris and leaves in *** this paper,we outline the genera of freshwater Dothideomycetes with notes and keys to *** on multigene analyses and morphology,we introduce nine new genera,***,Aquatospora,Aquihelicascus,Fusiformiseptata,Neohelicascus,Neojahnula,Pseudojahnula,Purpureofaciens,Submersispora;33 new species,*** bipolare,Aquimassariosphaeria kun-mingensis,Aquatospora cylindrica,Aquihelicascus songkhlaensis,***,Ascagilis submersa,***,Bambusicola aquatica,Caryospora submersa,Dictyocheirospora thailandica,Fusiformiseptata crocea,Helicosporium thai-landense,Hongkongmyces aquaticus,Lentistoma aquaticum,Lentithecium kunmingense,Lindgomyces aquaticus,Longipedi-cellata aquatica,Neohelicascus submersus,Neohelicomyces dehongensis,***,Neohelicosporium submersum,Nigrograna aquatica,Occultibambusa kunmingensis,Parabambusicola aquatica,Pseudoasteromassaria aquatica,Pseu-doastrosphaeriella aquatica,Pseudoxylomyces aquaticus,Purpureofaciens aquatica,Roussoella aquatica,Shrungabeeja aquatica,Submersispora variabilis,Tetraploa puzheheiensis,***;16 new combinations,***-eria typhicola,Aquihelicascus thalassioideus,Ascagilis guttulaspora,***,***,***,Ernakulamia xishuangbannaensis,Neohelicascus aquaticus,***,***,***,***,***,***,Neojahnula australiensis,Pseudojahnula potamophila;17 new geographical and habitat records,*** khaoyaiensis,Aquastroma magniostiolata,Caryospora aquatica,***,Dendryphiella vinosa,Ernakulamia cochinensis,Fissuroma neoaggregatum,Helicotruncatum palmigenum,Jahnula rostrata,Neorous-soella bambusae,***,Occultibambusa pustula,Paramonodictys solitarius,Pleopunctum pseud
freshwater Dothideomycetes are a highly diverse range of fungi characterized mainly by bitunicate asci and often with fissitunicate dehiscence. The study focuses on Dothideomycetes which are saprobic on submerged wood...
freshwater Dothideomycetes are a highly diverse range of fungi characterized mainly by bitunicate asci and often with fissitunicate dehiscence. The study focuses on Dothideomycetes which are saprobic on submerged woody or bamboo debris from freshwater habitats. We review and analyze all freshwater sexual and asexual genera of Dothideomycetes based on our new collections and literatures. These genera are scattered in at least 45 families of seven orders, in which Pleosporales and Tubeufiales are the biggest two orders for freshwater species. The freshwater distributions of all species are reviewed. Six new genera and 36 new species from China and Thailand are introduced based on morphology and multi-gene phylogeny, and some disputable genera or families are discussed as well.