Taking a cue from Jacques derrida's Glas,this paper seeks to understand the idea of thanatopraxie or embalming in *** sees thanatopraxie as a strategy to(en)counter the prevalent idea of a“book”as the repository of ...
Taking a cue from Jacques derrida's Glas,this paper seeks to understand the idea of thanatopraxie or embalming in *** sees thanatopraxie as a strategy to(en)counter the prevalent idea of a“book”as the repository of the“truth”and the“divine.”It argues that a work of art can only exist in the world by transforming into“what(ever)remains”of a work-a wo-.Thanatopraxie thus,brings down a work from the realm of the transcendental and the divine to the world of banal ***,in order to comprehend these maneuverings,this paper looks into“Tithonus”and A Tale of Tub as texts where the“penetrable openings”are purposely kept open for the transformation of a work(in)to a wo-.
Jacques derrida's engagement with Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the second part of Of Grammatology constitutes the most systematic, extensive example of deconstructive reading. Nevertheless, the problem of whether derrida...
Jacques derrida's engagement with Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the second part of Of Grammatology constitutes the most systematic, extensive example of deconstructive reading. Nevertheless, the problem of whether derrida reproduces Rousseau's basic claims adequately has remained a peripheral concern. This has meant that this may constitute a misreading and the consequences that this would have for the deconstructive operation itself have not adequately examined. Hence, this enquiry into derrida's reading of Rousseau centers upon the extent to which derrida distorts Rousseau's text in order to be able to confirm deconstruction's radical theoretical positions.
The present study constitutes a critical appraisal of the deconstructive reading of Rousseau's Confessions that derrida undertakes in the second part of Of Grammatology. In this examination, the author will first lis...
The present study constitutes a critical appraisal of the deconstructive reading of Rousseau's Confessions that derrida undertakes in the second part of Of Grammatology. In this examination, the author will first list some of the significations into which derrida disperses (forced, as he asserts himself, by an "inassimilable residue" in the text itself) the meaning that he has already construed as apparently simple during the first moment of deconstructive reading (i.e., "the doubling commentary"); the author will then go on to enquire into the operations which enable derrida to arrive at these self-conflicting significations. The main aim of this essay is to demonstrate that it is not language alone that disables the philosophy of Rousseau and enables the philosophy of derrida. When derrida attempts to support his philosophy through an analysis of Rousseau's theory of language and the alleged contradictions in Rousseau's texts, he misinterprets basic tenets of these texts in order to make them conform to the presuppositions of the deconstructive approach. The "reversal" and "displacement" of metaphysical conceptuality in the text of the Confessions is made possible after the text has had meanings transposed into it from a plurality of other texts. derrida attributes to the text significations he discovers by construing, explicating and over-reading passages that occur elsewhere in Rousseau's total oeuvre (especially in the Essay on the Origin of Languages).
Since 1995,derrida's deconstructive translation thought has always been a hot topic in *** results have been achieved on derrida's translation thought research;but there are still some misunderstandings about his thou...
Since 1995,derrida's deconstructive translation thought has always been a hot topic in *** results have been achieved on derrida's translation thought research;but there are still some misunderstandings about his thought on *** paper intends to employ some words in his works or interview to clarify some misunderstandings about derrida's translation thought.
This paper offers a portrait of C. S. Peirce as a playful thinker but also an account of play as that upon which much turns. He was, after all, a philosopher who in his maturity insisted, "a bit of fun helps thought a...
This paper offers a portrait of C. S. Peirce as a playful thinker but also an account of play as that upon which much turns. He was, after all, a philosopher who in his maturity insisted, "a bit of fun helps thought and tends to keep it pragmatical." In doing so, however, Peirce showed in his youth how evasions of responsibility might, in their own way, often be instances of engagement at once playful and more deeply responsible than any attempt to meet the formal expectations of external authority. For the account of play as pivotal, the author draws upon Cornelius Castoriadis and, to a far greater extent, John Dewey. Moreover, he explores an apparently stark contrast between the Peircean emphasis upon habit and the Derridean celebration of play, showing that the opposition is not as thoroughgoing as it might appear. Interweaving Dewey's insights with Peirce's, the author highlights the power of intense play to melt the rigidity of sedimented habits and, thereby, to generate opportunities for habit-change. This suggests that the capacity to act in an imaginative or creative way both ineluctably draws upon habits but also inevitably modifies, often in a dramatic manner, these habits. If the ultimate logical interpretant of a sign-process is, as Peirce suggests, a habit-change, then play is truly pivotal for seeing one of the most important ways in which such alteration takes place.
This paper reinterprets the relation between Derridian deconstruction and Husserlian phenomenology on the basis of their respective methodological *** to the proposed view,epoche,reduction,and eidetic variation are th...
This paper reinterprets the relation between Derridian deconstruction and Husserlian phenomenology on the basis of their respective methodological *** to the proposed view,epoche,reduction,and eidetic variation are the fundamental methodological principles of Husserlian *** paper interprets derrida's reading of Husserl as presenting a type of semiological reductionism,which is marked by the absorption of the fundamental phenomenological principles within a semiological *** of meaning as a sign that refers to other signs,derrida contends that neither epoche,nor reduction,nor eidetic variation can be carried through successfully;their validity is thereby indefinitely *** paper also addresses the relationship between indication and expression,the Principle of all Principles,the living present,and their alleged deconstruction in derrida's writings.I conclude with some suggestions concerning how,apart from deconstructing phenomenology,one could also phenomenologize *** to my suggestion,this would require problematizing evidence that underlies the central claims and commitments of deconstruction.